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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta

I honestly felt like P4G was more about the relationships you built with the characters as opposed to a dungeon crawler. P4G was only a little challenging to me personally at the beginning because I was totally new to the series but after I learned about weaknesses and how to abuse them it was very rare for me to even even get hit by a generic enemy unless I got sneak attacked from not paying attention.
Yeah, P4G definitely seems like its about the relationship and not the combat from what I hear. It seems like they made a whole easier with every enemy having a weakness. In comparison to the vanilla version, I spent half an hour fighting the second dungeon boss in vanilla.
You're right, it's far more about S-Links and hanging out than it is about dungeon crawling. I just adopted the wrong playstyle and tried to get by on fusions and knowledge alone and avoided enemies one too many times. If you keep that up long enough, the game pretty much halts you from progressing as enemies slowly become unkillable in a single turn and can murder you in one hit. But as long as those enemies don't appear, the game is a cakewalk.

Fuck, I wasn't even level 20 when I beat
Shadow Kanji
and the recommended level for that seems to be ~26. It's not difficult if you know what you're doing, until it suddenly is.
I was level 23 when I fought him and it sucked. I had to take out his left minion before doing any damage on him. Maybe it was because I totally forgot about the guard option that I did poorly.
Yeah, P4G definitely seems like its about the relationship and not the combat from what I hear. It seems like they made a whole easier with every enemy having a weakness. In comparison to the vanilla version, I spent half an hour fighting the second dungeon boss in vanilla.

I remember hearing so much about how hard
Shadow Yukiko
was going to be but I found her to be one of the easiest early bosses honestly.

Oh also on the Persona Q discussion. I still need to beat P3P before I play it. >_>


I remember hearing so much about how hard
Shadow Yukiko
was going to be but I found her to be one of the easiest early bosses honestly.

GiantBomb were stuck on Yukiko's dungeon for ages and dragging their feet doing other stuff, it's definitely the first significant challenge of the game.


You mean like SMTIV where you have to walk through a godawful world map and fight enemies every five seconds while having like ~60% chance of running away successfully despite the enemies in the area being vastly weaker than your current state? Also where enemies can occasionally hit low accuracy, high critical hit attacks perfectly on your entire team multiple times in a row?

....Yeah ok, despite that, it's still better. I remember enjoying Devil Survivor's combat.

I am totally hype too! My second set of tarot cards will be on its way soon!

I'm super gud u guise.
But seriously though, I'm guessing it's because we've played the OG PS2 version already. Because of it, I don't want to spend too much time on this stuff and do S-Links I hadn't done before.

Shadow Yukiko's
boss battle was so fucking easy. Oh my god. I really regret playing this on Normal.

I was thinking Nocturne, I haven't played 4 yet


I'm super gud u guise.
But seriously though, I'm guessing it's because we've played the OG PS2 version already. Because of it, I don't want to spend too much time on this stuff and do S-Links I hadn't done before.

So, in that sense you're trying to speed run the game? Just gotta grind more, what else can you really do.
GiantBomb were stuck on Yukiko's dungeon for ages and dragging their feet doing other stuff, it's definitely the first significant challenge of the game.

You're not wrong that it's the first real challenge, but I was expecting something more similar to what happens with
Shadow Rise
where you simply can't win.


Ill buy the OST and cards later. I don't care for fanfiction.
I rather just finish P2
Oh god, that game totally screams fanfiction lol. I never played an EO game before so I'm hoping this will be a good gateway.

This compendium 3DS is also really damn tempting lol


Persona Q I'm really only interested because of the models. It's the first time they have 3d models using that gameplay, and I kind of hope they give you the option in the other EO games.


That's badly paced RPGs for you.

To be fair, almost all SMT games suffer from this, hell even EO series suffered from this until 4 in a way.

Everyone of there games always have that one boss that acts as a major road block, where everything before that and after that is far easier.

Mintaor and Medusa was SMTIV version of that.
its canon doe

Only Atlus US said that... They don't actually write the games.
Chie is best gurl tho

I really hate when people say things like this about a game just because they don't have an interest in it.

It's an officially made game. It might not be canon in the sense that most people consider things canon, but it's certainly not fanfiction.

I exaggerated with the fanfiction thing, but they seem to be milking the franchise in a disgusting way.


This compendium 3DS is also really damn tempting lol

It seems pretty cool, but I'm saving up for a New 3DS.


Speed run through the not-fun parts basically. But the thing that bothers me the most is how well it was going at first (I talked about the game being far too easy) until the game decided to hit me in the face with a brick.

I felt the same with P3Fes. It seemed pretty easy since i coasted through the full moon bosses. Then suddenly tartarus bosses destroyed me. I had to restart multiple times before i gave up and started grinding.

Oh god, that game totally screams fanfiction lol. I never played an EO game before so I'm hoping this will be a good gateway.

