could someone please explain to me how this lets play channel gets what appears to me tens of thousands of posts/month on here?
no offense intended or anything, i'm just legitimately confused at the sheer volume of posts in the threads
He's talking about why we post so much
could someone please explain to me how this lets play channel gets what appears to me tens of thousands of posts/month on here?
no offense intended or anything, i'm just legitimately confused at the sheer volume of posts in the threads
Duh, we post about the Best Friends*
*Not just anything & everything else. No siree.
Sounds like someone's not ready for the storm that is bestGAF
Especially skLa and Abu.We do post about the Best Friends, because we're all best friends in this thread!
We do post about the Best Friends, because we're all best friends in this thread!
Not feelin that.
Especially skLa and Abu.
We've been called a glorified chatroom and I think that's actually pretty accurate.
Lots and lots of shit posting.
I should play through the Zero and ZX games, I have them on my shelf just waiting to be playedOk I'll post good music now. Sorry 'bout Foot Foot.
Surprisingly my actual favorite MM track of all time,
but the official Tunes version makes it something that I absolutely adore.
I've got a soft spot for this mashup.
Also this one.
Also like 90% of music from Ys games. Because c'mon.
Especially skLa and Abu.
Sounds like someone's not ready for the storm that is bestGAF
All of this Resident Evil love threads on GAF makes me want an RE5/RE:R/RECVX/RE6 LP month.
When's LP of CV:X?
I'd love to hear what Matt thinks ofChris showing up and running shit.
I should play through the Zero and ZX games, I have them on my shelf just waiting to be playedlike a fiddle.
Chris has always been a beefcake badass
Chris has always been a beefcake badass
Leon > Chris
I've always wondered if shit posting meant just being off topic or just actual shit posts like here's a jpeg I found on tumblr. I thought it was funny lol.
It's a secret to everyonecould someone please explain to me how this lets play channel gets what appears to me tens of thousands of posts/month on here?
no offense intended or anything, i'm just legitimately confused at the sheer volume of posts in the threads
All of this Resident Evil love threads on GAF makes me want an RE5/RE:R/RECVX/RE6 LP month.
Please post pics of the poop you took that you are the proudest of, we will judge them by color,consistensy, and size.We don't actually shit post(well sometimes we do) . I just call it that. If you want real shitposts then look at gafshitpost twitter.
Chris has always been a beefcake badass
I shat on RE6 a lot, but after playing it (lol) I admit it's a good game.
Yeah, if it was just mercs then it could easily be one of my favorite games
I shat on RE6 a lot, but after playing it (lol) I admit it's a good game.
It's my stand! DIO-sama paid me good money to destroy the community!
My first Mega Man was Zero 2, it was way too hard for my little mind to comprehend, played ZX and a little of Advent without actually finishig any of them.They're all great, some for more legitimate reasons than others.I love Advent if only because it's the most recent MM game that carries the tradition of hilariously awful English VA work. Also how the ENTIRETY of all cutscenes in the game are fully voiced. On the DS. Shit's nuts.
I played through the first three Zeros, which decreased in difficulty as I went along.
Then Zero 4 obliterated my shoulder buttons and as of this day I've never finished it. Also 4 is super difficult if you want all the good things.
Sweet Baby Jesus, that's good!
Chris is hot but leon is way cooler. I mean do you hear all the awesome one liners he does in 4?
Videogaf is worst on mobile gaf.
Madworld has a pretty good OST too you guys
I really feel cooling knowing all of the words to this song too.