Nooooooooo I demand you to fix this! Try the girls dorm!Well nevermind, the internet doesn't work at my dorm even though I gave them my MAC address. Am cry.
Nooooooooo I demand you to fix this! Try the girls dorm!Well nevermind, the internet doesn't work at my dorm even though I gave them my MAC address. Am cry.
I just gave in and read 151 elsewhere. SHE COULDN'T HANDLE WHAT SHE ASKED FORIt's pretty good.
Lame shit, sorry about that. Maybe you can fix it another timeWell nevermind, the internet doesn't work at my dorm even though I gave them my MAC address. Am cry.
What lewd, it's mostly been pokemon for like 3 pagestime to balance out all this lewd with kuroko no basuke
Well nevermind, the internet doesn't work at my dorm even though I gave them my MAC address. Am cry.
Lame shit, sorry about that. Maybe you can fix it another time
What lewd, it's mostly been pokemon for like 3 pages
We can start talking about Pokemon again. I like Pokemon.WE HAVE STARTED TALKING ABOUT PRISON SCHOOL IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME
Well nevermind, the internet doesn't work at my dorm even though I gave them my MAC address. Am cry.
Isn't it great?
I have and I only got to like chapter 10
no we need to talk about hype basketballWe can start talking about Pokemon again. I like Pokemon.
No, keep talking about Prison School. That or arcade games and how awesome they are.We can start talking about Pokemon again. I like Pokemon.
You've changed your avatar to the face of the devil...I wish i could read japanese
It's great
no we need to talk about hype basketball
I sat in the middle of the hallway outside the girls' public shower since that where I had the best connection, but it didn't work.Nooooooooo I demand you to fix this! Try the girls dorm!
Sorry to tease you guys with a match. At least I can still play on campus during the week.Lame shit, sorry about that. Maybe you can fix it another time
If I ever see you in person I'm yelling "OHIOOOOO"Aw geez man that sucks. You're welcome to find a way up here and use my shitty internet if you'd like.
We can start talking about Pokemon again. I like Pokemon.
Who do you want in Pokken Tournament?
Blaziken is really the only one I care about.
No, keep talking about Prison School. That or arcade games and how awesome they are.
You've changed your avatar to the face of the devil...
The Bulls lost last night.
I be a sad.
Also, terrible court spacing.
If they do put a non-fighting type pokemon in and it's apart of the chu family I hope it's Raichu.
Infernape >Blaziken
Also where is my Mr. Mime?
Infernape is super lame tho.
The Bulls lost last night.
I be a sad.
Also, terrible court spacing.
Infernape is super lame tho.
Yeah, Gen 5 was the first gen that I hated all of the starters. Thank God we eventually got Greninja tho, the only good starter since gen 4
Infernape is Gen 4
Your avatar seems to be very excited about something.You don't even know!
Arclight, do yourself a favor and read past chap. 151.
It doesn't matter if you can't read it, your heart will understand
...The whole point of it is that the green haired guy can shoot from anywhere on the court so he only scores three pointers and returns to the end of the court to protect against any run and gun attempts while the rest stay on the other side after the rebound to stop them but Kuroko passes the ball past him to the person who ran to the other side of the court before the green haired gentlemen to dunk it so they don't lose the momentum, since they have to answer every three pointer with even more shots so as to not make the gap wide enough.
Oh, then I mean that they've all sucked since Gen 4.
The court spacing is a thing in that match.
You know it's Pikachu or nothing, right?
Turtwig is cool tho...
It's a lot more hype when watching it. Soundtrack is amazing too....
I sat in the middle of the hallway outside the girls' public shower since that where I had the best connection, but it didn't work.
Sorry to tease you guys with a match. At least I can still play on campus during the week.
If I ever see you in person I'm yelling "OHIOOOOO"
No he's not.
No he's not.
How are you going to know it's me though?
I'll telepathically know because of how we're bonded by these Chee avatars
I think he's cool, also helps we got a awesome Grass/Ground type for once. Actually Gen 4 was probably the last time the Starters were actually decent. Hell the only reason I don't like Infernape is because Blaziken and Lucario kind of make his existence pointless.
I think he's cool, also helps we got a awesome Grass/Ground type for once. Actually Gen 4 was probably the last time the Starters were actually decent. Hell the only reason I don't like Infernape is because Blaziken and Lucario kind of make his existence pointless.
now im addicted to Ridiculous Fishing
Infernape has some uses. Still probably the second best Taunt+Rocks lead in the game. Has supreme mixed stats, coupled with it's uneven speed tier, and has a brilliant movepool.
Yeah, but because of Team Preview Leads are a lot less valuable do to mind games. Though I think he is pretty good, with Iron Fist. I'd probably still opt to use Mega Blazkin/ Speed Boost Blazikin (If they aren't still banned along with Mega Lucario...if he's still not banned)
Yeah Pat is the master of shilling. He got a bunch of people with Persona, Dark Souls, and now Monster Hunternow im addicted to Ridiculous Fishing
Hmm, I actually think it's what makes it unique, a majority of starters always go on two feet on their final evolution. It's nice to break the mold and have a legit actual turtle.
theres a new LP tonight right?
theres a new LP tonight right?
theres a new LP tonight right?