This compendium 3DS is also really damn tempting lol
The DS doesnt look that great imo. That's because it looks weird to be playing on what looks like a book.. maybe i'm too picky and want something cooler.


It's more bullshit random mobs. Those tanks are gimmicky shit.

Oh there's git gud bosses, but that's not the same thing as bullshit random encounters.

To be fair, SMTIV is a very, very flawed game. Actually I would put below Persona 4 just on the sheer fact that a lot of mechanics and how the world is set up is so messed up. I'm honestly surprised how much people are willing to put up with a lot of bullshit the game throws at you and still call it a great game because it has a good battle system. (Not even a great one.)

No defense stat, because that's a good idea, crappy map. Weak story despite the fact they obviously tried with this one unlike the other SMT games. Awful way to get the true/neutral end and very bland and short dungeons despite the ability to save anywhere and revive anytime with enough money.
It's some Persona game with a chibi art style (which I'm not a fan of) that comes with the second set of tarot cards. Already pre-ordered it so I can complete my collection.

Because of their insanely high HP, attack and no weaknesses? I don't see a way other than just chipping away their health, but that doesn't really work well when they can choose to murder my MC whenever they want to. I've gotten to the boss of that dungeon, but I'm refraining from fighting it before I'm leveled up a bit.
I'm 95% sure you mean this one right?

The whole thing is that it has stupid high ice attack and mind charge. IIRC it takes a stupid amount of damage too since it's defense is stupidly high.


The DS doesnt look that great imo. That's because it looks weird to be playing on what looks like a book.. maybe i'm too picky and want something cooler.
I can understand that, the style is really different.
im also a big persona whore/enthusiast
It's some Persona game with a chibi art style (which I'm not a fan of) that comes with the second set of tarot cards. Already pre-ordered it so I can complete my collection.
The complete set is gonna be so damn hype
Liam put this on his FB wall. I don't know what to make of it.
I went from cringing really hard to laughing.
To be fair, SMTIV is a very, very flawed game. Actually I would put below Persona 4 just on the sheer fact that a lot of mechanics and how the world is set up is so messed up. I'm honestly surprised how much people are willing to put up with a lot of bullshit the game throws at you and still call it a great game because it has a good battle system. (Not even a great one.)

No defense stat, because that's a good idea, crappy map. Weak story despite the fact they obviously tried with this one unlike the other SMT games. Awful way to get the true/neutral end and very bland and short dungeons despite the ability to save anywhere and revive anytime with enough money.
Your opinion isn't unfounded, I've agreed with you on a lot of those points several times. I still enjoy playing it far more than P4's dungeons.

Of your SMT4 criticism posts, this one is your best.


Because of their insanely high HP, attack and no weaknesses? I don't see a way other than just chipping away their health, but that doesn't really work well when they can choose to murder my MC whenever they want to. I've gotten to the boss of that dungeon, but I'm refraining from fighting it before I'm leveled up a bit.

Just kick the tank
Yep, that's it. I can't beat it before it can do it's thing, at which point it's pretty much just "pray that it doesn't target the MC". It doesn't have to do mind charge to finish me off and having to kill it incredibly slowly while my MC is in danger at every turn and my teammates are constantly dying is a pain in the ass. Every other enemy is fine.
Easy solution is switch to a ice-null/reflect persona on the MC, but whatever works. Still need to grind unless you really want to do a low level challenge run.
Just kick the tank


I went from cringing really hard to laughing.

Your opinion isn't unfounded, I've agreed with you on a lot of those points several times. I still enjoy playing it far more than P4's dungeons.

Of your SMT4 criticism posts, this one is your best.

I don't know, Persona 4 dungeons still had some themes to them, the only dungeon that feels unique are the first one and the last two. And you have a chance of missing one of those if you don't take a neutral path.

A lot of others are filled with tight corridors and areas designed to waste your time by flipping you around or locking a door from you because you went the wrong way exploring.

I will say though that SMTIV is far faster on repeat playthroughs as you can beat the game in 8 hours if you rush through it.

With all that said I don't hate SMTIV, and a lot of the faults I have with the game is probably because I played EO4 right before ti, which handled a lot of things that SMTIV does much better.


Honestly, I'm more irritated by the fact that the EO series had a bigger budget than the SMT series. I love EO to death, but that is not how you treat you main-line games Atlus. Even more jarring is the fact that EO4 and Untold has 3d models for monsters that were never in 3d. While SMTIV have a huge amount of borrowed designs that had 3d models yet they were all sprites.

Of course this means they would have less space on the game for some sidequest and extra stuff...but most of those are shit outside of a few interesting ones.

(Also SMTIV shows why you should never lock the airship behind a sidequest I bet most of you didn't even know there was an Airship in SMTIV)
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