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Super Best Friends Thread 6: Six Threads and a Movie

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One thing I remember about Bastion is that the animation for the kid really bugged me. It looked like it was going at 15 fps or something.

I've tried to get into SAO, but that art style is just so bland and generic that I quite before I even finish the episode.

Why would you try to get into SAO?
I was going to watch SAO, but when it finished, it was only a couple of weeks before Basic, and I didn't want to leave on a sour note.

Still haven't done it. Might do it now, and share my rage.


That's it.

Uplay sucks dongs. It's the worst.

I can't get enough of your avatar and your negativity.. It just works too well together.



You fuckers and your confusing signals thats why.

Just watch it and enjoy the Master piece called Sword art.

Then read chapter 16.5
dont' actually do that, unless you really want to.

How to properly enjoy SAO:

Step 1: youtube the fight scenes

Step 2: listen a few of the good songs from the soundtrack (because Yuki Kajiura)

And your'e done

You forgot to read up the plot on a wikipedia page or something.


I just realize there aren't a lot of urban fantasy books as of late. The last ones I can think of are Percy Jackson, and maybe Harry Potter, but I think Harry potter is pushing it. I guess you could count twilight, but that shit is awful.


We have a member at our anime club who legit considers it the greatest anime ever made, and he verbally assaults anyone who disagrees with him.

There's always a few people like that. What are you going to do if he's so stubborn? Maybe try to persuade him to watch other stuff and realize it.
I can't believe people were still excited about SAO when I went to my local con in June.

I almost boo'd the Aniplex people at their panel, but my brother stopped me.

I had started with an ehhhhhh for the second season tho.
I can't believe people were still excited about SAO when I went to my local con in June.
I almost boo'd the Aniplex people at their panel, but my brother stopped me.
I had started with an ehhhhhh for the second season tho.

Never hold back those boos. They need to be heard. You must force your opinion down everybody else's throats!


I can't believe people were still excited about SAO when I went to my local con in June.

I almost boo'd the Aniplex people at their panel, but my brother stopped me.

I had started with an ehhhhhh for the second season tho.

Don't boo the animators.. Boo the author.. They are just following the material.

Sad thing is.. SAO had so much potential.. but then he dun goofed..

I remember when I finished the first arc. I spent hours ranting about how fucking garbage it was. I felt cheated.

It's fiiine. Remember me explaining the rest of the arcs to you? That was fun.. XD
Don't boo the animators.. Boo the author.. They are just following the material.
Sad thing is.. SAO had so much potential.. but then he dun goofed..
It's fiiine. Remember me explaining the rest of the arcs to you? That was fun.. XD

It was the Aniplex licensing company.

I actually wanted to go all the way to Cali for Anime Expo to boo him, but my brother didn't wanna pay for gas money.


This all your fault anyway. You told me it was good. It was shit. This is all your fault. God damn it.

Edit: You deserve that DP.

You loved it though.

Yeah.. Yeahh... I actually liked it at first.. It didn't seem so bad when I was reading the LN and the manga. Until I really thought about it..

Well I couldnt finish the first episode, and I was barely paying attention to the story. It's that art style that killed it for me.

What was bad about the art? I thought it was ok? Or was it the poor animations at some parts?

It was the Aniplex licensing company.

I actually wanted to go all the way to Cali for Anime Expo to boo him, but my brother didn't wanna pay for gas money.

Even then.. I guess you can boo them for green lighting the project.. It did get super popular though.. Gotta make that cash money.

I posted that a while ago.. But still.. Demo's critique really gave me a new view to it.. I never really thought how bland the characters were.
You loved it though.

Yeah.. Yeahh... I actually liked it at first.. It didn't seem so bad when I was reading the LN and the manga. Until I really thought about it..

I posted that a while ago.. But still.. Demo's critique really gave me a new view to it.. I never really thought how bland the characters were.

Glad you realize that now. You need to be more critical about things.

He's aware of that, anyway.

No, do it, though. I want it now now now now now. I want it right now.


Oh Gatdammit Zen beat me. Like, really hard.

Ippo is hype AF, still, though.

He's aware of that, anyway.

Yeah I did.. like almost 24 hours of beaten.

Some Aldnoah spoiler talk:
It was so dumb how the main character (i don't remember or care about his name) shoots the plane.. HE HAD NO REASON TO DO IT. It baffled me when it first aired.. Also, i bet the princess and main character don't die.. It's so obvious that they're not dead.

Computer problems yo.. They are real and sucks a lot to have.
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