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Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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Yeah but now you need to get Great.
And your not even wearing the office clothes for fucks sake, what a disgrace.
Yeah, I know, but is that really relevant? She's not anywhere else, she's part of the Zelda universe and while Agatha is indeed a super kawaii desu character, she ended up not nearly as bad. Also, she has a significantly smaller role, making her behavior far more tolerable.

I just don't like her and I hope the characters existence is limited to Hyrule Warriors.

What if she appears as a cameo in later Zelda titles?


Hey guys, you know what's fun? Treasure hunts.
You know what's not? Doing one in the freezing streets of Paris.
But God was it fun.

Y'all should do treasure hunts.

Also, I see we're making a video game again.
Goddammit, my Bullet Club shirt was delivered to the wrong address and the guy who lives there, shady lookin' motherfucker, claims it wasn't. So now I have to wait for this shit to be corrected! I want my goddamn shirt!
Damn, now that I have a 32 gig SD card in my 3ds, I want to go digital on some of my catalog, but selling my old games is a total pain. I know it's dumb but maaan digital.


You rest safe in the knowledge you can crush the babbies into the dust

Very true, tho only when the time calls for it, most of my anger is reserved for inanimate objects

I'm loud, obnoxious and have anger issues.

So I'm not at all this. But I'm also only 6'1, so I'm barely tall.

You're like a taller babby Pat, I'm only what 6'3

Damn, now that I have a 32 gig SD card in my 3ds, I want to go digital on some of my catalog, but selling my old games is a total pain. I know it's dumb but maaan digital.

I'll be somewhat doing this when I have the N3DS, not loads of games, mostly download only titles, and I'll finally be able to play SMT4


Damn, now that I have a 32 gig SD card in my 3ds, I want to go digital on some of my catalog, but selling my old games is a total pain. I know it's dumb but maaan digital.

Eh, I say keep the physical copies, might as well. If it's not shit you are going to replay you can lend it to someone else. Plus unless you are selling it yourself (Which you probably are) Gamestop gives shit for anything that is not Nintendo First Party.
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