I would have snapped in that situation
I was think of trying to do that with my mother since we usually have a couple of shows that we watch but at the moment we are only watching Better Call Saul. I've heard many times that it is a show for people who don't like anime, should I give it a try?
Australia. Which is basically the same thing if you ask Sony.![]()
GG's zed, your deoxy just didn't have enough defense to withstand that attack
Which part of the game told you to get a grip? Cause I don't remember
Which part of the game told you to get a grip? Cause I don't remember
It's just a drama show, basically.
Oh, absolutely. If your mom can follow things it'll be a great watch.
The drug trip level
I told you earthquake was one of my major weakness with this team, same with steel. And you have both.San...what are you doing?
I told you earthquake was one of my major weakness with this team, same with steel. And you have both.
It disconnected again, I'm going to try get another pokemon
I still need to play Hotline Miami 2
I still need to play Hotline Miami 2
are like the D-Generation X of JoJo villains.Hol Horse and Oingo Boingo
Goddammit I wish I didn't click that spoiler because those are my favorite characters and now I'm super hype.
GJ aaron.Goddammit I wish I didn't click that spoiler because those are my favorite characters and now I'm super hype.
Did you not see todays episode? Or rather todays next time on jojo?
Did you not see todays episode? Or rather todays next time on jojo?
When is?Vanilla Ice
GGs, my kamikaze charizard x didn't work as I expected. Your toxicroak using swords dance sealed the deal in that match.Good Game San!
question what do you guys think of the team blaziken, Lucario, Mega-gardevoir, Garchomp, Umbreon, and floatzel?
GGs, my kamikaze charizard x didn't work as I expected. Your toxicroak using swords dance sealed the deal in that match.
Imbalanced. What is the purpose of each Pokemon.
Floatzel is pretty bad without rain, but rain nerfs Blaziken. What is Umbreon doing? Is it a dual screener? Magic Bounce anti-lead? If not, it's useless. Whose your lead? Roles?
Competitive team building is about understanding the roles of every Pokemon on your team, and not wasting a valuable slot.
clap to lock on is awesome.I'm a couple weeks behind on JoJo since I watch it with a friend and he's been busy.
Unrelated: Did you fuckers see that guy beat Dark Souls with Donkey Konga Bongos?
Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
Welcome to the thread! You should post here more tho. Just talk about anything and we will try to respond. Remember your here forever. Don't be afraid to postLurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
But how do I know what each pokemon should be doing?
Imbalanced. What is the purpose of each Pokemon.
Floatzel is pretty bad without rain, but rain nerfs Blaziken. What is Umbreon doing? Is it a dual screener? Magic Bounce anti-lead? If not, it's useless. Whose your lead? Roles?
Competitive team building is about understanding the roles of every Pokemon on your team, and not wasting a valuable slot.
When is?Vanilla Ice
I just saw the Konami-Kojima press release about TPP, (it seems kind of silly that we needed a press release to say that this game that's pretty much done being made isn't going to have a last minute director change, but it's nice to get confirmation, I suppose) and it reminded me that Kojima's name isn't on the game anymore.
Fuck Konami.
I hate hashtags, but I kind of want that to become a thing that's trending.
Yo, welcome. I'm totally unaware of how Bloodborne PvP works cause I'm cold turkey on information till it comes out, but go ahead and add me on PSN if you want. Same as my GAF name.Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
Movelists and stat allocation.
For Umbreon, lets be honest, it's stats are pitiful offensively, so you have to focus on support. Luckily, Umbreon gets fantastic support options like Wish, Light Screen, Reflect, and Baton Pass. So logically, the only way you are getting anything out of Umbreon is to is to run support.
Now, you can try and get people with an offensive Umbreon, but 65/60 offenses, with a pitiful STAB is set up bait.
I hope we can still do gimmick builds like in Souls. I need to be the dumbest, most impractical thing possible.I'll love to be your Bloodborne buddy. And I'm gonna invade so god damn hard, hoping for a spot in the LP.
I don't even care if I win, if I can draw salt, I'll be the happiest man in all of Montana...
Hello lurker. Post more, it's fun.Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
What a scrub. Even at the age of 14 you were a scrub.None of us are in the loop anyway.
And sure! PSN is xarab4lyfex (I MADE IT WHEN I WAS 14 PG) so add me!
Now someone has to out do bongos.I'm a couple weeks behind on JoJo since I watch it with a friend and he's been busy.
Unrelated: Did you fuckers see that guy beat Dark Souls with Donkey Konga Bongos?
Don't worry, I don't think any of us know what actually goes on in here. You can add me, my PSN is TC300278Lurker Post,
I don't post a lot here (cause I'm out of the loop) but since Bloodborne's coming out in a couple of days, I'm wondering if anyone here wants to be Bloodborne buddies.
Just an Idea, I'd love to PVP Pat, Woolie, and a lot of zaibatsu here when the game drops.
#fuckhashtagsSecond to last guy. We'll probably see him around episode 41 or so.
Now someone has to out do bongos.