Banana Aeon
Oh God, Rebirth looks so good. I'm so glad I was wrong about the artstyle change.
Oh God, Rebirth looks so good. I'm so glad I was wrong about the artstyle change.
Oh God, Rebirth looks so good. I'm so glad I was wrong about the artstyle change.
Dammit brain, stop proving me wrong. I'm trying to bitch about fan backlash.
Honestly, the Lore of LoL is kinda of out of place. Sure it is nice for new skins and ways to make updates more flashy, but it really is unneeded in my opinion.
As for the new map textures, they have been updating the champion models for a bit now to make them look nicer when thrown onto the new map. Not all of them will be done by the time they release the new textures, but in the end, everything will look OK eventually.
Also, the new map and character models look way better tbh. And it is great that the good looks comes with a decreased polygon count allowing people to bump up their video settings a bit.
They are remaking a lot of the older champions to make them more viable. I started keeping up with the PBE news updates to see whats coming up, and they must be under new leadership, because they are doing all the right things.
It just feels like I'm playing a modded version of the game with fan art put in. That LoL fighting game looks more professionally done than the original game.
I actually like the teamwork aspect. It's one of the few genres that does it right. It's too bad that the community is garbage.
Also, did Pat's praise for Advanced Warfare make you want to try the game?
I already wanted to give it a shot beforehand but Pat's praise made me want to try it out even more.
The updated main map is going to have skybox and it looks slick.New skins = people buying riot points for them. Can't stop won't stop.
As dumb as it is, I'd love a sky box or something. Just to make the black darkness on the edges look better than nothing.
Yeah, it's not great. Fighting game? What?
Oh Shit Just Cause 3 Screens Leaked.
When has anyone ever been right about that?
Dammit brain, stop proving me wrong. I'm trying to bitch about fan backlash.
you guys see this?
you guys see this?
THIS IS A THING?Oh Shit Just Cause 3 Screens Leaked.
OH GOD WHAT'S HAPPENINGyou guys see this?
Yeah, it's not great. Fighting game? What?
TL;DR: The community is slightly better than people make it out to be, but the way they treat players is absolute shit and reminds me of the way "Infection: Survivor Story" treated their players, except in this case the game is the most played game on PC by a HUGE MARGIN.
The updated main map is going to have skybox and it looks slick.
And yeah, theres a fan fighting game being made.
you guys see this?
TL;DR: The community is slightly better than people make it out to be, but the way Riot treat players is absolute shit and reminds me of the way "Infection: Survivor Story" treated their players, except in this case the game is the most played game on PC by a HUGE MARGIN.
you guys see this?
Omfg. Where have I seen that car from the concept art from???
No, I play dota like a manEDIT: What the fuck you guys, you play League?
Most of the reasons why I don't like to play team vs team games. You actually have to talk to your teammates inorder to have a concept of what you and your teamates actually do.
I mainly just go GP and say "I'M KING OF THE PIRATES" then mute everyone. Ican't get banned for that right?
too bad it doesnt count as decimation if i was asleep
too bad it doesnt count as decimation if i was asleep
WARIO'S CAR MOTHER FUCKER oh god this is so kind of Gurren
It honestly doesn't make any sense to me that League is so much more Toxic than DOTA is. DOTA has voice communication, so I would think rolling out punishments for harassment any where from racism to outright hazing would be much much harder and more widely regarded as Toxic.
I have played both and I just don't get it. I mean, DOTA 2 even has a larger pull for younger audiences... the boobs on the female characters are 2x bigger and 2x the quality.
you guys see this?
No, I play dota like a man
Dota 2 is a lot deeper and weeds out the casuals. League is easy to get into and get okay enough to play.
so when do you think Evil Within will start?
tonight?, or after Guaca is over?
so when do you think Evil Within will start?
tonight?, or after Guaca is over?
What do you mean by "Deeper"?
Also, up until recently they didn't even have a ranked gamemode for Dota 2 available to the general public. I would think casuals would move more towards that than LoL where they base updates and character releases on each new ranked season release.
you guys see this?
so when do you think Evil Within will start?
tonight?, or after Guaca is over?
Don't worry everybody knows how annoying it is. Have you done the missile yet?
You're gonna love the missile.
Hey. It's not that bad, buddy. After all, if you git gud you won't have these problems anymore. Won't that be nice? Won't it be fun when you stop being bad at the video game?
Git gud.
But yeah, it's tricky that part, especially when you don't have a certain ability that trivializes those segments (which you get at the very end of chapter 5).
In dota 2, you have your secret shop, courier, no recall button, denying, side shops, elixers, and hitting teammates with your abilities and the list goes on.
You are completely right...
W101 got me way more upset with those parts, dislike both though.Fine! At least the W101 ones where more forgiving
A bit Off Topic, but I have reread Berserk for the I-don't-know-how-many time, and I noticed somthing. How come that Guts, a warrior that lived in European like Land, uses sword technices of a Samurai? Are we really suppose to believe it's some sort of *shuckle* MAGICAL sword?
Sure Dota 2 has some mechanics that LoL doesn't have that makes the game a bit more "Challenging" such as denying minions/creeps, but other than that and the other small differences in the game, I can't really think of anything that would cause casual gamers to be repelled by the game.
I mean, there are way more aspects to Dota that would bring more casual players to the game I would think. Things such as: Less Turret Damage, Slower moving initial gameplay, custom items that mirror tf2's economy and trade system.
As for League, it may not have the secret shop and the other concepts you mentioned, but for each one, there is an alternative that League implements (for the most part).
Like for example,
Home Teleport - Longer walk back to your lane.
Also, I don't even want to get into the jungle differences.
In dota 2, you have your secret shop, courier, no recall button, denying, side shops, elixers, and hitting teammates with your abilities and the list goes on.
I dare you to watch the video