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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial


I honeslty don't know if Ican go back to driving to place to place after having super powers. And I can't go back to super powers after being able to fucking fly with gat out of hell.
Yeah, that would be odd for me as well. But yeah SR4 and Gat out of Hell went to the limit so...idk where it goes from here.
I think three games
for most of em
is more than enough. Sure, it'd suck to see someone like gat go, but I'm fine with it. Besides, I doubt volition would take them out completely anyway. There'd have to be cameos of some kind. Especially for gat.

Man is Gat awesome. Yeah they'd HAVE to do something with him. He's been in all four games, after all.


Me too. I have 4 go to friends, a guy and 3 girls, and then a few auxiliaries. The best is when you and your best friend both get a game on it's release day and you just go over and play your games in one of your basements. Not a lot of talking, just playing some games.

I wish I had friends this close, but I have come to accept that won't happen until I go to univerity or something.

Oh my god this warms my heart

I completly forgot that was a thing!
Which of the following should I focus on?
Rathain set
Gobul set
Barroth set
Armor Skills and your ability to kill the monster easily are the determining factors. When you hit High rank you'll need a new set anyway so it doesn't really matter atm. Focus on weapon upgrades and progressing in the game.


Which of the following should I focus on?
Rathain set
Gobul set
Barroth set

Rathian's always solid(if kinda lame)
But you gotta consider the weapon you're using.
For example, despite its low defense, I use bone armor(at least in low rank) with my hunting horn sets because of the skills it gives.
Also consider what you want to hunt...
My current armor set is full baleful-gigginox based.
And so is my best weapon.
I am fucking sick and tired of killing gigginoxes(though now I'm super good at it).
That can be the worst
Which of the following should I focus on?
Rathain set
Gobul set
Barroth set

Depends on how you are playing. What weapon are you using and what elements?

Armor Skills and your ability to kill the monster easily are the determining factors. When you hit High rank you'll need a new set anyway so it doesn't really matter atm. Focus on weapon upgrades and progressing in the game.

It is useful to get new armour but also focus on weapons.

Rathian's always solid(if kinda lame)
But you gotta consider the weapon you're using.
For example, despite its low defense, I use bone armor(at least in low rank) with my hunting horn sets because of the skills it gives.

I would say plan out how you are going to progress and get the armour that has the skills to accomplish what you want. Armour value is not as important as the skills.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Also finally started nocturne today. Demi-fiend is such a tool on the title screen, just standing there with all those super badass demons behind him.

He wishes we was cool as someone like Yosuke. Now that's a cool guy.
Is that the one featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series?


Also consider partial armor sets. The slagtoth hood and cloak does fucking wonders for your water attack and resistance, allowing you to spend the rest of your armor on a different set and gem in the remaining bonuses
Or if you really don't care, there's always fashion souls...


Always play Fashion Hunter and never consider the stats of your armor




legacy of cane
I wish I had friends this close, but I have come to accept that won't happen until I go to univerity or something.

I completly forgot that was a thing!

I was extremely lucky. I was seriously depressed last winter, and what got me out of that depression is someone suggested I should audition for the musical. I did, got a part, and then I just happened to become friends with these 3 girls. One I had known my whole life but we never really talked, and the other two were just super friendly and cool. More importantly, they watched anime!

They are kind of casuals, as the most the both of them had seen was all of the Ghibli movies, Darker than Black, some stuff on netflix, and Sailor Moon as a kid. But still, they understood my hobby and didn't think it was weird!

Then my guy friend was this scrawny little quiet kid who no one really talked to. He was pretty sad a lot of the time, but he was cool so we hung out. What really bonded us was our love for Melee and how competitive we were. I mained Samus and Dr. Mario and he mained Sheik. I worked up in Wisconsin with him the following summer at an ATV rental shop, that was a great bonding experience. He has since stopped being scrawny and sad because he hit puberty super hard, he started working out (he's an animal, he can squat 240lbs and hes shorter than me and he weighs less), and he got a girlfriend.

My life has really turned around in the last two years. Boy did it suck before that.


legacy of cane
Depends on how you are playing. What weapon are you using and what elements?

It is useful to get new armour but also focus on weapons.

