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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Enough to make a bet on it?

Too soon ;_;

As much as I kind of want to as well, I kind of have the same opinion as Gerstmann in that it's long past, and anyone that really wanted it would have already jumped through all the hoops to play it by now.

And since I clearly didn't do any of that, I don't have much drive to care these days.

It is a good way to put it. If I really wanted to play it I would've jumped through those hoops as well.

Its equally Sega's fault for just not saying shit about it. Either say its coming or just tell people its not. Constantly stringing them along with delay's isn't doing anyone favors.
Regardless of the situation, I still want the bet between Pat and Liam to continue escalating as long as possible to the point one or the other has to pay absurd amounts of money as a result.
I was talking about a $20 friendly bet just like the best friends!
kinda not really.

I'm too poor for that anyway.

It's a very good looking game. Sadly I don't think it's a realistic possibility we'll ever see it.

Its a shame too. It looks really great and if it got localized I'd probably drop FFXIV for it just because I like how it looks and plays more (and no subscription), but you look at who's exactly in charge of it and all hope just dies.
I'm too poor for that anyway.

Its a shame too. It looks really great and if it got localized I'd probably drop FFXIV for it just because I like how it looks and plays more (and no subscription), but you look at who's exactly in charge of it and all hope just dies.

I did play it around launch but they've since IP locked us out. Such a shame cause I'm sure if it did come out over here Liam and Pat would love it. Pat especially because it's just Monster Hunter in space.

On the topic of FFXIV though, that 2.55 story patch today holy fucking shit.
I did play it around launch but they've since IP locked us out. Such a shame cause I'm sure if it did come out over here Liam and Pat would love it. Pat especially because it's just Monster Hunter in space.
Ugh, don't remind me that a lot of Japanese scifi RPGs are literally fantasy RPGs w/ some scifi trappings on top of them (Xenogears is a pretty good example of this).
I did play it around launch but they've since IP locked us out. Such a shame cause I'm sure if it did come out over here Liam and Pat would love it. Pat especially because it's just Monster Hunter in space.

On the topic of FFXIV though, that 2.55 story patch today holy fucking shit.

I can't wait to get back to this. That heavensward can't come soon enough.

Ugh, don't remind me that a lot of Japanese scifi RPGs are literally fantasy RPGs w/ some scifi trappings on top of them (Xenogears is a pretty good example of this).

Xenogears is a terrible example of this. Xenogears invokes many references to Christian religion, even pointing to examples of Christ existing within its universe and the game takes place on Earth. And a lot of its "fantasy" elements is explained with theories not pertaining to something like magic but have more to do with heat and energy.

Xenoblade is a much better example of a fantasy with sci-fi slapped on it.
4 minutes in and Pat has already shit on Dark Souls 2 twice. This LP is already everything I wanted it to be.

Because man fuck Dark Souls 2. Its a pretty good game but its fucking garbage.


Un Rama
Massive shout out to Ants for PM'ing me about what was said early in the thread. Sometimes this thread moves so fast I usually just skip to the newest page as I don't think I'd miss anything. That seems like something important to miss out on. It has seemed like a long time coming so it isn't that much of a surprise. I've always thought this thread can be a tad impenetrable at times and hard to force conversations about SBFP stuff when everyone is being tangential (which I am guilty of myself) but I'd be glad to see the back of all the lewd shit that has clogged these OT's since the start.

Still, shame people would abandon gaf over this. Nice little community page we've got here.

I'm going to probably hold off on watching a few BB videos just so I can watch them in chunks. 30 minute slices just isn't enough for me. Podcast was good stuff, I stopped listening at the wrestling stuff as that's not really my thing.
also Gintama returns next week
as does my Asus i had fixed
then onto playing FM3, Xenogears, and Parasite Eve(including the crysler building) back to back

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Since it hasn't been quoted in a while and I think there's still some people who haven't caught up with recent events yet:


To those who haven't been up to date on what has happened in the past day or so, we've been told by the mods and admins and even EviLore himself that our behavior is unacceptable.
We've been ignoring the rules of this forum for far too long and if we want to keep this super best friends related thread alive, we have to make some radical and quick changes around here.
If you don't want to get yourself and others banned and don't want this tread to get shut down immediately, read these general guidelines:

- Keep conversations SBF related and refrain from making posts with little to no content. So no more "good morning" posts or discussions about random subjects.
- It is true that the best friends don't just talk about games, but also about anime, movies, shows and even sleazy stuff in both their vids and podcasts. A good rule would be that you are allowed to talk about that stuff under two conditions: If the discussion starts to steer too far away from the best friends' comment on it, stop the discussion and find a different means of communication and DO NOT POST BORDERLINE NSFW STUFF.
- Speaking of NSFW, no more lewd anime images, no more waifu wars, no more discussions about asses and boobs, no more random conversations about hentai, no more anything like that.
- If you want to post something, but are not sure about whether it's a good idea, it's best to not take that risk. We're walking on extremely thin ice here.
- Visit the rest of GAF if you don't already. Don't just stick to this thread. If you have a gaming question, go to the OT for that game. If you have a question you can't get answered, try making a new thread. Basically, actually make use of the rest of GAF.
- Be responsible. You are not only responsible for yourself, but for the rest of the frienders as well. We either fix this now or we're done.

