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Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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He probably pirated it to hide the shame of it showing up on a bank statement

And after digging it up and falling secretly in love with it, he sailed the seven seas in an effort to hide the legendary treasure away from any other pirate or sailor's eyes.

And that everyone, is the true secret behind One Piece.


Shout outs to MillionStabs for covering my first trip to Japan.



See, even GuardianE likes it.
Nobody who argues against DmC thinks it's really a bad game, it's just a disappointment considering a) it was a step back from DMC4 and b) it didn't even achieve what Capcom wanted it to do.

Hell, I bought the game when it came out.
There's a substantial change list. Additional modes, costumes, 60fps, balance changes, manual lock-on, and over 100 move property tweaks. They basically looked all of the complaints that people have listed online and addressed them in some way.

That said, I'd suggest just waiting for DMC4SE.
That's what i'm planning on doing, since I know I already really like and care about DMC4. It was the first character action game i've ever played, and it's what got me into the genre. Besdes, from what i've seen and heard, DmC has major problems besides the gameplay part that can't be fixed. It also helps that DMC4 SE comes out at a time where my wallet isn't bleeding.
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.


I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.
DMC1, unless we count Viewtiful Joe, which I did play first, as I didn't get a PS2 until around the time Jak 3 came out.


Un Rama
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

DMC1 when it first came out on PS2. shit blew my mind.
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

I think DMC4 was my first CAG too. Back then I had no idea how to play the genre so I just mashed attack over and over.
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.
I think Viewtiful Joe was my first character action game. It counts right?
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

I think the first one I played was Metal Gear Rising, then my crack like desire snowballed from there. Unless Okami counts but I didn't play that very long
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

I guess it depends on if you consider the God of War games to be character action or not. Revengeance was my first one if not. I knew of the Devil May Cry series but I never really noticed the genre until I started watching the Best Friends
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.
Metal Gear Rising. I went down the Platinum rabbit hole afterwards and then got the DMC HD collection and now I've played most of em I think.
Fuk, I just remembered that I leant Ground Zeroes to my cousin a few months back. I really wanted to play it. I think he's forgotten he has it. I need to call him up soon.
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.
Ninja Gaiden Black. Wasn't good enough at the time to beat it (and neither did my friends who actually owned it), but I loved the hell out of it.


I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

DMC3. I didn't even have a ps2 when I bought it.


Santa May Claus
I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

Devil May Cry on PS2, shortly after launch.

No one's truly experienced character action until they've played mother fucking Shinobi.

Played and beat Shinobi and Nightshade/Kunoichi. Unlocked all characters. I know I at least S ranked everything in Nightshade.
Man, I need to replay Revengeance. I haven't played it in about a year because I accidentally deleted my save file like an idiot. I had unlocked almost everything and had beaten it multiple times on revengeance difficulty. I had just bought the Gray Fox dlc and was excited to try it out, when I found out I accidentally deleted my save, got really disappointed and shut it off. I haven't played it since.


I'm curious, what's the first character action game you've played? For me, it was DMC4. The reason is because I was too young to appreciate the older games. I loved it, I ended up playing the originals, and now character action is my favorite type of game.

Honestly? MGR:R. I wasn't even aware of the genre until TBFP. (I remember seeing No More Heroes at the library, and thinking it looked weird. Now, I really regret not getting it.)

EDIT: Shit does Okami count? In that case, Okami. Holy shit, was that game good, too!
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