Switch that around and you're correct.I'm not sure what that means but I guess I'll find out. And hopefully not get fucked over
So dude is jealous of rule 63 Robert Pattinson making out with Akihiko?
Switch that around and you're correct.I'm not sure what that means but I guess I'll find out. And hopefully not get fucked over
So dude is jealous of rule 63 Robert Pattinson making out with Akihiko?
Do you quick save every time you entire a new room?
Remember, good grades lead to popularity, and popularity leads to intimacy
You don't love Manic Pixie Dream Girls plot lines? They are usually okay, since they lead to a interesting adventure most of the time.
I'm always paranoid with quick saves because they feel like they're only semi-permanent and I'm scared it doesn't. I generally make myself actually save.Do you quick save every time you entire a new room?
Toast tho
I should have studied more
Goddamn, the History of Trunks special is a lot more emotional than it has a right of being. Then again, Dragon Ball always had sudden spikes of emotional writing that makes me think that it could be more serious if it wanted. (Not that I would want it to be considering that those moments work so well because of the light nature of the series.)
That movie freaked me out as a kid. I got my hands on it at a flea market or something and I wasn't ready for the real DragonBall
I'm always paranoid with quick saves because they feel like they're only semi-permanent and I'm scared it doesn't. I generally make myself actually save.
I maxed out my P3 and P4 save slots.
Its lazy writing.
1, Awkward dude is awkward
2. Awkward dude meets quirky girl
3. Bullshit happens and they start dating
4. "Fun Adventures"
5. They break up.
This leads to two possible endings
6a. They get back together
6b. They don't get back together but Awkward dude admits that dating her brought him out of his shell
History of Trunks gets me every time ;_; also shows us the Gohan we deserve instead of lame post cell games gohan.
Finally started Resi Revelations 2 and damn its good.
Toast tho
Nah. Plus, I haven't even heard Bloodborne and it beats this at it's own game.What becomes of us is probably the best piece of music I've heard in a game all year.
Sorry hotline Miami 2
Manic Pixie Dream Guy is better anywayIts lazy writing.
1, Awkward dude is awkward
2. Awkward dude meets quirky girl
3. Bullshit happens and they start dating
4. "Fun Adventures"
5. They break up.
This leads to two possible endings
6a. They get back together
6b. They don't get back together but Awkward dude admits that dating her brought him out of his shell
What becomes of us is probably the best piece of music I've heard in a game all year.
Sorry hotline Miami 2
it's no ffxiv 1.0 ending song, that's for sure.What becomes of us is probably the best piece of music I've heard in a game all year.
Sorry hotline Miami 2
Nah. Plus, I haven't even heard Bloodborne and it beats this at it's own game.
Manic Pixie Dream Guy is better anyway
Nah. Plus, I haven't even heard Bloodborne and it beats this at it's own game.
Manic Pixie Dream Guy is better anyway
P4 and p3 are the only games I have rotated my saves in. I'm too paranoid to lose all that data
Pet this
What becomes of us is probably the best piece of music I've heard in a game all year.
Sorry hotline Miami 2
I basically agree with 360, the best ones are in comedies that don't take itself as seriously, ala Scott Pilgrim (the comic, I haven't seen the movie).Its still kinda of lazy.
The worst is the male character from A Fault in our Stars
I enjoy the big bombastic song of "yeah, you are going to win!" over the soundtrack of getting fucking killed over and over and over again.
I am still buying the CE of BB for that soundtrack and artbook tho...
Not bad, but I already know mine's going to be Sins of the Father the moment a non-trailer version comes out.
Pet this
Fuck you, I will judge a book by its cover.
That will be mine if the Witcher 3 or Shadowrun Hong Kong themes aren't as cool.Not bad, but I already know mine's going to be Sins of the Father the moment a non-trailer version comes out.
too bad he sucks
That will be mine if the Witcher 3 or Shadowrun Hong Kong themes aren't as cool.
Yeah, I am counting games I have played......
Because if I counted Sins of the Father, this would actually be no fucking contest.
That will be mine if the Witcher 3 or Shadowrun Hong Kong themes aren't as cool.
Honestly, all three (four, if you count the GZ intro) trailer songs have been phenomenal. (With Nuclear as the still fairly strong weak link.) But then, why am I surprised that the series that brought us mother fucking Snake Eater has good music?
I bet you'd love a Dota 2 Sims game where you can kill all the heroes you hate in stupid ways.fuck veno
well, that theme from the e3 trailer of witcher was pretty good.
But I won't pick it up till later.
I am on open world rehab right now.
Happy Frienderversary, nerds.
1 whole year of off topic shitposting. They said we would never make it, but we proved them wrong. We dabes.
Happy Frienderversary, nerds.
1 whole year of off topic shitposting. They said we would never make it, but we proved them wrong. We dabes.
Happy Frienderversary, nerds.
1 whole year of off topic shitposting. They said we would never make it, but we proved them wrong. We dabes.
West coast, best coast, bitches!Three more hours until it's properly our anniversary.