any hints on when Petshop is showing up? Is he after Hol Horse and Boingo?
He's before Iced.
(Btw Vanilla Ice is gonna be called Iced in the subs)
(Btw Vanilla Ice is gonna be called Iced in the subs)
any hints on when Petshop is showing up? Is he after Hol Horse and Boingo?
You seem to know your competitive pokemon, how's about tell me what you think of my crappy toxic stall team.Imbalanced. What is the purpose of each Pokemon.
Floatzel is pretty bad without rain, but rain nerfs Blaziken. What is Umbreon doing? Is it a dual screener? Magic Bounce anti-lead? If not, it's useless. Whose your lead? Roles?
Competitive team building is about understanding the roles of every Pokemon on your team, and not wasting a valuable slot.
I'll love to be your Bloodborne buddy. And I'm gonna invade so god damn hard, hoping for a spot in the LP.
I don't even care if I win, if I can draw salt, I'll be the happiest man in all of Montana...
What a scrub. Even at the age of 14 you were a scrub.
AVGNlandingtheplane.gifI think the only way is with the powerglove.
Now someone has to out do bongos.
any hints on when Petshop is showing up? Is he after Hol Horse and Boingo?
I just saw the Konami-Kojima press release about TPP, (it seems kind of silly that we needed a press release to say that this game that's pretty much done being made isn't going to have a last minute director change, but it's nice to get confirmation, I suppose) and it reminded me that Kojima's name isn't on the game anymore.
Fuck Konami.
I hate hashtags, but I kind of want that to become a thing that's trending.
That's good. Now, what's the need for three physical sweepers on the team. I'm assuming that Lucario is running physical, because if it isn't, what's it doing on the team at all?Well I was gonna make him support anyways.
We are the friendliest community on the Neo. We love everyone.Wow you guys are welcoming, it's the first time I've had this treatment on the internet. I feel loved. <3
PSN account right now on PS3 is p4nd4st1c and howdoigetgood.
See you guys in Bloodborne.
Or with a DDR pad.I think the only way is with the powerglove.
You seem to know your competitive pokemon, how's about tell me what you think of my crappy toxic stall team.
-Blissy- SP.DEF tank with toxic
-Aegislash- I'm sure you know what Aegislash does. Also has toxic
-Wobbuffet- I just like him. Normally can take out 1 or 2 pokemons for free if I can predict what kind of move their using. Has encore
-Amoomgus- just an extra sponge with toxic and synthesis
-Mega Mawile- physical sweeper
-Lucario- SP.atk sweeper
I know this ain't a competitive team, it's just used for fun.
Yeah him and Blaziken.That's good. Now, what's the need for three physical sweepers on the team. I'm assuming that Lucario is running physical, because if it isn't, what's it doing on the team at all?
We are the friendliest community on the Neo. We love everyone.
May your hunt be great.Umbasa.
You should post more.Wow you guys are welcoming, it's the first time I've had this treatment on the internet. I feel loved. <3
PSN account right now on PS3 is p4nd4st1c and howdoigetgood.
See you guys in Bloodborne.
You seem to know your competitive pokemon, how's about tell me what you think of my crappy toxic stall team.
-Blissy- SP.DEF tank with toxic
-Aegislash- I'm sure you know what Aegislash does. Also has toxic
-Wobbuffet- I just like him. Normally can take out 1 or 2 pokemons for free if I can predict what kind of move their using. Has encore
-Amoomgus- just an extra sponge with toxic and synthesis
-Mega Mawile- physical sweeper
-Lucario- SP.atk sweeper
I know this ain't a competitive team, it's just used for fun.
If there is one thing that can be said of us it is that we are weird. Also we are the nicest community on the siteWow you guys are welcoming, it's the first time I've had this treatment on the internet. I feel loved. <3
PSN account right now on PS3 is p4nd4st1c and howdoigetgood.
See you guys in Bloodborne.
He's before Iced.
(Btw Vanilla Ice is gonna be called Iced in the subs)
Got it. ThanksDDR dance pad lets do it
Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
Any fire/fighting type with decent speed (think Infernape) would destroy 5/6 of your team. If you ran a team like that you'd have to keep Wobbuffet alive as long as you can.
When will Iggy be useful?
I would've said you shouldn't answer his question.jojo spoilers
the fight after hol horse and boingo is a solo iggy fight.
You seem to know your competitive pokemon, how's about tell me what you think of my crappy toxic stall team.
