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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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How are Woolie and Pat doing in the Bloodborne LP? I'm abstaining from watching it as I don't have the game.
Passing the controller off every time one of them dies. And in similar fashion to the Dark Souls 2 playthrough, they get some shit wrong and/or are oblivious to certain things.

But so far, it's pretty golden.
Man, I never wanted to play a game from a console I don't have this hard.

Isn't the gun just limited parries?

Its decent for quick long range damage if your bloodtinge (basically your gun stat and the stat some weapons use) is up and you've actually upgraded the pistol. But yeah, parry's. And considering you can parry bosses and its one of the few ways to actually beat them without banging your head against a wall, its kind of important. I'm sure they'll get it though.
Suplex City bitch.

4 F5's to Pat before Liam cashes in to steal the controller.


Just pretend its a ps4 controller instead.

Then Liam peels back his face and it was Zach. Matt's in the background going 'Oh sonuvabitch!' Zach meanwhile is yelling 'It was me Madden, it was me all along Madden!'


All 4 of them were surprisingly cynical over Zelda Wii-U this podcast.
I expected more when listening to the podcast after reading this. It was mostly just Pat being the usual and everyone else said he was crazy when he thought it would be a Twilight Princess situation. The thing about them all thinking it wouldn't make 2015?
I mean, a lot of cynical stuff ends up being pretty true half the time. I wasn't surprised very much either when they said it'd get pushed back.
Wasn't Matt busy or something? I assume they needed to build up some content backlog.
Well, they already finished the game before Matt went to Florida. I think the only problem was they needed to get the good ending again since Matt fucked up.
Liam just said on twitter they're doing the Nintendo Direct.
Isn't the gun just limited parries?
It is, but also it's dicey since you're wasting a resource to learn where those parry points are. Can be really annoying against bosses when you're just firing against every different attack to see if it can be parried or not. Or maybe I just suck.

Also I was actually siding with Pat when he said that smart phone games would probably be heavily restricted in the coming years. At least treated like the gambling shit it is probably. Why else would you have these new things where iTunes and weird european countries are saying no, you can't say this is F2P. This is a lie. It might just stay the same or become even more average like Woolie said, but I'm leaning towards it becoming more out in the open so parents know not to just hand their kid a smartphone and say go to town.

And my god the subreddit layout for April Fools is so fucking good. I want it forever.

I kept tuning out during the Maffew bit this week, but I'll be sure to listen to it more intently tomorrow. From what I listened to it went really well.

Also god damn, the outro picked for this week was real good. I felt cool since I assumed it was probably from Triple Q or BotanicSage and I was right.


Watched the first episode of the Pat & Woolie BB playthrough, and well I finally learned how to use gestures. I forgot the ps4 controller had a touchpad.


Does the recent news mean that Liam will finally join us?
Probably not though. That ship sailed around 12 ots ago.
And we're still technically the same people who creeped out liam before, even if we're more restrained now. I doubt he'll just jump on in now.
So now that we're actually best friends gaf, I know we're all best friends all the time, but are we still good to post instasync links here(or at least mention let's watches), or do we need to use other sources for that?


Watched the first episode of the Pat & Woolie BB playthrough, and well I finally learned how to use gestures. I forgot the ps4 controller had a touchpad.
If it makes you feel any better I played for 20 hours and didn't understand what the Personal Effects touchpad button was actually for until they talked about it in the first episode. For some reason I thought it was a quick option for dropping items like the things people do when they coop/invade. I don't know why I thought this. Now I find it incredibly useful for constant needed shit like the Monocle, Notebook, Lamp, or whatever.
So now that we're actually best friends gaf, I know we're all best friends all the time, but are we still good to post instasync links here(or at least mention let's watches), or do we need to use other sources for that?
I'd keep that shit to IRC, Steam Chat, or whatever. It's not best friends related and just shit we're doing so no.
Does the recent news mean that Liam will finally join us?

Still no.

Also no one probably cares, but Matt recommended a movie called "The Babadook" a while back. It seems it's coming to netflix this month. I found this out randomly when searching around about it a second ago. I thought he said it was already on netflix at the time, but eh, it is going to be now for sure at least.

AlsoAlso their recommendation for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt wasn't wrong. 2 episodes in and it's pretty good.


If it makes you feel any better I played for 20 hours and didn't understand what the Personal Effects touchpad button was actually for. For some reason I thought it was a quick option for dropping items like the things people do when they coop/invade. I don't know why I thought this. Now I find it incredibly useful for constant needed shit like the Monocle, Notebook, Lamp, or whatever.

I'd keep that shit to IRC, Steam Chat, or whatever. It's not best friends related and just shit we're doing so no.

Still no.

Also no one probably cares, but Matt recommended a movie called "The Babadook" a while back. It seems it's coming to netflix this month. I found this out randomly when searching around about it a second ago. I thought he said it was already on netflix at the time, but eh, it is going to be now for sure at least.

AlsoAlso their recommendation for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt wasn't wrong. 2 episodes in and it's pretty good.
Yeah okay.
I'm still going to be sad we're losing our tournaments here and all that, but those barely happened anyways.

On a related note, Matt also strongly recommended It Follows recently on his twitter.
I wound up going to see it after he did and it was goddamn amazing. Everyone should go see that.
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