Which one?You almost hand that one combo. I actually started to look nice.
Which one?You almost hand that one combo. I actually started to look nice.
It's probably for the best.
GG guys
it's ok i just did it in your honor
Why is Melty Blood so well animated what the fuck
Which one?
I dunno why but its so hard to get the timing on that one.Where you went into the flame wheel thing and continued the combo off of the that.
Ugh I feel like im getting worse at this game...
The day that happens is the day I leave this thread forever.its all part of the nico nico movement
GGs guys, don't know if it was cheap of me to run out of the room like that Shack, but I really don't have time for too many games tonight.*recorded all wins for posterity*, lol. I'm kinda lame
It's fiiiiiiiinnnnnneeee
That's pretty cool.So.... I did a thing
Well shit Love Live is better than I expected. Really pretty fast paced and with good delivery. It's just like bambambam.
So.... I did a thing
Good boxart
I'm only like 3 episodes in so... -but I like Umi and Maki.Now, who is your rabu raibu waifu?
I'm only like 3 episodes in so... -but I like Umi and Maki.
What's this from? Did you customize it yourself?
Good, Maki da bes rabu raibu. Though Nozomi has definitely climbed up the list.I'm only like 3 episodes in so... -but I like Umi and Maki.
The ultimax story is just 2 big stories that branch off,its long but you only have to go through it once.I now have a burning question: How the fuck do you spend the Persona Bucks in Ultimax? That counter is taunting me...
Also I'd totally just go and do the "story" but I can't do that with Arena left unfulfilled.
Even if the only real big differences between each character are like the very beginning and ending of the routes.
That's pretty sick. Did you do the decal yourself?So.... I did a thing
My boner is so big right now. Just need it actually confirmed and to know what it is so I can explode.
Sorry if I missed this, but....
I hardly am able to follow the thread and this fucking gif is everywhere. Make it stop.This gif is getting USED in this thread
Fuck, my father annoys the shit out of me. I decided to watch Grave of the Fireflies again, and as soon as he sees it, he gives me shit for it being animated, and asks if it is one of my "chinese" cartoons. I politely correct him, and he answers that they're all the same, and starts making random sounds, squinting his eyes, and quoting the prostitute from Full Metal Jacket, for the thousandth time that he has seen me watching anything asian. I really want to kick him in the dick right now.
You got the drunken part right. I can predict that during the night i'll be hearing him saying random shit. Some quotes of his ramblings, and these are exact quotes with the same amount of context, 'Fucking die", "Kill yourself", and "Yo, my nigga bitch". Almost every night. It's fucking maddening.
Oh, great, now my dad is having a screaming match with an ex-friend about getting back 60 dollars. He is currently threatening to get some friends, go over to his house, and beat the shit out of him. He also said if he wanted, the guy could get his wife to give him a blowjob to pay him back. Over 60 dollars. This is going to be a fantastic night.
Yeah, he's drunk, as usual. He's an annoying shit even when sober, but this type of shit happens when he's drunk, which is a lot.
I'll be fine. He'll probably pass out soon.
Sorry to interrupt talking about FNF, but there's something that I want talk about. There's nothing wrong with a guy liking pink, right? I don't think there's anything wrong with it. The reason I ask is because my dad acts like it's so fucking weird that I like pink, and always has to give me some shit when I get something that is pink, even things like construction paper and earbuds.
That's what I thought, and most people I talked to agreed with me. The only person who gives me shit is my dear old dad, who thinks it makes me "girly", and thinks that I should learn to "man up", as he puts it. As if me liking a certain color means that I need to "man up".
That perfectly describes him. Even when he is objectively wrong about something, like how to spell a word or how he thinks all asians are the same, he insists he's right or just dismisses you.
It just double kikoukens being done in succession.What what what..
When the fuck did Chun-li learn how to do this!?
Jesus thats fucking horrible. I had no idea people actually called anime Chinese cartoons, like I thought that was just a joke and no one really said it om purpose.Late, but chronicling this all in one post to say jesus christ man.
When you can, get out of there. No one should have to live with this kind of shit. I've been at that point in my life where I'm just waiting for a person to pass out so I'll feel fine to move around again, and that is one of the worst feelings I've ever had in life. I can't imagine dealing with that on a regular basis. I hope you can stay strong for the few more years you'll be stuck in your home. I hope you can turn to your mom for help or any other family members who aren't terrible.
Sorry if I missed this, but....
So Metal Gear Rising 2 was teased.
Are You sure you shoudlve done that?Yo guys!
I did the thing!
I actually manage to lend the first volume of Prison school to someone I know, and she didn't even seem to be into manga/anime on top of that.
Edit: and I bought prime trilogy
That seems like it'd be a bad idea.Yo guys!
I did the thing!
I actually manage to lend the first volume of Prison school to someone I know, and she didn't even seem to be into manga/anime on top of that.
Edit: and I bought prime trilogy
Yo guys!
I did the thing!
I actually manage to lend the first volume of Prison school to someone I know, and she didn't even seem to be into manga/anime on top of that.
Edit: and I bought prime trilogy
Hey guys. It's been a little while.
So I built a proper PC.
Any Steam Friends out there? Hit me up. The name is YesManKablam.
Are You sure you shoudlve done that?
she might call you a kono hentai.
That seems like it'd be a bad idea.
There's the google doc, speaking of steam, I migh have found a way to buy steam games, yeah!Hey guys. It's been a little while.
So I built a proper PC.
Any Steam Friends out there? Hit me up. The name is YesManKablam.
This could be the best or worst thing ever. Also read Chap 152 and 153 except the site you recommended is a no go for it now. Hana too good.
I heard we had this dumb steam group, but you need an invite from some Poopy Gaming guy or something.
Well, we were talking about watching a movie together and said that 50 shades of grey will out soon. She asked me if I knew what it was, I replied with "That's the porn thing, right?" She said that it isn't porn, just erotic. She asked me if I read it, I answered that I don't read shit, she asked me if I am don't like this kind of stuff. I then pulled the prison school manga out of my bag, and told her to read. Of course she opened it on a really lewd page, which was followed by "YOU read this kind of things?"
You mean is Risa is too good
RISING 2 huh?
Should be interesting, the first one was a really solid game, we'll see if they can pull it off again.