They're posting insects right now, so it's basically the same as here.

They're posting insects right now, so it's basically the same as here.
Wall of moe
foxuzamaki 560
They're posting insects right now, so it's basically the same as here.
Did you all get lewd without me? In the middle of the afternoon? And I missed a discussion on best Zelda!?
Which is WW/PH Zelda obviously
It was a tan. Japanese depictions of people with tans are weird. Case in point.
It didn't make sense that Tetra would suddenly lose her tan once she transformed into Zelda. That bothers me.
Skin doesn't work like that.
Maybe she shed her skin like a snake when she transformed.
2late. I'm going to make K-OnGAF into BestGAF2.0. With no lewd stuff and cute anime girls 24/7. It's parfekt.
Wall of moe
MikeHattsu 3,535
Snkfanatic 1,859
Chet Rippo 1,412
foxuzamaki 560
Chariot 266
Maybe she shed her skin like a snake when she transformed.
Maybe Zelda is a shadow...the true self
It's like, I expect fucked up shit from a horror game. But if I play Psychonauts, I don't expect to suddenly come across a room in a playful disco world where the whispers of children who have died in a fire scream for your help and ask why you didn't save them. It's the (generally far more subtle) oddities in an otherwise normal or cheerful world that creep me the fuck out.
Eh looks fluffy enough to pet.
Doesn't make it okay. Plus I seen a photoshoped image of WW Zelda with Tetras "Tan" and she looks better with it.
I don't think people here drink the drugs or smoke the beer or stuff.
We're all too nerdy.
It kinda makes it okay. She didn't change races or anything, it's just bizarre. The design choice behind it appears to have been kind of a role change from rough-and-tumble frontline to administrative, and the removal of the tan was a visual indicator. Personally I think it's weird that she doesn't keep the tan when she's Zelda-mode, but she goes back to normal by the end, so I don't have a huge problem with it.
my favorite sub
I was literally just looking at this
I don't have a problem with it either, but damn that looks awesome.I think that makes it worse. The Princess can't be a tough hard working girl? No she has to a dainty delicate little flower. Fuck that, I want Tetra not Zelda.
Tell me that doesn't look better Nintendo
I always thought the nerdier you were, the more likely it was that you did. That was the way it has been with the multiple groups of nerdy friends I have hung out with over the years.
I guess I was wrong.
For Persona fans
send me to the woolie hole if im slow.
For Persona fans
send me to the woolie hole if im slow.
I don't think people here drink the drugs or smoke the beer or stuff.
We're all too nerdy.
I don't even know what that is, is it... a moth?
For Persona fans
send me to the woolie hole if im slow.
I wouldn't say nerdy, just not pieces of shit.
I don't think people here drink the drugs or smoke the beer or stuff.
We're all too nerdy.
For Persona fans
send me to the woolie hole if im slow.
Is P3 the one where they fightAwesome. I can't wait to see the P3 ending animated.
Still waiting for the second movie to be available at my local anime store.
Is P3 the one where they fight?mega hitler
I drink (and tried out pot twice in my life). Am I a piece of shit now? Or are you specifically talking about hard drugs addicts?
I wouldn't say nerdy, just not pieces of shit.
Pretty much.
I've had bad times.
Still waiting for the second movie to be available at my local anime store.
I'm still waiting for the first movie to be dubbed. To the point where I actually don't care anymore.
March 11, 2015
Best Friends videos take the edge off the disappointment of a DOA console.![]()
That reminds me. Where are you in Persona 3?
I actually drink a lot.. especially when my hockey team loses.. so i've been drinking a lot lately
Fucking Habs..
Best Friends videos take the edge off the disappointment of a DOA console.![]()
Blues in first.
Vita means... life?
Oh no, what happened?
Oh. Well thanks...
Just saying. And I don't mean to insult in any way shape or form, nor am I trying to influence you in any way shape or form.
Just because one person has a bad experience with something, doesn't mean everyone else does and should be prosecuted or punished in some way shape of form, either by physically punishing them or by verbally/emotionally punishing them because of it.
No person in the world should be put in a bad place because someone else was for doing what they do.
Mate, Jokes.
I got Sweet Lily Dreams and Skyborn from a humble bundle awhile ago
June/July IIRC.
I'm in the 30s in Tartarus.