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Super Meat Boy |OT|


I'm running into a bug or something on the PC version and not sure why it started doing it or what is triggering it. Thought it was the steam community overlay but it's not (even though making a screenshot through it fixes it for half a second).

The background goes black pretty much 2 seconds into starting the game. The levels are fine but it's kinda tough to navigate the overworld and stuff. Also the cinematics are just black.



@Sober: I've never seen that before, but here's a couple things you could try.

-)Make sure your video drivers are up-to-date
-)Make sure your monitor hertz is set to 60hertz.
-)Add "-w 1024 -h 768 -refresh 60" without quotes to your launch options in the Steam client.
-)Try running the game in -meddetail or -lowdetail
-)Force V-Sync (maybe triple buffering too) in your Nvidia/AMD control panel
-)Install latest DirectX drivers using the Webinstaller
-)Verify the integrity of game cache in the Steam client
-)Delete game data (after backing up your saves), and reinstall the game.
-)Diagnose and eliminate any AV or firewall issues


Anyway, so why do they recommend the controller over the keyboard so much? Is there any real reason? Are there things that are easier to do with the controller than the keyboard?


Jasoco said:
Anyway, so why do they recommend the controller over the keyboard so much? Is there any real reason? Are there things that are easier to do with the controller than the keyboard?
This is the main reason, though there is nothing in the game that is impossible with the keyboard.


Acerac said:
This is the main reason, though there is nothing in the game that is impossible with the keyboard.
But does it really hinder anything at all? They seem to make it out like using the keyboard is going to make you suck so much more.


If you prefer using a keyboard, go wild. Some people do. There is nothing innately worse if that it what you're more comfortable with. I've seen youtube videos of the most difficult achievements being done with a keyboard.

That being said, as somebody who has used a keyboard for absurdly difficult platformers in the past, a controller is clearly much easier for me (and I assume most people) to use.
Acerac said:
If you prefer using a keyboard, go wild. Some people do. There is nothing innately worse if that it what you're more comfortable with. I've seen youtube videos of the most difficult achievements being done with a keyboard.

That being said, as somebody who has used a keyboard for absurdly difficult platformers in the past, a controller is clearly much easier for me (and I assume most people) to use.
I own the game on 360 and PC and the controller is definitely my method of choice, although I have played about 25 hours on the PC version with the keyboard. It gives it a sort of different feel, but I seem slightly less precise when I'm using the keyboard. I don't doubt that some people can become completely adept to it, though.
I got an A+ on every light and dark world level in worlds 1 and 2, but fuck those bandages. FUCK THEM. :(

Some I just cannot get at all.

I really want to before I move on to world 3.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I got an A+ on every light and dark world level in worlds 1 and 2, but fuck those bandages. FUCK THEM. :(

Some I just cannot get at all.

I really want to before I move on to world 3.
Don't waste your frustration on bandages from worlds 1 and 2, you'll definitely need some of that for later.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I got an A+ on every light and dark world level in worlds 1 and 2, but fuck those bandages. FUCK THEM. :(

Some I just cannot get at all.

I really want to before I move on to world 3.
It's much easier to play through all the light worlds first, then do the dark worlds.


dani_dc said:
I would wait to see if it gets a daily deal.
When's that going to happen? What's a Daily Deal? I'm on the edge of buying it to play in Windows under Parallels in the hopes that when the Mac version comes out it'll automatically let me download it to my Mac side to play natively. I want the bestest deal I can get though.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I really want to before I move on to world 3.
I'd just keep going, you'll get better at the platforming by moving on, and then when you come back to the first worlds the bandages will be much easier to get.
Beezy said:
It's much easier to play through all the light worlds first, then do the dark worlds.

I preferred doing the dark worlds directly after playing the light world of each chapter. That way you were already kinda used to the level design and layout, but just with added saws/rockets/whatever. So instead of relearning the level completely, you just had to adjust to each level having more traps to kill you.


MercuryLS said:
How this didn't come to PS3 baffles me, would play so well on a PS3 controller :(

At least you can use a bunch of different controllers with the PC version. I still like the little Madcatz Rock Band controller though.
So 15,921 deaths and a little over nine months later and I can finally say

I am a Golden God.

What a satisfying game. I'm usually not the type of person to go for 100% in games, but Meat Boy kept drawing me in deeper. I hit the last three or four dark worlds really hard within the past few weeks and ended up with a crazy blood blister on my thumb. The people who have ended up going for a lot of the achievements in the Steam version must be insane.

Definitely one of my top games of this generation, and possibly one of my favorites of all-time.

Now let us never speak of this experience again.


Gez said:
Sony had their chance (they rejected it). Now they don't deserve it.

They didn't reject it, they just didn't respond quickly enough, whereas MS responded quickly, and tied the game up in an exclusivity deal. Reading between the lines, they traded the ability to make a PSN version for an early release of the PC version.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
What I love about this game it's like an analogy for life, sometimes you think something is truly impossible to achieve but with perseverance you can make it, this game isn't just about skill, this game really tests a persons determination for success, if first you don't succeed, try again.


V_Ben said:
They didn't reject it, they just didn't respond quickly enough, whereas MS responded quickly, and tied the game up in an exclusivity deal. Reading between the lines, they traded the ability to make a PSN version for an early release of the PC version.
:( I really want this on psn. But if steam is really the best I can hope for so be it.