I would say plan out how you are going to progress and get the armour that has the skills to accomplish what you want. Armour value is not as important as the skills.
I'm using the Rugged Great Sword with the full Jaggi set.

I don't know how to use elements. Can you enchant your weapons or something? I just keep upgrading my first great sword.

How do I see the skills a set gives?


Armour in MH is usually better if you wear a matching set. Unlike an MMO where you have bit and pieces of everything hanging off of you.

Yeah the most WoW does with that would be 5 piece tier sets with the set bonuses.

Also you brought back the pregnancy avatar so here

Fast hands


I'm using the Rugged Great Sword with the full Jaggi set.

I don't know how to use elements. Can you enchant your weapons or something? I just keep upgrading my first great sword.

How do I see the skills a set gives?

Some weapons inherently have elements in them. hell some are even dual-element.
You can't enchant, but you can gem in skills.
You should probably stop upgrading that, it does not get very good.
Go on Gamefaqs and look at the weapon trees there.
It's important to plan for later down the line.
Press start and go to status. I don't know the 3ds controls for it, but scroll the left screen over until you see skills, and then one more and there will be a chart explaining what each does.
Jaggi provides a decent attack up, a really good skill, that can be increased with gems.
The weapons will show if the have them. Like fire or ice. When you look at an armour it will tell you a number, whether it be plus or minus in a certain skill. When all your armour and accesories equal at least 10 in a particular stat you will get a skill from that. If the stats go to -10 you will get a penalty.

Edit. Also I like the Barioth Armour.


You wanna have a bunch of different weapons for different elements, as exploiting monster weaknesses makes fights way easier.
Poison is also a good one to have around.
Great swords aren't amazing for elemental damage due to their low attack speed, but dual swords especially can fucking wreck. Same with sword and shield
If you mine in the volcano, sometimes you can find rust shards that become ancient weapons. I got an ancient greatsword(though I run longsword) with great dragon damage, that you might be interested in looking into. The problem is that to upgrade it, I need lots of ElderDragonBlood.
Still, it's super powerful, and dragon is a good element against some of the hardest low and high rank bosses
Just remember that if this seems like a lot to take in is because it is. It took me awhile to get the hang of all that. It is completely worth it once it clicks though.


I was extremely lucky. I was seriously depressed last winter, and what got me out of that depression is someone suggested I should audition for the musical. I did, got a part, and then I just happened to become friends with these 3 girls. One I had known my whole life but we never really talked, and the other two were just super friendly and cool. More importantly, they watched anime!

They are kind of casuals, as the most the both of them had seen was all of the Ghibli movies, Darker than Black, some stuff on netflix, and Sailor Moon as a kid. But still, they understood my hobby and didn't think it was weird!

Then my guy friend was this scrawny little quiet kid who no one really talked to. He was pretty sad a lot of the time, but he was cool so we hung out. What really bonded us was our love for Melee and how competitive we were. I mained Samus and Dr. Mario and he mained Sheik. I worked up in Wisconsin with him the following summer at an ATV rental shop, that was a great bonding experience. He has since stopped being scrawny and sad because he hit puberty super hard, he started working out (he's an animal, he can squat 240lbs and hes shorter than me and he weighs less), and he got a girlfriend.

My life has really turned around in the last two years. Boy did it suck before that.

Happy to see you managing to change things.
I was in a quite bad situation too for tha last few years too. The last few months were significantly better tho, but I kind of feel under pressure now, and have the constant fear that I fuck up or something...
Maybe I should just take Mayas advice and simply "Think positivily"?


legacy of cane
Some weapons inherently have elements in them. hell some are even dual-element.
You can't enchant, but you can gem in skills.
You should probably stop upgrading that, it does not get very good.
Go on Gamefaqs and look at the weapon trees there.
It's important to plan for later down the line.
Press start and go to status. I don't know the 3ds controls for it, but scroll the left screen over until you see skills, and then one more and there will be a chart explaining what each does.
Jaggi provides a decent attack up, a really good skill, that can be increased with gems.

K. I'll forge a new sword soon along with my Rathion set.


legacy of cane
This is weird. Some parts of armor aren't available, like Barroth mail will be available but Rathain mail won't. And Rathian vambraces will be available and Barroth vambraces won't. Why? I need the full set!
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