Stats aren't everything, as the other dragon types have learned the hard way.Dragonite is not even the best Dragon pokemonOpinions how do they work?
Long hair though, I need them Rapunzel girlsSpeaking of Sakura, let's discusse girls with short hair. I used to think that long hair is the only way, but I start doubting myself now...
Someone mentioned the Nuzlocke stream I thinkWhat's with all the pokemon hype?
Stats aren't everything.
I wasn't talking about stats.
Compared to the other dragons he seems, too boring
IVs are easy as fuck to manipulate, though. They just need to make them visible, and all of the complaining about them should disappear.Legit, EV's are fine. IV's are the big problem.
You don't have to worry about EV's in Gen 1-2 mostly because all EVs could be maxed out on all stats. As a result just going though the game normally and grinding to level 100 would make you pokemon competitive ready.
Gen 3 and on put a cap on the EVs you could get, limiting you to maxing out only 2. As a result unless you know what kind of Ev's pokemon give before hand, you main game team is useless. Along with things like Personalities and IV's it's far steeper than the earlier gens.
Also, we need a new Stadium game, I don't care if the models are in 3D in the handheld now. I want to seem them with more animations and in HD.
IVs are easy as fuck to manipulate, though. They just need to make them visible, and all of the complaining about them should disappear.
Nothing. It's just that Charizard and especially Blastoise are cooler in my opinion =P.
He's so fucking cool! When I was a child, I was first confronted with pkmn red and thought "wow that dragon looks cool!" and went to the store to buy it. I grabbed pkmn red and was hopping to the register in joy, until I looked to my left and saw this:
I put pkmn red back, grabbed blue and went home.
Breeding is just too tedious. A bit of streamlining and having a way to see IVs would make life a lot easier.IVs are easy as fuck to manipulate, though. They just need to make them visible, and all of the complaining about them should disappear.
I woke up this morning to found out Origa has passed away at 44 because of lung cancer. I mean I'm upset because I'm currently rewatching Stand Alone Complex and I fucking love their openings and the music in general (and the anime). I listened to her other music because of them. Now I'm kind of sad.
I woke up this morning to found out Origa has passed away at 44 because of lung cancer. I mean I'm upset because I'm currently rewatching Stand Alone Complex and I fucking love their openings and the music in general (and the anime). I listened to her other music because of them. Now I'm kind of sad.
Dragonite lore makes them more interesting than a lot of Pokemon.
Dragonite was awesome in rby and the dragon pokemon still remains one of my favorite dragon pokemom of all time. He's still fairly good in competitive play, if that's the only thing you're looking for.
I rotated a lot of Pokemon through my team as I played X
IVs are easy as fuck to manipulate, though. They just need to make them visible, and all of the complaining about them should disappear.
I had to look up what Bagon was. Also, Dragonite was used by the Elite 4 Champ and was one of the very few dragon pokemon in the first gen. He was also pretty good overall and was a goal to work towards for me. I think he's pretty cool regardless of whatever pokemon lore. Salamence is all right.
In the first 3 generations, there aren't any Pokemon I actively hate aside from Chikorita, I like most of them just fine.
It's fiiiine, I'm just talking relative to others in my opinion.
If you don't count Dratini and Dragonair, he's the only Dragon type in Gen 1. The only Dragon type move that existed sucked too(Dragon Rage does a set 40 damage and doesn't get STAB).
Boy was Gen 1 a mess. I love it though.
I am thinking about getting the new Pokémon game, but keep convincing myself I don't need it right now. I have X/Y and the new forms in the Remakes do not seem to be worth 40$. The problem is I can't play against anyone using those games which has never been problem in any of the past generations.
I loved gen 3 but damn I do not want to get ORAS. X/Y kind of ruined Pokemon a little for me by just being the most kid like and ridiculously easy. And the fact they took the best thing out of gen 3, like the BEST THING ADDED TO POKEMON EVERfucking hell I'm salty about not Battle Frontier
the only Canon ship is the one from Malibu comics
And you didn't buy it, right?!
Wait, I wasn't supposed to?
What lore?
I find Salamence way more interesting.Bagon was really hard to find in R/S/E, and his dream of flight comes true when he evolves.
Wait, do I see EVA for 17 Fake Dollars on there?Wait, I wasn't supposed to?
I loved gen 3 but damn I do not want to get ORAS. X/Y kind of ruined Pokemon a little for me by just being the most kid like and ridiculously easy. And the fact they took the best thing out of gen 3, like the BEST THING ADDED TO POKEMON EVERfucking hell I'm salty about not Battle Frontier
Wait, do I see EVA for 17 Fake Dollars on there?
Yeah? Huh. I found Wartortle to be so fucking boring that I forgot it existed before you mentioned it. To me, he's the shitty middle-fase the godly Squirtle had to go through to become King Blastoise.
Fuck the Battle Maison. Just fuck that cheating piece of shit.
I made blastoise better.
Ugh... Can't believe I'm having DSP moments in Wonderful 101.
Pokemon talk? I don't care which gen designs are better than other gen designs, pokemon will always be pokemon regardless of what they are
I will say I thought Luxray in Gen 4 was pretty awesome, I liked mine a whole lot.
I like Bagon/Salamance, I just don't like them as much as Dragonite, from the very beginning of Pokemon, Dragonite and all it's forms has been made out to be a mythical creature that is nigh impossible to find except for the select few, every Dragonite in media outside of the game is roughly about as intelligent as a human with their own personalities and ambitions. In the Pokemon Manga, Lance nukes vermillion city with Dragonair, leaving a massive crater in the center of it.
In the anime there was the Kaiju sized Dragonite that lives in the ocean and sometimes approaches shores, the general Pokemon universe lore about them and how ancient and mysterious they are make them one of the most interesting Pokemon to me, not to mention their absurd power, other Dragon Pokemon are fine but very few of the non legendaries are even remotely nearly as interesting, or I should say "as developed".
That and I have pretty fond memories of my Dragonite in Pokemon silver who had an Adamant nature and a perfect attack IV, with some really good IVs across the board,, he granted the wish of death to other Pokemon.I nicknamed him Shenron
So Dragonite has always been my favorite.
You guys should get all the artwork that Ken Sugimori did. Some of it is really good
Well, after conversion it's about 21 bucks.