you are worse than hitlerI liked it
you are worse than hitlerI liked it
*With the exception of improved hangman's gambit
*With the exception of improved hangman's gambit
*With the exception of improved hangman's gambit
I liked it
It was already the worst minigame in the first place. I can't imagine it could be any much worse.
It's so much worse.It was already the worst minigame in the first place. I can't imagine it could be any much worse.
Thanks for the advice. I've actually been a bit sick lately so a lot is cut out because it just sounds awful and I wasn't feeling so well. I actually let loose more than usual on an upcoming one I did. It's weird because I'm super quiet unless I'm comfortable in my environment and I'm starting to get used to it.
Oh is it? I don't know spanish
That's why it's bad
Why don't you buy it to find out?
I hope the Game Grumps play it
It's so much worse.
It's worse.
Despite that, I strongly suggest you play DR2 on Hard, for logic and puzzles.
Yeah, I think this may be a parody.
Problem is that I don't give a fuck about what they are parodying, so I really can't give a fuck about this.
*With the exception of improved hangman's gambit
Since I was on the bottom of the page
For me, Danganronpa 2 blows away Danganronpa 1, so you might like it better.
It was already the worst minigame in the first place. I can't imagine it could be any much worse.
Logic Dive isn't anywhere near as offensive as improved hangman's gambit, because it's not annoying to complete.Or logic Dive.
Its not hard, it's just.....stupid as all fuck.
Even if it is, it's done terribly.
Like, what is there to be even parodying? Like.. it seems like they hate each other, but the one girl helped the other for some reason?!?!? Or she's angry because she did something wrong?
It doesn't help that the art isn't great either.
Noted.Don't loose up too much, or else you'll get Aaron level.
Just try to talk about other things when nothing happens in the game.
Finally finished Danganronpa 1. Its was ok. At best it managed to attempt to scratch the itch for the new Zero Escape game I'm dying for.
Maybe, but Chaos still has constant death, murder and human cattle stuff going on as well. I'd agree that Chaos is slightly better, but I'd disagree that there is a super obvious clear option as to which one is worse.
I'm not sure on which one I like better. DR2 made improved a lot of things, but I didn't really like the cast or story as much as DR1.
shy girls are amazing, i dunno why but theyre just so cute and adorable..
The one girl is a bitch. So she acts bitchy. They get into a fight because girls do that sometimes. It's probably supposed to be a play on the typical harem where all the girls get along great while all pining for some one guy.
Get into Goodbye Despair, which I feel helps make DR1 a better game.
Oh ho ho, just you wait. Wait and see.
I came away pretty unhappy back on release, but it's alright. It does a lot really well and a handful of frustrating things wrong, but it's damn enjoyable overall. You Eurofolk probably were more critical, I just had higher hopes since I was coming off just beating Nocturne.I got neutral first time through SMTIV. I'm glad because now I'll never touch the game again.I'm probably a huge dick to the game because I waited so long and it just wasn't amazing
Wow, really? Both the cast and story were way stronger in DR2 for me.
None of the minigames are as bad as hangmans gambit. I felt like the rhythm part wasn't as hard to do in DR2 though. I do also think DR2 is an overall better game. Even if my fave isn't in that one
Oh, ok. I can see how it is trying to do that, but the dialogue is really ruining it. Maybe it's just that one scene that was bad...i doubt it.
DR2's cast was alright, but I found the first cast to be more memorable. Also, DR2's story was a bit too ridiculous for me. Not that the first game's story wasn't ridiculous, but DR2 just took that and turned it up to 11.
Someone's going to gift you this game and the next thing we know is you're headlining AGDQ 2016 with a speedrun of HuniePop
I wonder who it is?
DR2's cast was alright, but I found the first cast to be more memorable. Also, DR2's story was a bit too ridiculous for me. Not that the first game's story wasn't ridiculous, but DR2 just took that and turned it up to 11.
I have no idea what this is from but I want it. (it's 15k yen so im never buying it tho)
Nah you are free to your tastes.
I just think they are badHaving dated a shy girl, it wasn't great. She was not great at communicating was kind of awkward.
That particular scene was chosen to highlight an extreme example of the dialogue. I also think those two particular characters don't like each other. I'm assuming that the rest of the cast could be different, but who knows? I'm sure there's some more crass stuff in there.
I actually backed the project way back, before they went explicit and changed the dialogue, so I'll be playing through.
I have no idea what this is from but I want it. (it's 15k yen so im never buying it tho)
I have no idea what this is from but I want it. (it's 15k yen so im never buying it tho)
Ah I see. All right then. By the way, mind if I ask you guys a question?
Is there something I'm missing? Pat and Woolie have been talking as if Chaos is the waaaaaaaay better option, but they're both pretty fucking terrible choices as far as I can see.
Never has a character just stolen my heart away like Chihiro has
I really enjoyed the story and chars in DR1 as well, and it took me a while to come around to DR2's characters howeverFUCK YOU NAGITO
I am legitimately jelly...You jelly? I think you jelly
I'm only teasing
here edit:nvmIs there an image of the back of the figurine?
Never has a character just stolen my heart away like Chihiro has
I was pretty mixed on the characters, but Chihiro is definitely one of the characters I liked more than most.
I am legitimately jelly...
Yo someone here has to play Huniepop
I am legitimately jelly...
Spoilers for DR1You must've been devestated when he was killed and stolen in his computer form.
I have no idea what this is from but I want it. (it's 15k yen so im never buying it tho)