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Super Mario Galaxy 2 |OT| with >NEW< hat!


Help. Got Mario last week, and installed the update. Now my USB loader doesn't work and says it needs some coos version or other.

I'm assuming this has already been covered but can someone point me in the right direction? (it is fixable, right?)
I plan on going to to SMG1 and cleaning up in that after I beat this. Is it going to be hard to go back? I don't really remember much differences in terms of controls and such.


Damn being a perfectionist. I wanted to get all 121 stars before starting this, but getting all 120 again as Luigi for that last one, I don't think I have the patience or will power to do it. Nah, time to start Galaxy 2!


Ben2749 said:
As for my final impressions, I think I slightly prefer the original game. I don't know why, but I preferred the levels in Galaxy 1. Also, I can't help but feel that Galaxy 2 spread itself too thin in some aspects...(etc. etc.)

Pretty much this. It's great, but not as good, and far more uneven.
beelzebozo said:
got my first super guide appearance last night

i felt so small

Didn't even know this had it!

Just started playing it, mind you. First few levels are miles ahead of 1, but we'll see how we go. Still haven't finished 1 yet, so i'm jumping the gun a bit.

Mike M

Nick N
beelzebozo said:
got my first super guide appearance last night

i felt so small
Stroll Down Rolling Lane, by chance?

On an unrelated note, I just started playing NSMBWii now that I polished off SMG2, and man, what a jarring change. Mario is so much more... Slippery. Plus I keep wanting to back flip, spin jump, point at enemies to have Yoshi eat them, the wall jump doesn't work the same, etc.

I eventually got my groove back, but it took a few levels.
Mike M said:
Stroll Down Rolling Lane, by chance?

This was my one and only Super Guide appearance :lol

Onto the Green Stars now. I'm starting at the last world and working backwards. There better be a good reward for getting all the stars :lol


I'm sure this has been discussed a bit, but I've been playing since release love this game. The only thing that keeps it from being in my top 5 is the part where you can walk around your giant head space ship. I absolutely hate this part. A simple map (NSMBwii style) would be perfect. I don't want to fuck around and talk to toads and blue blobs things. I just want to keep going through levels.

Great game otherwise.


Jealous Bastard
will52 said:
I'm sure this has been discussed a bit, but I've been playing since release love this game. The only thing that keeps it from being in my top 5 is the part where you can walk around your giant head space ship. I absolutely hate this part. A simple map (NSMBwii style) would be perfect. I don't want to fuck around and talk to toads and blue blobs things. I just want to keep going through levels.

Great game otherwise.

so. . . why don't you? i just jump back on the yellow "go" pad each time i'm returned there. totally optional.
120! Woo.
Ok, 122.

rhino4evr said:
Well that's my problem I keep dying going for the comet coin..I've gotten to the other side only once. I hate replaying levels to get the coin though, the entire level is really tough for me, I've died more times on this level then any I can think of..pretty sad.
Yeah, Stone Cyclone is a bitch.

The comet isn't that bad, because by the time you clear it with the coin, you've died enough times to learn how to get through the level. :lol

Long jump to the coin once you have the first two silver stars.


beelzebozo said:
so. . . why don't you? i just jump back on the yellow "go" pad each time i'm returned there. totally optional.

Same. It's just annoying to have to load... jump on the yellow button...load...select level from map...load...play level for 5 mins...repeat.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh god GAF I'm getting my Wii as soon as tomorrow and I will be purchasing Galaxy 2 ASAP.
I can't wait, I browse this thread every now and then and it sounds like it will blow my mind.


Himuro said:
So I got a new wii a month ago, and beat Mario Galaxy in pretty much 2-3 days. Yeah. I know. Pathetic, right? I feel kinda dumb, though. Should I have gotten Galaxy 2 instead?

