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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Best Friends are right. We need Wonder Red to win the vote.

We could get a Wonder Red Amiibo out of this!
Finally got around to watching the trailer. It seems more like its own thing while taking elements from FE and SMT. Not really much of a crossover in the terms that a lot of people were thinking it'd be, but can you blame them when they showed SMT and FE characters in their original promotion?

We still know literally next to nothing about this game so I won't go deep into it.

so what's the count on Pat shit talking DS2 in Bloodborne playthrough: I think so far it's 3 times?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

He did it twice in the first episode. Don't think he said anything in ep 2 and I haven't seen ep 3 yet. But its probably gonna be a decent amount.
Guess that makes sense.
Matt- probably doesn't care as much but will get some kind of response from the scantily dressed characters.
Woolie- not too sure, feels like he's gonna try to figure out if this is SMT x FE.
Pat- just as confused but will try to search for any smt demons throughout the trailer.
Liam- probably the first one to realise it's SMT x FE due to one of the characters looking like marth at the beginning and the pegasus knight design. (Purely judging on Liam's knowledge in Fire emblem).
And in the end they they stumble their words figuring out what they just watched.
That's my crazy theory of how they're gonna react to this trailer.

Edit: Their stumbling is cut short due to fatal frame.
They also just freak out about it while ignoring everything about what's after ff


Is there a chance we might see Liam play Axiom Verge?
I'd like to Liam and someone look at it. I'm glad it's doing well review wise, but if I see them doing a quick look then it might push me over the edge.
Glad they are already trying this idea out. Not much for me in April honestly, but eh.
Agreed. If they can enjoy something like KLK regardless of its art, then I don't see how they can't get through HxH

This feels unfair as hell. KLK has a lot of style with its art and is only 24 episodes. It does way more in 24 episodes than HXH does at all in its first 24. I completely understand why Woolie would be turned off. I still think he should of pushed through to get to the good shit, but I understand why he didn't. I don't think it picks up completely until Yorknew which is episode 38 or something.

Also already submitted my vote for Wonder Red and Bayo before I saw the tweets. Wonder Red Let's Go.


Agreed. If they can enjoy something like KLK regardless of its art, then I don't see how they can't get through HxH

I don't think that's how that works, I don't care for TTGL and KLK but they have a particularly "cartoony" anime style for a reason which does look pretty cool at times.

HxH is old and so it's style is all over the place and sometimes not very appealing.
That being said, Pat just needs to stop being a baby, I didn't watch HxH for years and probably never would have watched it if Beloved wasn't a fan of it, I still can't stand it's style at times but a lot of cool stuff makes up for that.

HxH is the kind of thing where you just need to power through the way it looks until you adapt, not everyone has time for that.


I'd like to Liam and someone look at it. I'm glad it's doing well review wise, but if I see them doing a quick look then it might push me over the edge.

Glad they are already trying this idea out. Not much for me in April honestly, but eh.

This feels unfair as hell. KLK has a lot of style with its art and is only 24 episodes. It does way more in 24 episodes than HXH does at all in its first 24. I completely understand why Woolie would be turned off. I still think he should of pushed through to get to the good shit, but I understand why he didn't. I don't think it picks up completely until Yorknew which is episode 38 or something.

Also already submitted my vote for Wonder Red and Bayo before I saw the tweets. Wonder Red Let's Go.
Yeah, if there's one thing they should have cut down for the readaptation, it's the exam. Nearly everything up until the very end of it has next to no bearing on the actual overarching plot. Oh, let's not forget the recap episode that's like 13 episodes in. Jesus Christ.

The only things that mattered is Hisoka's "promise" to Gon and the stuff during the final phase, and Kurapika's Phantom Troupe stuff. It should have been maybe 10-12 episodes to reach the final phase.
This feels unfair as hell. KLK has a lot of style with its art and is only 24 episodes. It does way more in 24 episodes than HXH does at all in its first 24. I completely understand why Woolie would be turned off. I still think he should of pushed through to get to the good shit, but I understand why he didn't. I don't think it picks up completely until Yorknew which is episode 38 or something.

Also already submitted my vote for Wonder Red and Bayo before I saw the tweets. Wonder Red Let's Go.

Granted I've only seen 4 episodes, and yeah KLK has style, but man it looks rough at a lot of times. I'm not saying HxH looks better or anything (even though that's what I think), I just think that if they're willing to sit through KLK even at its lowest points, just ignoring HxH because of its art is just lame.

Also, no shit KLK does more with its 24 episodes than HxH does. It also does more with its 24 episodes than One Piece does, and almost every other long running shonen.


Granted I've only seen 4 episodes, and yeah KLK has style, but man it looks rough at a lot of times. I'm not saying HxH looks better or anything (even though that's what I think), I just think that if they're willing to sit through KLK even at its lowest points, just ignoring HxH because of its art is just lame.
There's obviously other factors to why Pat has written it off, and I can't really blame him. I'm sure Woolie went more indepth to it off the podcast.

They've also been through the long running shonen gamut before, and HxH probably accomplishes the least in it's first arc than any other shonen I've watched before.

Naruto had finished the Zabuza fight well before HxH's first arc ends, Bleach had Ichigo already in Soul Society and in One Piece Luffy was on restaurant Baratie, and in original DBZ the Saiyans had already landed on Earth. :p
There's obviously other factors to why Pat has written it off, and I can't really blame him. I'm sure Woolie went more indepth to it off the podcast.

