I always thought that Ippo was out of high school for some reason. After the people talk behind his back, I thought it was a good way to sympathize with Ippo which was certainly interesting. Man those bullies were assholes tho. I can somewhat understand Ippo still smelling like worms due to the access of public baths, but wouldn't the bathes still be open after he finishes working? Do fishing worms really smell that bad you can't bathe it away? Takamura always seems to steal the show. I really like how he stole the bullies' stuff and near the end of the episode he tells Ippo to do it if he wants to become a pro boxer. Takamura seems to take his devotion to boxing seriously. By the end of the episode he extremely stresses to Ippo that you can't just have raw power to win a boxing match and I guess will teach him how to work hard into achieving his goal. After all Ippo had just watched some Boxing and read some magazines, so he shouldn't have a feel in actual boxing right?
I wish I could start ippo for the first time again
Best Friend Avatars/Buttons/Stickers/Whatever
Work in Progress since I haven't done anything Best Friends Related in a while.
But Do you guys prefer the hair to be a solid shape like Pat, or lines Like Matt. ALso need to work on Liam's of course since he's just blue eyes, and may need some color adjustments.
Yo these are pretty sick!
So.. Toy Story 4 Announced..
ugh damn it hollywood.
I'll just pretend it doesn't exist like I always do with completely unnecessary sequels.