Dude, I'm super fucking far, but Monster Hunter literally owns my 3DS now.I bet Fraudwil didn't even play the Copy of Corey in da House on DS that i sent him.
Dude, I'm super fucking far, but Monster Hunter literally owns my 3DS now.I bet Fraudwil didn't even play the Copy of Corey in da House on DS that i sent him.
Liking these mystery boxes more and more.
Truly a mystery
That's actually really her. You could see people talk about it back when the sad thing happened. She tweets about GAF sometimes.
I feel like Telltale could make a really good The Thing game and build the choice system on paranoia and trust.
Couldn't they have used Harvard referencing to avoid plagiarism?Today in Government class, the whole class had to rewrite an essay on the spot. Apparently, there was some plagiarism. The teacher wants to compare the writing of the actual essay and the rewrite to determine who actually plagiarized stuff.
I was not happy.
(I didn't actually plagiarize anything, by the way.)
Couldn't they have used Harvard referencing to avoid plagiarism?
That's what we were supposed to do. The teacher wanted us to cite our sources. I guess some people just didn't. Maybe they did, but only for some of the sources.
People are dumb. We have peer essay review and some of those papers are like Middle school tier.If college has taught me anything it's that most people never ever fucking learned how to write an essay
If college has taught me anything it's that most people never ever fucking learned how to write an essay
Apparently, that was the biggest problem. From what I understand, some students didn't even have an introduction and a conclusion.
The teacher seemed legitimately pissed at us for it, too. I mean, Government is a senior class. Everyone should know how to write an essay.
That's actually really her. You could see people talk about it back when the sad thing happened. She tweets about GAF sometimes.
It's preeeeetty good.I get a laugh everytime I see Chinner's tag.
It's preeeeetty good.
Screw it, I think I'm going to go watch the mystery box again until this thread gets less dead.
Its my favourite one-off they've done in forever.
I really want them to do more mysterious games like that, but theScrew it, I think I'm going to go watch the mystery box again until this thread gets less dead.
Its my favorite one-off they've done in forever.
I really want them to do more mysterious games like that, but theone was a real treat. The mystery box is the greatest "show" imo.Simpsons
I can't believe he hasn't show up yet for me, in online guild quests.Been playing MHtill 4U. Because it is a good game. Got to Seregios in offline. Fun fight. I still think Seregios is the lamest of the flagship monsters.
Reading the tweet Liam had on Twitter about us, do we really talk about P4 that much?Maybe we should switch it up with more P2
I truly am the Emperor of the Universe.
Reading the tweet Liam had on Twitter about us, do we really talk about P4 that much?Maybe we should switch it up with more P2
I really want them to do more mysterious games like that, but theone was a real treat. The mystery box is the strongest "show" on the channel imo.Simpsons
I'm not even entirely sure what that means in the context of the question, but we talk about the personas all the goddamn time.
I think I'm actually gonna miss ya when you self ban for school work. Good luck.
If your talking about the PSP one, its a really bad port. PSX IS and both versions of EP are still really good and don't have much of the problems as that port.Persona 2 has not aged well.
There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
I think I'm actually gonna miss ya when you self ban for school work. Good luck.
No one plays Persona for the gameplay.Yeah, okay.
Persona 2 has not aged well.
There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
I think I'm actually gonna miss ya when you self ban for school work. Good luck.
If your talking about the PSP one, its a really bad port. PSX IS and both versions of EP are still really good and don't have much of the problems as that port.
I haven't seen any Mitsuru or S.Mitsuru in Ultimax. Odd.There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
S.Junpei is A tier.Someday, Junpei and also Rise.
Someday you will get your time in the sun.
Damn, the buffs the shadow characters got seem like they made them really powerful.There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
I think I'm actually gonna miss ya when you self ban for school work. Good luck.
If your talking about the PSP one, its a really bad port. PSX IS and both versions of EP are still really good and don't have much of the problems as that port.
I have a scrubby Mitsuru, maybe if you fix your damn PS3 you would see her.I haven't seen any Mitsuru or S.Mitsuru in Ultimax. Odd.
S.Junpei is A tier.
I play it for the gameplay....No one plays Persona for the gameplay.That might change with 5
I haven't seen any Mitsuru or S.Mitsuru in Ultimax. Odd.
S.Junpei is A tier.
There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
I haven't seen any Mitsuru or S.Mitsuru in Ultimax. Odd.
I have a scrubby Mitsuru, maybe if you fix your damn PS3 you would see her.
Oh, they buffed her hard enough that it's from zero to hero? Geez.That's because 2.0 isn't out yet.
I remembered next week is spring break so I over reacted again
so I'll probably be gone like 2 weeks from now
I remembered next week is spring break so I over reacted again
so I'll probably be gone like 2 weeks from now
There are some early tierlist for 2.0 if anyone is interested.... I think I'll still play around with Liz...
I think I'm actually gonna miss ya when you self ban for school work. Good luck.
If your talking about the PSP one, its a really bad port. PSX IS and both versions of EP are still really good and don't have much of the problems as that port.
Oh, they buffed her hard enough that it's from zero to hero? Geez.
I'm really excited for The Evil Within After Hours now. This DLC is super good.