They've also been through the long running shonen gamut before, and HxH probably accomplishes the least in it's first arc than any other shonen I've watched before.

Naruto had finished the Zabuza fight well before HxH's first arc ends, Bleach had Ichigo already in Soul Society and in One Piece Luffy was on restaurant Baratie, and in original DBZ the Saiyans had already landed on Earth. :p

That's a fair argument. Hunter x Hunter arguably does less with its first episodes than any other show. It serves as introduction to a lot of the major players and character motivations, etc. Its not all about just the exams. So I can see how that's offputting if you're not in the mindset that you want to see it through.

I'd also argue the fact that this show existed long before Naruto, Bleach and One Piece and while it did less in the beginning, HxH comes into its own and reaches heights that those shows can only dream of doing. Not trying to start some war or anything, just that HxH was one of the pioneers of original shonen tropes and grew over the years (and hiatuses) to what it ended up being. I think its worth a watch to not just Pat/Woolie but anyone who's interested in seeing what a "generic" shonen can really accomplish.


Granted I've only seen 4 episodes, and yeah KLK has style, but man it looks rough at a lot of times. I'm not saying HxH looks better or anything (even though that's what I think), I just think that if they're willing to sit through KLK even at its lowest points, just ignoring HxH because of its art is just lame.

Also, no shit KLK does more with its 24 episodes than HxH does. It also does more with its 24 episodes than One Piece does, and almost every other long running shonen.

4 Episodes, OK. I already know about dub v sub things so you don't need to reexplain that to me.

I don't know how you can really claim anything about its lowest points due to that, but sure. I agree that writing it off due to the art is very lame. I think Woolie is the only one truly justified in sort of pooping on HxHs first arc. Even then though he's still pretty ignorant since that's so little of the 148 episodes.

Yeah, and that's my point. It's not surprising they'd be more interested in a fully completed thing that gets shit done in 24 episodes and isn't 148 episodes long. Blame low attention spans or whatever you want to. That's just what most people seem to enjoy.

I'd still like Woolie to eventually revisit the series, but eh, if he doesn't then he doesn't. Would I like him and the others to stop bringing it up to poop on it? Yeah, very since it just reignites this discussion.
4 Episodes, OK. I already know about dub v sub things so you don't need to reexplain that to me.

I don't know how you can really claim anything about its lowest points due to that, but sure. I agree that writing it off due to the art is very lame. I think Woolie is the only one truly justified in sort of pooping on HxHs first arc. Even then though he's still pretty ignorant since that's so little of the 148 episodes.

Yeah, and that's my point. It's not surprising they'd be more interested in a fully completed thing that gets shit done in 24 episodes and isn't 148 episodes long. Blame low attention spans or whatever you want to. That's just what most people seem to enjoy.

I'd still like Woolie to eventually revisit the series, but eh, if he doesn't then he doesn't. Would I like him and the others to stop bringing it up to poop on it? Yeah, very since it just reignites this discussion.

I meant lowest points of its art, not the actual quality of the show. Sorry I should have been more specific. Unless the art actually gets worse than episode 4?

And I agree, unless you're willing to put the time in and see it through its not watching. If you're gonna go in with the "eh I'll give it a couple episodes and see" then a lot of people would have dropped it, especially when the standards for shonen have grown exponentially compared to the 90's when HxH came out.


Looking forward to the Direct Let's Watch and next week's podcast to hear their discussion.

I'm salty about SMTxFE

We can be salty together, friender. God damn Atlus, they might as well make a Nocturne 2 and make it dating sim!
I know, im exaggerating, but still :(


I meant lowest points of its art, not the actual quality of the show. Sorry I should have been more specific. Unless the art actually gets worse than episode 4?

And I agree, unless you're willing to put the time in and see it through its not watching. If you're gonna go in with the "eh I'll give it a couple episodes and see" then a lot of people would have dropped it, especially when the standards for shonen have grown exponentially compared to the 90's when HxH came out.

Yeah, alright I misinterpreted you. Episode 4 is probably one of the lowest points in actual art quality, but I don't still really think just because they watched one episode of that means they need to give HxH a chance for over 10 episodes. It all just comes down to time commitment.

And yeah, I'd hope they give it another chance, but I don't really expect them to.



I don't know. Maybe if those two guys stopped playing Evil Within and actually decided to play co-op, then it would have happened by now.

I heard those two guys were almost finished with evil within, and getting super hype for RE so they can do an LP *cough* this is on topic *cough*
I heard those two guys were almost finished with evil within, and getting super hype for RE so they can do an LP *cough* this is on topic *cough*

Well they can just stream it since the PS4 share button is the greatest thing on the history of this planet, so that'd be cool for the LP


Pat, of ALL people, has all the time for everything.

HxH would get in the way of sleeping until 2pm tho.
But for real he needs to just watch it already.

Also speaking of Pat, his woman just starting following me on tumblr. I might be fangirling just a tiny bit over that.
They'll probably watch HxH eventually. Remember during the Way of the Samurai playthrough when Pat shat on One Piece's art and then eventually became its biggest advocate among the Zaibatsu?
HxH would get in the way of sleeping until 2pm tho.
But for real he needs to just watch it already.

Also speaking of Pat, his woman just starting following me on tumblr. I might be fangirling just a tiny bit over that.

They'll probably watch HxH eventually. Remember during the Way of the Samurai playthrough when Pat shat on One Piece's art and then eventually became its biggest advocate among the Zaibatsu?

His craving for a long shonen will get the best of him and then we'll hook him right into our HxH and Gintama pit!
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