Either way, I don't regret it. Galaxy is not only the best game I've played this generation, it's one of the few games I consider perfect. Every time I touched the game, I couldn't stop. It's probably one of the few games this generation, or period, that has lived up to its hype (which was incredible hype, I might add). I honestly only have one problem with the game, and it's the motion controls. Not the spin, but the the controls for some of the mini games and platforming. The main culprit? Those big booger snot things. Pressing A, and moving the wiimote accordingly to launch Mario towards the next giant gray booger thing sounds simple, but it's a tedious process, especially in that one Bonus Galaxy that's nothing but a bunch of Giant Snot things.

could you find a youtube video or describe the galaxy because i dunno what you mean.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Himuro said:
I honestly only have one problem with the game, and it's the motion controls. Not the spin, but the the controls for some of the mini games and platforming. The main culprit? Those big booger snot things. Pressing A, and moving the wiimote accordingly to launch Mario towards the next giant gray booger thing sounds simple, but it's a tedious process, especially in that one Bonus Galaxy that's nothing but a bunch of Giant Snot things.

You know there were no motion controls involved in the snot launch thingos, right?


Oh right. Yeah, those are gone in SMG2.

For me, SMG2 was a much better game. Although I also think NSMBW was a much better game than SMG. I think both are worth picking up, whenever you have the time/cash.


Ben2749 said:
Just like in Galaxy 1, the boss fights are largely underwhelming, with only a couple of exceptions. Pretty much all of them were clearly made overly simplistic for the sake of the casual audience that Nintendo are trying to cater for with the "hint video" signs, the "automatic Bronze star" system, and the "How to Play" DVD that came with the game in certain regions.

Not so. A playthrough of any Super Mario title will show that bosses were never meant to be hard. In the best Miyamoto tradition, they were ALWAYS meant for all skill levels and ages and designed to be completed. Which is why as a hardcore player you find it to be so easy.

I find this title so much more appealing than the first one it's not even funny. The sheer inventiveness, particularly the design aspect afforded by the inclusion of Yoshi, the streamlined map in the best traditions of the Super Mario Games (including Super Mario World, Super Mario Land 2 and even Wario Land) just makes it a joy to play. No more wandering about an empty and largely pointless hub world.

Love the music in SMG2 too; "proper" videogame music - so much more than the pretentious, orchestrated score in the first game.

In-fact, the streamlined overworld map design makes jumping in and out of levels such a joy that if Nintendo were to re-release the first game with a SMG2 style map, I'd re-buy at full price.
Ahhhhh! I haven't been able to log any more time in the game as I'm waiting for my girlfriend to return from a trip and promised we'd play together. I've had dreams of the first world, hummed the hub music, and been jonesing to play more than any game since Ocarina of Time. In fact the morning after I played the first couple levels I woke up at 6 am and ran to the system to play some more before work...like when I was 12 years old! Haha :lol

True story: the night I picked up Mario Galaxy 1 I played a bit then went to pick up my friend to play with and saw my first shooting star ever. It made a huge smile come on face. Magical :lol
Anyone find Galaxy 2 a lot more difficult than the first game? I'm in World 5 and I don't remember the original Galaxy giving me anywhere near this much trouble.


Jealous Bastard
ToyMachine228 said:
Anyone find Galaxy 2 a lot more difficult than the first game? I'm in World 5 and I don't remember the original Galaxy giving me anywhere near this much trouble.

i die a LOT more than i did when i played SMG.


Finally gathered all 120 stars and
already got the first 10 Green ones.
This is a masterpiece, really worthy of all of the praise it has received so far. A product filled to the brim with ingenious designs and sheer creativity, which I'm loving just as much as its precursor, if not more so.

M.I.S. said:
Love the music in SMG2 too; "proper" videogame music - so much more than the pretentious, orchestrated score in the first game.
As far as I'm concerned I find the two soundtracks to be equally lush and astounding, but I'm curious about why you felt such a discrepancy between them.


Mike M said:
Stroll Down Rolling Lane, by chance?

On an unrelated note, I just started playing NSMBWii now that I polished off SMG2, and man, what a jarring change. Mario is so much more... Slippery. Plus I keep wanting to back flip, spin jump, point at enemies to have Yoshi eat them, the wall jump doesn't work the same, etc.