-Blissy- SP.DEF tank with toxic
-Aegislash- I'm sure you know what Aegislash does. Also has toxic
-Wobbuffet- I just like him. Normally can take out 1 or 2 pokemons for free if I can predict what kind of move their using. Has encore
-Amoomgus- just an extra sponge with toxic and synthesis
-Mega Mawile- physical sweeper
-Lucario- SP.atk sweeper
I know this ain't a competitive team, it's just used for fun.
I would've said you shouldn't answer his question.
I know, it's not like you did anything wrong, but mannnnnnn the surprise is half the fun.well thats why i put spoilers, if he wants to know he can look if he doesnt then he shouldnt.
I know, it's not like you did anything wrong, but mannnnnnn the surprise is half the fun.
Any fire/fighting type with decent speed (think Infernape) would destroy 5/6 of your team. If you ran a team like that you'd have to keep Wobbuffet alive as long as you can.
I have a problem debating whether or not I should bring out wobbuffet early in the match. If it's a pokemon that can use both special and physical attacks then I would have a 50/50 guess to see if I get the correct one. So basically I try to see as many of my opponents pokemons and moves before I throw him out. But by then the damage had already been done.Actually San, I noticed you biggest problem is that you think very one turn at a time. You actually could have switched in you Wobbuffet right after my Toxicrok KOd your pokemon and it would have been a free kill. But you decided to switch in other pokemon. Losing valuable team members that could have countered some of my later pokemon.
Hehe yea. 360 pages wiped out above 4 of my pokemons with a single flygon with earthquake.Any fire/fighting type with decent speed (think Infernape) would destroy 5/6 of your team. If you ran a team like that you'd have to keep Wobbuffet alive as long as you can.
Do better thoStygian Zinogre is such a fucker. God dammit.
I have a problem debating whether or not I should bring out wobbuffet early in the match. If it's a pole on that can use both special and physical attacks then I would have a 50/50 guess to see if I get the correct one. So basically I try to see as many of my opponents pokemons and moves before I throw him out. But by then the damage had already been done.
I have a problem debating whether or not I should bring out wobbuffet early in the match. If it's a pole on that can use both special and physical attacks then I would have a 50/50 guess to see if I get the correct one. So basically I try to see as many of my opponents pokemons and moves before I throw him out. But by then the damage had already been done.
Hehe yea. 360 pages wiped out above 4 of my pokemons with a single flygon with earthquake.
Also I lost about 3-4 hours of progress in etrian odyssey, stupid plants making everyone fall asleep while getting beat on by the other monsters.
Which part of the game told you to get a grip? Cause I don't remember
I have a bad habit of thinking wobbuffet can't take more than 2 or 3 hits With most pokemon so I tend to think he'll die straight after I use encore. I should really stop thinking like that.That's what encore is for. Taking the guess work out of the equation.
Never faced a toxicroak before so I wouldn't know, though I should of seen it with the swords dance.You also sometimes need to make a prediction. Toxicroak is rarely ever mixed. I already had used swords dance making it even more likely I was pure physical.
It's probably a joke.So... I was just going through the thread cuz I couldn't really read it while posting the hunger games stuff...
But did Oberon actually ignore me because I didn't put him on the thing?
Its nothing personal dude, I just took people on the thread who were on the night I said I was going to do the thing.
So... I was just going through the thread cuz I couldn't really read it while posting the hunger games stuff...
But did Oberon actually ignore me because I didn't put him on the thing?
Its nothing personal dude, I just took people on the thread who were on the night I said I was going to do the thing.
It's probably a joke.
I am actually really mad.I am thinking about putting him on my ignore list so I don't have to see this thing againYes, I am a bit of a Drama Queen
It's fine.Didn't sound like it
Just put EVERYOOOOONE..Fuck it.
I'll raise the roster to 36 next time.
Might as well include a prize or something. Someone should get something for you guys putting up with my death game bullshit
Super susceptible toFuck. Intrepid. Knight.
Super susceptible toattacks. I think he uses Wind and Light attacks so definitely cover Light weakness on your protag.Charm
Also everyone gets beat up there.
It's fine.
So... I was just going through the thread cuz I couldn't really read it while posting the hunger games stuff...
But did Oberon actually ignore me because I didn't put him on the thing?
Its nothing personal dude, I just took people on the thread who were on the night I said I was going to do the thing.
korra guy that isn't jman does it when people disagree with him
as a joke though
He's one of the more infamous fights, gotta make yourself a good Personer.I may have to go back and work on my Personas. The ones I have now don't seem very good for this fight.
Alfebit jokingly posts "ignore whoever"you talking about alf?
I'd go to post count/shame car and just add everyone you know there.How do I see everyone in this thread?
Cuz I will actually do it.
And will probably give the winner a PSN/Nintendo/XBLA/Steam card