Neo Member
Picked this up during the Steam Summer Sale, and I'm loving every minute of it, but I really wish they hadn't included homing missiles in the game. I hated them in N+, and I hate them in this game as well. It's such a cheap game mechanic.


V_Ben said:
Yeah, it sucks. But I'm just waiting for that Mac version now :)
Ha! I don't know what it is but I like my friends list to go along with my purchases. That I guess is the only reason I hold off on computer games.
lowrider007 said:
What I love about this game it's like an analogy for life, sometimes you think something is truly impossible to achieve but with perseverance you can make it, this game isn't just about skill, this game really tests a persons determination for success, if first you don't succeed, try again.

I think that's a pretty good explanation of the SMB experience. :)

IamMattFox said:
So 15,921 deaths and a little over nine months later and I can finally say

I am a Golden God.

What a satisfying game. I'm usually not the type of person to go for 100% in games, but Meat Boy kept drawing me in deeper. I hit the last three or four dark worlds really hard within the past few weeks and ended up with a crazy blood blister on my thumb. The people who have ended up going for a lot of the achievements in the Steam version must be insane.

Definitely one of my top games of this generation, and possibly one of my favorites of all-time.

Now let us never speak of this experience again.

Here's mine so far...

IamMattFox said:
So 15,921 deaths and a little over nine months later and I can finally say

I am a Golden God.

What a satisfying game. I'm usually not the type of person to go for 100% in games, but Meat Boy kept drawing me in deeper. I hit the last three or four dark worlds really hard within the past few weeks and ended up with a crazy blood blister on my thumb. The people who have ended up going for a lot of the achievements in the Steam version must be insane.

Definitely one of my top games of this generation, and possibly one of my favorites of all-time.

Now let us never speak of this experience again.
Nice work. I decided a few days ago I was going to give my 100% dreams a fair crack. Got the first two chapters down so far.
Stupacabra said:
Does anyone know the time thresholds for getting the rare/medium rare etc achievements in each world?

They go something like this, aim for these.

Forest - 260 secs
Hospital - 495 secs
Salt Factory - 580 secs
Hell - 580 secs
Rapture - 750 secs

I'm now waiting on achievements for The End and Cotton Alley to be added, so I can unlock them as soon as I boot up my game again. :p These times are way too lenient for my tastes and breaks the spirit and competition for these speedruns.
Wooo feel pretty good right now


In order of difficulty, I'd say level 2>>>1>3. Luckily I had both a 360 controller and a Wii classic controller pro to help me along.


Grimm Fandango said:
Wooo feel pretty good right now


In order of difficulty, I'd say level 2>>>1>3. Luckily I had both a 360 controller and a Wii classic controller pro to help me along.


Yeah 2 was tough, but 1 was insane.

Loved it, though.
Didn't see this posted yet, so here goes (from the Super Meat Boy blog):

Team Meat said:
In other news, the 1 year Super Meat Boy Anniversary is coming up. For those of you who don't have it marked on your calendars, we are celebrating our anniversary the whole month of November. Super Meat Boy came out first on the 360, Oct. 20th, 2010. It then came out on PC / Steam on November 30th, 2010. It's been a hell of a year and we have a lot of stuff planned for the month of November to celebrate. We'll start trickling in some details soon, but trust us...it's some good stuff, and perhaps you non-PC people will finally get what you are constantly bugging us for...

Could mean new levels for Teh Internets or the Mac version and Steam cloud support finally coming...?


Licorice-flavoured booze?
How come the top times on the leader boards are lower than it is physically possible to complete the levels?

Been competing with a mate on times on chapter 1 for fun but seeing these time makes me wonder if it's worth it, are those low times cheats or glitches?


lowrider007 said:
How come the top times on the leader boards are lower than it is physically possible to complete the levels?

Been competing with a mate on times on chapter 1 for fun but seeing these time makes me wonder if it's worth it, are those low times cheats or glitches?

Probably cheat times, I remember during the summer sale people were editing game files to change there overall completion time or something that allowed them to get an achievement, so it's probably that.

Also has there been any word on if this game will ever get cloud saving, this game seriously needs steam cloud.
Im_Special said:
Probably cheat times, I remember during the summer sale people were editing game files to change there overall completion time or something that allowed them to get an achievement, so it's probably that.

Also has there been any word on if this game will ever get cloud saving, this game seriously needs steam cloud.

Supposedly when the Mac version releases Steam Cloud support will be added as well.


So I had to delete my Windows 7 partition, but didn't back anything up. Will my saved Steam progress for this not redownload?


Just have to say that after setting up PS3 controller using motionjoy, I'm enjoying Super Meat Boy a lot more! I used to play it on the keyboard, and I'd end up with cramps due to holding Shift with my anular finger.

The game feels new, even though I still suck quite a bit at it!


Oh well. I can play through again. I hope when the Mac version comes out it does get Cloud support.

Listening to the Man vs. Game livestream of Binding of Isaac last night the Meat Boy guys said a lot of stuff is going to be happening in November. I hope if a Mac version doesn't come before then, it'll come out sometime within November.
could i play the ultra edition without the disc like as if i had downloaded it, since it's steamworks? just thinking i would prefer to play it on both my desktop and laptop whenever without need for the disc.
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