misses bull
I just submitted a turd of a paper
Welp time to play hotline
Welp time to play hotline
Rising is super dumb tho. I don't want it to be canon, but whatever.
He's adament because it IS stupid.
And it's still canon regardless.
Sometimes I'm glad I don't care about metal gear.
Though I'm about to play 3 so that might change fast...
Any tips, btw?
Hurray for submitting crap.I just submitted a turd of a paper
Welp time to play hotline
It's going to get an 80I just submitted a turd of a paper
Welp time to play hotline
YEAH THAT'S A SICK FIGHT HAVE FUNSo seeing as KH2 Final Mix actually has some of its post game content locked behind having a clear game, making the term post game content actually accurate for once, I might as well get this Xemnas fight over with.
Also remeber that last turd I submitted? I got an A on itHurray for submitting crap.
So seeing as KH2 Final Mix actually has some of its post game content locked behind having a clear game, making the term post game content actually accurate for once, I might as well get this Xemnas fight over with.
just use the camo set to write La Li Lu Le Lo on my asscheeks.Naked camo only
Also remeber that last turd I submitted? I got an A on it
Conglaturations.Also remeber that last turd I submitted? I got an A on it
Implying Metal Gear isn't already super dumb.
She just has low standardsDo you write shit essays and everyone still loves them too?
Metal Gear is super dumb, but it's not the same level of dumb that Rising is. Rising is a special kind of dumb, a dumb that out stupids the prexisting dumb universe, somehow.
She just has low standards
Pumped that shit out in like 20 minutes
Metal Gear is super dumb, but it's not the same level of dumb that Rising is. Rising is a special kind of dumb, a dumb that out stupids the prexisting dumb universe, somehow.
Metal Gear is super dumb, but it's not the same level of dumb that Rising is. Rising is a special kind of dumb, a dumb that out stupids the prexisting dumb universe, somehow.
But only Naoto, he never shows interest in anyone else.
If Naoto is the only "boy" Kanji exhibits attraction to, and he exhibits attraction to multiple other females throughout the course of the game, I think it's fair to say he only likes girls, and his like of Naoto is some red string of fate shit where she's The One and he just instinctively knows this despite not having all the facts.
Keep playing the gameOk, serious question.It's not very serious.
Does anyone actually like Junpei? I'm only about 20-odd hours in, admittedly, but he doesn't really seem to have any particularly redeeming features, and he's kind of an asshole.
Metal Gear is super dumb, but it's not the same level of dumb that Rising is. Rising is a special kind of dumb, a dumb that out stupids the prexisting dumb universe, somehow.
Isn't there a shit ton of content locked behind having a complete game. Like almost entirely a new world?
I can't remember ifthat zone in Hallow Bastion is unlocked before or after beating Xemnas.
I'm sorry, but this is not a possible thing.
is unlocked prior to beating Xemnas and can be completed, it's the remainingCavern of RemembranceandReplica Datathat is unlocked, among other things.Lingering Will
Is AG around?
I wanna thank him.
My care package arrived. They're in great condition.
First phase of Xemnas fight done. Two more to go.
Gonna be really honest... DBZ does not hold up at all.
Its one of those things that you try to watch as an adult and it just does not live up to those childhood memories.
For as much dumb bullshit KH2's story has, there's still some legit hype moments.Man I kinda wanna boot up my save just to go through that final sequence now
For everyone who knows, how's Type 0? I'm going to the midnight launch Tuesday, and I actually don't know much about it.
First phase of Xemnas fight done. Two more to go.
Alright, I had a discussion with a friend earlier about wether Rising is canon or not. I think it is, and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be, but he kept insisting it isn't. I think he's full of shit, but what do you think?
If you want to enjoy the story, which is a whole bunch of goofy ass fun, I'd recommend you pick up continuum shift extend on the cheap. It's got the story for the original game included for free, as well as the its own story(which is the full version of the second game story). Then you can jump right in to the craziness that is the ongoing chronophantasma shenanigans and enjoy the updated game mechanics and characters.
Try hating Vic Magnogna for being a terrible voice actor instead of whatever drama i've never heard of
Oh god, I forgot the second phase has you riding in the side car of some dumb hovercraft thingy while Riku drives, holy shit.
For as much dumb bullshit KH2's story has, there's still some legit hype moments.
Just so happens none of it is the Disney stuff.
Oh god, I forgot the second phase has you riding in the side car of some dumb hovercraft thingy while Riku drives, holy shit.
I saw that bit from ChipCheezum's stream years ago, VoidBurger's reaction was fucking priceless.What about whenGoofy "dies" tho.
Sounds great, I can't wait for the midnight launch. I was kinda surprised my gamestop was doing one. I'm not sure why. I wonder if they'll do one for Bloodborne? I'd totally go to that.From what I saw at pax it looks rad as shit.
Didn't get to play it tho, because it was a long demo and I was tired and the people playing were super bad.
Just Go For It!
Oh, the trophies aren't dlc? That's cool.I have problems
I have problems
I have no idea who these people are or where to find that so you'll have to describe that to meI saw that bit from ChipCheezum's stream years ago, VoidBurger's reaction was fucking priceless.
Wow. Nice job. I think?I have problems
Good to hear it, I was starting to get a little worried because I didn't hear anything.
Conglaturations.I have problems
You should probably stop playing Evolve.I have problems
I have no idea who these people are or where to find that so you'll have to describe that to me
Wow. Nice job. I think?