I eventually got my groove back, but it took a few levels.
I don't know the English name but is that the
Super Mario 64 like slide


At least the super guide is nice to see :( :(
Didn't use it but I felt like an idiot.
I hope it's not like NSMBWii where you lost your chance to get 100% if the super guide popped in the game.
I just got the first 120 stars finished and quit playing. SMG2 is a good game, but I don't get the "game of forever" praise that it has been getting from everyone and their mom. I didn't really enjoy SMG1 that much, so I know it's my own fault for expecting too much more from SMG2. But the easy levels were too easy, and or too short. The hard levels were tedious enough to make me never want to come back and play through them again. The levels with a good balance of being not too hard, but not too easy, and lasting longer than 2 minutes were few and far between. I was never blown away by any of the levels any more-so than I was in SMG1, and as I said before, I didn't really care for the first one. So after getting all 120 stars,
why the heck would I want to go back through all of the levels again to get green stars?

I guess I just enjoy exploration a whole lot more than pure platforming. Also, I didn't understand the purpose of having different worlds since there is no theme or similarities between any of the levels in each world. The different boards that the levels are connected on give you no sense of accomplishment or progress. It's like the levels are just randomly thrown on the screen and lines are drawn to connect them. At least in the older 2d mario games, I enjoyed the layout of the worlds and I felt like I was closing in toward a goal and navigating through new unexplored areas. SMG2 all worlds are the same (which not coincidentally rhymes with LAME). In SMG2, there is no goal. You can beat the game pretty much whenever you want and all of the bowser fights are
identical and unispired
. The only source of motivation to play the game is "getting all of the stars." Well whoopity flippin dooda! But again, this probably has more to do with me enjoying exploration more than pure-platforming.

I guess I'm just too much of a Super Mario 64 homer. I also find it odd that so many people hated the camera in Mario64, but no one even mentions how annoying it is in SMG2. For example, some levels you have free reign of the camera to look around and soak in the scenery and to help look for comet coins and secrets, but most levels you are limited to only so many degrees of view, or confined to some off-angle only (I guess to make the platforming more challenging, ZOMG CRAZINESS!!) Someday, when new video games are no longer being produced because gaming companies don't exist anymore, I might go back to completely finish SMG2. For now, good riddance, which is probably what people will be saying to me after they read this. :lol
M.I.S. said:
Not so. A playthrough of any Super Mario title will show that bosses were never meant to be hard. In the best Miyamoto tradition, they were ALWAYS meant for all skill levels and ages and designed to be completed. Which is why as a hardcore player you find it to be so easy.

I find this title so much more appealing than the first one it's not even funny. The sheer inventiveness, particularly the design aspect afforded by the inclusion of Yoshi, the streamlined map in the best traditions of the Super Mario Games (including Super Mario World, Super Mario Land 2 and even Wario Land) just makes it a joy to play. No more wandering about an empty and largely pointless hub world.

Love the music in SMG2 too; "proper" videogame music - so much more than the pretentious, orchestrated score in the first game.

In-fact, the streamlined overworld map design makes jumping in and out of levels such a joy that if Nintendo were to re-release the first game with a SMG2 style map, I'd re-buy at full price.

My point isn't that the bosses are easy compared to other Mario games; it's that they're easy compared to Mario Galaxy 2 as a whole. Considering how hair-pullingly frustrating certain stars can be, the bosses are an absolute cakewalk by comparison. And that's because unlike the harder stars, the bosses are absolutey necessary to beat if you want to finish the game. Nintendo deliberately made the game incredibly hard to get 100% in, but very easy to "beat".

I just would have liked a "true" final fight with Bowser after getting 100%, where he used completely different tactics and delivered a serious challenge.

ToyMachine228 said:
Anyone find Galaxy 2 a lot more difficult than the first game? I'm in World 5 and I don't remember the original Galaxy giving me anywhere near this much trouble.

SMG2 isn't just marginally more difficult; it's considerably so. Just wait until the next world. Hell, just the realization of what the first galaxy is makes some people cringe, and it's precense is a pretty blatant act of sadism on Nintendo's part. :lol

Wizpig said:
I don't know the English name but is that the
Super Mario 64 like slide

No, it's the second star in
Melty Molten Galaxy, where you use Rock Mario/Luigi and have to get to the end of a Super Monkey Ball like section without stopping.
M.I.S. said:
Love the music in SMG2 too; "proper" videogame music - so much more than the pretentious, orchestrated score in the first game.

There was nothing pretentious about either soundtrack. I don't get the whole "overblown" thing, about how "it's just fruits floating in space and Mario jumping, the music doesn't match".



