Oh, you're going to have doors underwater which send you back to the start and have Spike Walls underwater I have to navigate?
I don't give out stars, but if I did, this guy would never get one.
Thank you, spin jumps are completely optional though, it's 100% beatable without them since there are multiple paths. Thanks for the feedback too, I will definitely refine the course even further.Tips:
Show ahead of time that blue platforms fall. Better to have the death fall completely on the shoulders of the player since you taught them first. Also, the spin jump at the height of jumps isn't known by a lot of people (evidenced by the death spots) so maybe make the player jump high and have some coins at the peakread ZR or something.
Also, you can take the Lakitu cloud over the first few set of spikes, making the level WAY easier.
Once I got the flow down, it was fun to use muscle memory and memory-memory to follow the coins (well, most of them) to victory.
You should still give stars lol. If it's well made, you'll help them have a higher upload.
Youtube should processes the archive automatically. The link is up top.
The Black Lodge
shameless reposting my level from earlier
I tired to make a traditional mario so theres some serects and fun stuff, alongside platforming challenges
I'm pretty pleased with it for the most part, I just wish i had more room to work with.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated thanks.
Finished up this level last night. It's my first one with a subscreen, themed like a toadstool aboveground level then a more classic underground feeling one after. I bring you:
Fungus Amongus: D748-0000-0040-5DFF
I could use some feedback on some of my levels , if anyone wants to try them and feels they're worth commenting on. I want to improve them, so let me know what you think would make them better.
ID: 571A-0000-0026-2E43
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to play and comment on these. I'll be checking back in this thread regularly to get more new courses to play and hopefully some helpful feedback.
Name:Thwomp Mines
Tileset: SMW/Caves
Difficulty: 5/10
Code: C77F-0000-0042-3484
Would really love some people to try this out. It's my first time not making a brutally hard level! Let me know what you thinkthere are tons of secrets in this level too!
I've made a course themed around pushing and shoving wiggler's riding clown cars. Would appreciate your guys' feedback!
Attack of the Wiggler Nation: BD8B-0000-0040-38FA
Sölf;179013892 said:This one was pretty cool. Died the first time, because I thought I had to spin jump at the end. xD
I am also reposting a few of my levels:
I need more people to play this level and test it out. I am thinking about making an easier version of it (that counts as a separate level) but I want to see more people try to complete it first to see if that is the right decision.
This will be my second level, GoombaZone.com.
Pretty simple level, goomba themed. Getting used to the mechanics of the game. Would love some feedback!
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
Man this is the second time i enjoyed your clever stages, love the digging aspect and the puzzle to get into the pipe. Anyways got a saying if it happens twice it'll probably happening thrice, time to replay and try to find the other ways to complete it.subscribed can't wait to play some more of your stages.
I gave your level a try, and I must say it was an interesting ride! A little frustrating at first, until I understand the "secret" of the mines. In hindsight, it was a fairly obvious hint. I found 2 routes, and I'll try the other ones tomorrow I think![]()
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
Give us a darn mushroom.![]()
Played your Bowser's Final Stand level. Started out really enjoyable, the mini-maze to hit the P-Block was neat and not too difficult to work out what needed to be done. Unfortunately, five boss fights is ridiculously over the top, especially considering the relative lack of decent power-ups (put one before Bowser Jr Fight 2 - the Thwomp jumping section is fair, but difficult). Had the level ended after Bowser Jr Fight 3, I'd have been perfectly happy. Instead it went on and on, and by the time I died after the fourth Bowser Jr fight (in the clownship), I gave up out of frustration, making this the only level I didn't complete. I like the idea you used for the last Bowser fight (I looked at it on the map), but there definitely shouldn't be more than three boss fights total. Also, the red cannon firing the koopas in Bowser Jr 3 killed me more times than Bowser Jr, which got old very quickly indeed as it fires right into the middle of the arena, where you're most likely to be standing given the gaps in the floor and nature of BowJu's attacks. The idea behind the level is great, but it needs some serious cutting (and I say that as someone who makes long levels myself). My advice would be to prevent the player from ending Battle 1 prematurely with the star, then go to Battle 4, then Bowser. Maybe make the Thwomp jump section a little easier too, since in a level this long, the idea (for me, anyway) should be to demand a consistently solid level of performance from the player without throwing big spikes at them. Love the idea, execution needs work.
Snow Cone Summit
This is intended to be a fairly standard Mario 3 ice level, but when you reach the end there is a little musical section.
I don't expect it will be as popular as my other levels, I think it might end up being a little too difficult. Guess I will see.
I've also learned something: even if you are extremely careful to block off all the green hill tiles in the background of your level, because you're making an ice level and you don't want any green showing, the level map preview will still show those green hills, because it doesn't draw them accurate to how they are in the actual level. The level itself is correct as I designed it though.
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
Will def play your level when I get home - but if possible, you could try my non-traditional level, The Waluigi Parable
Code: 48DE-0000-003B-21C5
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
Wow, I managed to beat it. It was a very tough trek but I thought you made a creative level. Constant danger around every corner, the hammer bros. in the beginning really gave me a hard time. I gave you a star.![]()
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
First stage!
Dry Bones' Boollet Hell
ID: FA34-0000-0031-3EBE
Super fun and challenging, was getting frustrated with all the thomps. till i found the helmet.. then lost it instantly cause i had to make a jump under a thowmp and lost it cause it was too low.. my only complaint really other wise it was a fantastic stage, hard but not unfair. except the thwomp thing..
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I'll be streaming again at about 9PM Eastern or so. Post a code for a level and I'll stream it. One code per GAFfer. It can be for your stage or someone else's stage of your choice. Just quote this post with the code so that I can easily see it. First come, first served.
In the meantime, you could also give my first stage a try:
I tried my hand at creating a Zelda 2 style dungeon level. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Zelda 2 Dungeon 7454-0000-0044-479F
Streaming the following levels live. Watch at either of these URLs:
Name: Under the Thwomp.
ID: 7D5F-0000-003F-B84F.
Thwomps are falling from the sky! Luckily, you can protect yourself staying below moving platforms. Good luck!
EDIT: Lol top of the page for a shameless post like this. Oh well, I'm playing some random GAF levels and I'll share my impressions soon.
EDIT again: Seems I was late. This is even worse advertising then! Anyway, if anyone wants to play the level I'd be glad! I think it's good haha.
Tread Lightly3: Tread Light Rises --- A48A-0000-0043-0175
It's ready to go! I put bird chirp sound effects in so that if you are jumping at the right time from the platforms, you get the chirp. If you don't hear the chirp, you're probably dead.
Please try it out!