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Super Meat Boy |OT|

It only took 32.5 hours, 8373 deaths, and a severely hurting thumb but I did it!


Breezed through all of Cotton Alley Dark World today (I would say it was easier than Light World). Weirdly enough the 100% achievement popped up when I beat 7-17x and I was beating them in order. I still beat the final 3 levels though.

Feel pretty good right now. Is there a list of all the Golden Gods on GAF? There needs to be.
Ironic that this thread just got bumped, i purchased this game on steam today, never played it before.

It's hard :( I think i need a gamepad, any recommendations?


Super Sleuth
cpp_is_king said:
Ironic that this thread just got bumped, i purchased this game on steam today, never played it before.

It's hard :( I think i need a gamepad, any recommendations?
360 controller.
cpp_is_king said:
Ironic that this thread just got bumped, i purchased this game on steam today, never played it before.

It's hard :( I think i need a gamepad, any recommendations?

The 360 controller is a great choice, mainly because no messing with keybindings and drivers is required. But the Classic Controller Pro and Sega Saturn controllers are superior imo, my personal fav for this game is the MvC3 fightpad. Although a lot of people say the keyboard works great once you get used to it, but I never could.

cpp_is_king said:
Never tried this before, works with a wireless 360 controller and charging usb cable?

No, the USB charging cable doesn't do anything but power a wireless 360 controller, no data is transmitted. You'll need a RF adapter for that, but my recommendation is a strong wired controller only, no input lag and no signal drops.
Is there any way to remap buttons? I'm using the Classic Controller Pro and for some reason it's got the buttons confused. Luckily the jump button is the same, but like the button which si supposed to be B for back is actually the button on the top of the gamepad. And the button to go to the dark world is also messed up.
cpp_is_king said:
Is there any way to remap buttons? I'm using the Classic Controller Pro and for some reason it's got the buttons confused. Luckily the jump button is the same, but like the button which si supposed to be B for back is actually the button on the top of the gamepad. And the button to go to the dark world is also messed up.

The Wii controller? I used GlovePIE with great success. I can send you my PIE file if you want it.
STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD, I keep thinking the mac version was released. I didn't realize this game was such a technical powerhouse that it needed this much time to port over to mac.


Yeah, I know what you mean, but really, if it were, I'm sure all the gaming blogs would be on alarm.

Still.. Fuck, where is my Mac version!? I literally can't wait to replay this! Seeing as I lost my save when I removed my Bootcamp partition because I thought it was SteamCloud. But it wasn't.
Jasoco said:
Yeah, I know what you mean, but really, if it were, I'm sure all the gaming blogs would be on alarm.

Still.. Fuck, where is my Mac version!? I literally can't wait to replay this! Seeing as I lost my save when I removed my Bootcamp partition because I thought it was SteamCloud. But it wasn't.
I think they just don't give a shit. I remember reading they are now having another team do the port, come on now. This is a port of a 2d platformer, and not exactly rayman origins in terms in work put into it.

I feel bad for all the people who already bought the game on Mac when they made it seem like the Mac version just around the corner, how many months have gone by since?
Ken Masters said:
STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD, I keep thinking the mac version was released. I didn't realize this game was such a technical powerhouse that it needed this much time to port over to mac.

The team consists of 1 programmer, who probably doesnt't know jack about Mac development.

Can't you just install bootcamp?


cpp_is_king said:
The team consists of 1 programmer, who probably doesnt't know jack about Mac development.

Can't you just install bootcamp?
If the above poster is right, they have an outside team doing the port for that very reason.

Sometimes installing Windows just to run a game is less than optimal. When I had it installed, I sometimes had to run the game with lower settings and resolution just to get it to run smoothly. The first time I played it, the game froze for a second and I glitched into the wall and died. And later on playing I kept dying at random when I wasn't even moving because the game thought I had entered a wall which automatically kills you. And this was on a MBP with 8GB RAM and an SSD and everything else in Windows runs much better, even in Parallels. So, it would be really nice to have our promised Mac port soon. Especially with the one year anniversary being right now.
I've gone from playing my friends copy on the 360, to buying it on Steam during a sale and playing through Bootcamp, to now owning a powerhouse of a PC and no longer needing the Mac version. I don't know why but it's just weird that I'm no longer waiting for the Mac after wanting it so much. :/


The difference between you and me is you bought a powerhouse PC to play your games, whereas I wouldn't do that and don't need to own a top of the line PC for gaming. So I am still waiting for the Mac version just so I won't have to boot into Windows for it.