Mike M

Nick N
Deputy Moonman said:
So after getting all 120 stars,
why the heck would I want to go back through all of the levels again to get green stars?

I guess I just enjoy exploration a whole lot more than pure platforming.
Well, besides
unlocking the final galaxy
, the last sentence kind of answers your question. To get 120 stars, all you have to do is make it to the end of the level and accomplish some straight-forward task.
The green stars
typically reward searching a level top to bottom. Some are right out in the open, some are well hidden, some are devious exercises in masochism to try and obtain thanks to fucked up camera angles and lack of depth cues.

But overall while it takes place in the same levels, it's a distinctly different experience than just playing through the game a second time.


Jealous Bastard
Himuro said:
I cannot, will not, and do not have the ability to understand how anyone can prefer Mario 64 to Sunshine and especially Galaxy, but it seems we have different tastes in platformers. In any case, Mario 64's camera sucks because it gets in the way 50% of the time. In Galaxy the camera is so far back that it become a problem less than 1% of the game. It's never in the way of playing the game or platforming, usually it's,"I want to turn the camera but the game won't let me" but that doesn't mean you can't see shit like in Mario 64.

I've noticed fans of Mario 64 want more exploration than pure platforming. If you want that, I highly suggest you pick up Prince of Persia 08.

god, it's like, i have these feelings for you himumu, these feelings that are like friendship, but friendship+, with this giant shot of admiration when i read something like this, and i just want to give you a high five so powerful that it forcefully tears your hand from your body at the wrist. but i won't do that, man, because you wrote this, and because you're clearly so awesome.

boiled goose

good with gravy
finished game this morning.

took me a while to get to
hammer bros part in perfect run
but beat it in my first try!

just avoid them till the end. no need to fight them


Mike M said:
Stroll Down Rolling Lane, by chance?

Yeah, me too.

I get the feeling though while the difficulty seems slightly overtuned for its position in the game, the real problem lies with the sluggishness of Rock Mario coupled with the inaccuracy of the analog stick. I feel I could do this with a D-pad, except maybe
that last jump. My best guess so far is I have to bounce off the fence, but if the angle of deflection is anything close to what I hope for I'll be very surprised... may be best just to trust the Force and try to make the jump.

I reset the game every time the Mystery Guide appears of course, lest it tarnish my save file forever. :lol
Mike M said:
Everyone gets the Super Guide on that level, it's part of the cycle of life or something.

I beat that level on my 3rd try *slides shades onto eyes*.

I did get a super guide on another level though, albeit I can't recall which one.


Deputy Moonman said:
I just got the first 120 stars finished and quit playing. SMG2 is a good game, but I don't get the "game of forever" praise that it has been getting from everyone and their mom. I didn't really enjoy SMG1 that much, so I know it's my own fault for expecting too much more from SMG2. But the easy levels were too easy, and or too short. The hard levels were tedious enough to make me never want to come back and play through them again. The levels with a good balance of being not too hard, but not too easy, and lasting longer than 2 minutes were few and far between. I was never blown away by any of the levels any more-so than I was in SMG1, and as I said before, I didn't really care for the first one. So after getting all 120 stars,
why the heck would I want to go back through all of the levels again to get green stars?

I guess I just enjoy exploration a whole lot more than pure platforming. Also, I didn't understand the purpose of having different worlds since there is no theme or similarities between any of the levels in each world. The different boards that the levels are connected on give you no sense of accomplishment or progress. It's like the levels are just randomly thrown on the screen and lines are drawn to connect them. At least in the older 2d mario games, I enjoyed the layout of the worlds and I felt like I was closing in toward a goal and navigating through new unexplored areas. SMG2 all worlds are the same (which not coincidentally rhymes with LAME). In SMG2, there is no goal. You can beat the game pretty much whenever you want and all of the bowser fights are
identical and unispired
. The only source of motivation to play the game is "getting all of the stars." Well whoopity flippin dooda! But again, this probably has more to do with me enjoying exploration more than pure-platforming.

