Yeah, but he can always say the name of Pat or Woolie's girlfriend. And then when that jig is up, he can say the name of his girlfriend. And then when that's up he can reveal the true identities of the dork girls.
He has all the bargaining chips to make whoever edits and uploads the let's watches do more work than they would normally have to.
I just came to the realization that, they were trying to hide the name of their loved ones, and not just not caring to mention their names, during the show because its not important to the content.
I mean if I was in that position, ( Internet Celebrity) I would do the same. Seeing some of the spiteful things that internet people do because of a perceived slight, would definitely make me fearful of them.
I mean, it wasn't too long ago that Matt's fiancé was being harassed because of that misunderstanding in the biofreaks episode.
I always thought it wouldn't happen to these guys, but I guess there's a dark side to all fandoms.