So I can't wait.
Jasoco said:
The difference between you and me is you bought a powerhouse PC to play your games, whereas I wouldn't do that and don't need to own a top of the line PC for gaming. So I am still waiting for the Mac version just so I won't have to boot into Windows for it.

So I can't wait.
Same boat I'm in, running boot camp to play one game doesn't make much sense


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Jasoco said:
The difference between you and me is you bought a powerhouse PC to play your games, whereas I wouldn't do that and don't need to own a top of the line PC for gaming. So I am still waiting for the Mac version just so I won't have to boot into Windows for it.

So I can't wait.
Same, I stopped playing it months ago cause I thought the mac version was just around the corner and I got tired of switching over to Windows for it .

Looks like we're gonna have to keep waiting, the OS X binary seems to be missing from the Steam SMB Anniversary Pack. : /


Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy....

Maybe there will be a Mac version for the anniversary after all. It would renew my faith in Team "Dual-boot or get off my dick" Meat.
Grimm Fandango said:
The Wii controller? I used GlovePIE with great success. I can send you my PIE file if you want it.

I tried the buttonmap.cfg suggestion someone posted earlier and unfortunately it doesn't work. You can only remap Jump and special / run, which both seem to work. I looked at GlovePIE and it seems extremely complicated, so yea, I wouldn't mind looking at your PIE file. Seems like simple things should be simple, all i really want to do is swap some buttons around on the gamepad, lol.
Here's a way to hack crude support for cloud saves into your game without having to manually copy files from a USB stick

1. Get a free DropBox account
2. Create a folder in your dropbox called SuperMeatBoySaves
3. Download this utility, which allows you to create links between directories on your drive.
4. For the purposes of this example, I'll assume you've extracted the files to a folder called C:\tools, but feel free to use whatever if you know what you're doing
5. Copy your save data from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy\UserData into your dropbox folder. (e.g. C:\Users\YourNameHere\DropBox\SuperMeatBoySaves)
6. Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy\UserData
7. Open a windows command prompt
8. Execute the following commands (you type the underlined parts):
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


C:\>[U]cd "Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy"[/U]

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy>[U]C:\tools\junction UserData c:\users\YourNameHere\Dropbox\SuperMeatBoySaves[/U]

Junction v1.05 - Windows junction creator and reparse point viewer
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Mark Russinovich
Systems Internals - http://www.sysinternals.com

Created: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy\UserData
Targetted at: c:\users\YourNameHere\Dropbox\SuperMeatBoySaves

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy>

You will need to repeat this process on each computer you play from. However, do not perform step 5 more than once or you could overwrite your cloud save with old data. Only perform step 5 one time with the most recent version of save data that you want to become the version stored on the "cloud".

Note that a normal cloud save system like the one built into Steam has things like integrity checks to make sure that files don't get corrupted if you save twice at the same time from different computers. This, being a crude system, will not have that, so I recommend you to take precautions by always creating an additional backup every time you do something important or beat a difficult level.

But for what this is intended for (i.e. not having to carry a USB stick around with you everywhere), this is extremely convenient and I've been using it for a few weeks now). Once you get the links created and setup on every computer you play from, you never have to think about it. You just log in from any computer and play, and everything "just works"


I already own every single one of those games. Some of them more than one version. One of them three. A couple I own multiple licenses to also.

And no Mac version yet.

*crossing fingers*
Ken Masters said:
what? where you reading this? don't get me excited for nothing!!!

Possibly on the official website. :)


In fact, mac version is already out. So take that :)

Edit: The store page for SMB doesn't say it supports Mac yet, but on the official website it says Mac support is included in the bundle. So not sure what the details are.


Unconfirmed Member
Just started this game not too long ago.

About 4 hours in, and I have A+ on everything in the first two worlds and everything light world in the 3rd level. First two worlds are 100%, still a fair amount to do in third world. I have unlocked the 4th, but I'll probably try to 100% the third before I delve into that one.

Admittedly, I used a FAQ to find where some of the black holes/bandages were in the first few worlds. I really don't care to wander around in these levels until I find all the secrets, it's enough for me to just know where they are and perform the skills to obtain them (though I did get the majority of them without help).


Wonder if this update will finally add the Steam cloud saving, Edmund said yes to cloud saving around the same time he said Mac version would come "very soon" that was like 1 1/2 months ago.
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