I guess I'm just too much of a Super Mario 64 homer. I also find it odd that so many people hated the camera in Mario64, but no one even mentions how annoying it is in SMG2. For example, some levels you have free reign of the camera to look around and soak in the scenery and to help look for comet coins and secrets, but most levels you are limited to only so many degrees of view, or confined to some off-angle only (I guess to make the platforming more challenging, ZOMG CRAZINESS!!) Someday, when new video games are no longer being produced because gaming companies don't exist anymore, I might go back to completely finish SMG2. For now, good riddance, which is probably what people will be saying to me after they read this. :lol



Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I'm surprised so many people found it difficult. The only times I felt really challenged where when they threw a curve ball in that toyed with your usual playstyle, like Flip-Swap Galaxy or the Cosmic Clone stages. The game was great fun to play but I breezed through it. A Stroll Down Rolling Lane only took me three or four tries. I'm probably being a little unfair on the game, I played Galaxy 1 for hours and got all 242 stars so I was pretty proficient at it, but I don't think there was much challenge for Galaxy veterans. That's not really a criticism, it felt glorious feeling like you had mastered the game, swooping through the levels with ease, but there were times when I wished I'd had reason to spend more than 10 minutes in some of the galaxies.

My main wish is that there had been more water galaxies, I really liked the ones in the game, Slimy Spring especially (how great was that image when you surface at the end?). You barely had to do any swimming in the game, though I realise a lot of people hate underwater sections.


Neo Member
Just got 120 today. I thought it was harder than SMG1 but not nearly as difficult in the end as NSMBW. It was difficult enough where some parts gave me trouble but not difficult enough that I ever encountered anything I couldn't pass. Will probably give it a rest and come back later to do the post 120 activities.

I think Comet Coins could have been much better hid or should have been a little harder to get.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Just beat the final battle with
, and so the time has come to share my final thoughts. Before I begin, let me preface it by saying that I felt the original SMG was without a doubt, the best game Nintendo made in nearly a decade. Not since OoT, did I feel that Nintendo nailed a title in a major series that did almost every right. I felt it'd be important to mention this because I predict I may get ripped to shreds.

SMG2 was a great game, but I thought it fell quite a bit short from the prequel. One of the biggest improvements I've consistently heard people say was about getting into the game much quicker. I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but it seemed to me it took just as long to get to the first level as it did in the original. The only difference was that the cutscenes are now in storybook form, instead of being directed traditionally. I should also mention that I'm one of those people that didn't have a problem with the story/cutscenes in SMG. I thought they were actually handled very well, and never came off as overbearing or anything like that.

Possibly the biggest disappointment for me was the music. The irony being that SMG2 actually appears to have even more orchestrated tracks, but ended up sounding significantly more forgettable. The best way I could put it is that the music philosophy for the original was making use of an orchestra that' crafted to accommodate the world of Mario. Whereas, SMG2 had the idea of making an orchestrated soundtrack and just cramming it in the game. Note to the sound team, if the best tracks in your game happen to be from a PREVIOUS game, you're doing it WRONG. (very similar to what happened with Twilight Princess) I'm sorry, but the music just wasn't as memorable as original. They focused way too much on making it sound like a space opera, and not enough on making it sound good.

Okay, one area where I felt the game may have been superior is the level design. I definitely died several times on more levels in SMG2 than SMG. I do have some pretty big complaints, though. The final Bowser stage I felt was weaker than the original's, as well as the final battle with Bowser being extremely anti climactic. I beat him on the first try! With full health! I died a hell of lot more times with some of the other bosses, like that giant fire worm thingy in the last world.

So basically, overall, SMG2 is a great game, but I really felt the original had a better sense of style, music and fulfillment. Another way of saying it, I guess would be that SMG2 is the better game, but SMG is the better experience.

Davey Cakes

Ushojax said:
though I realise a lot of people hate underwater sections.
I don't hate them tremendously, but I think Galaxy 2 had just enough of them. Honestly, swimming has its place, but it's never really as fun as pure platforming, in my opinion. I prefer to jump on shit than swim through it, thank you.
amtentori said:
finished game this morning.

took me a while to get to
hammer bros part in perfect run
but beat it in my first try!

just avoid them till the end. no need to fight them

I actually beat that the first time I did it. It helped that I kept dying on the star before and basically memorized the entire level. :lol :lol
so i'm at 241 stars, trying to figure out why the last comet won't show up...and i find out i need 10k star bits? i'm only at 3k.

...no thanks. time to move on to another game. i'm not grinding in a mario game.
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