Evilore, the mods and the admins have been kind enough to not immediately shut the entire thread down and not immediately cut off the community of good friends we've built over the past year.
We all love the best friends and I'm sure we'd all like to keep talking about the fantastic content (usually ;D) they provide us and this is the main place to do so on GAF.
That being said, I'm sure many of us would like to talk about random stuff with each other as well. For those, right now there's the steam group and we're looking into other alternatives. Don't post that stuff here anymore.

It might be a good idea to quote this for the next page or two for those who haven't woken up or don't know about this yet. Don't quote this on the same page as that's unnecessary.
So yeah, for now, stay safe and let us hope the fanbase of the best friends grows and this place can actually become a place where people can come to talk about the best friends without getting scared away.

tl;dr or if you're Woolie and have trouble reading
Limit the talk to super best friends related conversations, no more lewd or random posts and use the rest of the forum for your questions and whatnot.
Finally finished the podcast. After having like 2 naps while listening to it. Does anyone have a source for that outro? This is greater than I thought it would be.

I feel like Matthew is really British. Like I'm British. But damn is he really British. I kinda just zoned out during the interview part. Rustling isn't my jam. I'd probably enjoy it because of how dumb it all sounds.
Finally finished the podcast. After having like 2 naps while listening to it. Does anyone have a source for that outro? This is greater than I thought it would be.

I feel like Matthew is really British. Like I'm British. But damn is he really British. I kinda just zoned out during the interview part. Rustling isn't my jam. I'd probably enjoy it because of how dumb it all sounds.

The outro song
Finally finished the podcast. After having like 2 naps while listening to it. Does anyone have a source for that outro? This is greater than I thought it would be.

I feel like Matthew is really British. Like I'm British. But damn is he really British. I kinda just zoned out during the interview part. Rustling isn't my jam. I'd probably enjoy it because of how dumb it all sounds.
Podcast outro

You come back to GAF and you're immediately 2slow.
4 minutes in and Pat has already shit on Dark Souls 2 twice. This LP is already everything I wanted it to be.

Because man fuck Dark Souls 2. Its a pretty good game but its fucking garbage.
I feel bad for people on the other side of the argument, that shit's gotta be frustrating and Pat constantly referencing Miyazaki's involvement is kinda a poor excuse for saying why it's better, but it's sorta cathartic to hear all my thoughts on Bloodborne mirrored by Pat.

Because honestly, that is how I feel too.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I kinda like how in all the discussions of where the community was going to go after the mods dropped the hammer, the SBF Reddit was never once brought up. That's been a thing longer than this thread has. :lol
I feel bad for people on the other side of the argument, that shit's gotta be frustrating and Pat constantly referencing Miyazaki's involvement is kinda a poor excuse for saying why it's better, but it's sorta cathartic to hear all my thoughts on Bloodborne mirrored by Pat.

Because honestly, that is how I feel too.

I wish I could be on the other side of the argument and I'm sure Pat does too. I'm sure he wanted to enjoy DS2 as much as he did the other games and while he likes it its nowhere near the game he wanted it to be.

I kinda like how in all the discussions of where the community was going to go after the mods dropped the hammer, the SBF Reddit was never once brought up. That's been a thing longer than this thread has. :lol

I hear some nerd called mike0dude runs it so its probably lame

I wish I could be on the other side of the argument and I'm sure Pat does too. I'm sure he wanted to enjoy DS2 as much as he did the other games and while he likes it its nowhere near the game he wanted it to be.
If I hadn't come to that conclusion on my own, playing DkS2 on its Console launch with a friend and then getting into the PC launch, and then heard the same thought mirrored by Matthewmatosis, it kinda sealed it.

I hope he doesn't dwell on it tooooo much though. The DkS2 LP became a broken record sometimes, though it's hard to blame them when they're playing that same game.
If I hadn't come to that conclusion on my own, playing DkS2 on its Console launch with a friend and then getting into the PC launch, and then heard the same thought mirrored by Matthewmatosis, it kinda sealed it.

I hope he doesn't dwell on it tooooo much though. The DkS2 LP became a broken record sometimes, though it's hard to blame them when they're playing that same game.

It could go on to be a broken record, but I'm fine with it for now. Remember that Woolie has only ever played Dark Souls 2, so Pat has to explain the differences that were seen in DS2 vs traditional Miyazaki games like with the shortcuts. I doubt the comparisons will go on for too long.
I wish I could be on the other side of the argument and I'm sure Pat does too. I'm sure he wanted to enjoy DS2 as much as he did the other games and while he likes it its nowhere near the game he wanted it to be.

I don't know. I love DS2, and while there are problems, every Souls games has problems, and whenever someone says something in comparison to the other games, it does things worst, I'm reminded why I don't compare games.
It could go on to be a broken record, but I'm fine with it for now. Remember that Woolie has only ever played Dark Souls 2, so Pat has to explain the differences that were seen in DS2 vs traditional Miyazaki games like with the shortcuts. I doubt the comparisons will go on for too long.
I think even terms like "Miyazaki games" is a bit touchy, but whatever, I hope we can just focus on the positives of Bloodborne without comparing it constantly, even if it's hard not to, with the similarities.
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