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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


Everyone I played with today kept ranting about how they were only playing for TF2 items. It was really annoying as they would play terribly, then call the game terrible and talk about how much better TF2 is.

TF2 is fun and all, but the only comparison is that they are both cartoony, class-bassed shooters. One is a MOBA, the other just provides typical Team Play Modes. Why can't they coexist?

Card Boy

This game's community can be just as bad as Dota and LoL.

Yep i'm still struggling to understand why they decided not to include a classic MNC mode.

I will just make a few points.

* It forces people to stay the whole game
* No late join
* Punishes leavers
* Not casual friendly like the original MNC
* Takes too long to kill people
* Wins loses shouldn't be recorded
* Feeding plays a big part in the game
* Farming bots plays a even part over the original
* TF2 hat achievements is making retards from TF2 play the game.


They supposedly are planning a Classic MNC mode as that is THE most requested thing, especially from veterans.

And, I'll just make some personal opinion comments:

* It forces people to stay the whole game You can leave, as you mention in the 3rd point.
* No late join This probably has to deal with keeping matches fair. Perhaps a non-ranked or w/e mode would solve this complaint.
* Punishes leavers As it should.
* Not casual friendly like the original MNC Honestly, I felt the learning curve was light years smaller than LoL, a game I suck at. I'm relatively good at SMNC so far.
* Takes too long to kill people Probably because they're going for more team-focus rather than twitch. One of the Devs talked to GiantBomb about how someone could solo carry their team with headshots, etc. breaks balance I assume. Also, future MNC Classic mode.
* Wins loses shouldn't be recorded Why not? They don't affect anything besides your ego.
* Feeding plays a big part in the game MOBA aspect again. Suck less :p
* Farming bots plays a even part over the original Well, the bots let you attack turrets and the moneyball, so they are pretty important, just like MOBAs
* TF2 hat achievements is making retards from TF2 play the game. Yeah, but they were hoping to convert or expand their userbase. Hoping people would welcome coexistence.


Fastest game yet. I made the Spark rage quit because I kept grabbing him before he could grab me. I got 2 or 3 Grab Kills on him. My only death was from a bot though hahaha.

I was Cheston, if that wasn't apparent.

Card Boy

Probably because they're going for more team-focus rather than twitch. One of the Devs talked to GiantBomb about how someone could solo carry their team with headshots, etc. breaks balance I assume. Also, future MNC Classic mode.

I don't understand how this is a bad thing. It means the game is skill based instead of who farms more based.


I don't understand how this is a bad thing. It means the game is skill based instead of who farms more based.

Well, there is still skill involved. It's just a different kind.

Wow, watching the replay, that poor Spark. The first time he tried to grab kill me (after killing 2 of my teammates that way) I grab him and kill him instead. Some time passes and the first Anni is ready to launch. He's up high trying to grab the Gunner, but I grab him. He ain't dead so I hit him with my PIMP cane a few times and he drops dead. He rushes back for revenge. Grab Kill. He comes again... Grab Kill. By the time he comes back we had already claimed the Anni, but at that same time I had dropped down and bought the gorilla bot. Somehow it knows to gun for him and he's trying to shoot it dead, but hits a wall and it grabs him, pile drives him and kills him. I no longer needed to do the dirty work, I have a bot do my grabbing kills for me. Once he realized that bot was mine (since it gave me credit for the kill) he complains how "cheap" that was. Mind you, the whole match (I'm watching him on this replay) he does nothing but gun drones, teleport to teammates, spams grab, hoping he'll throw them off the level for one-hit kills. He certainly met his match with me.

Item Box

So after burning myself out from playing the invitational for too long, I've decided to jump back into this game. Nice to see people here are playing it.

I also need a group to play this game with :)

Card Boy

Well, there is still skill involved. It's just a different kind.

The type of skill your talking about is depended on your team. Even at 2 v 5 in the original MNC you could still win if you where good enough. At leaver or feeder in this affects your skills due to the enemy being straight out stronger than you from farm.
The type of skill your talking about is depended on your team. Even at 2 v 5 in the original MNC you could still win if you where good enough. At leaver or feeder in this affects your skills due to the enemy being straight out stronger than you from farm.

I can't imagine how anyone who could consistently win 2v5 in the first MNC would have a problem outleveling their opponents in SMNC, even with a feeder on their team. Feeders suck, but a fed opponent is still much easier to handle than being down three players in MNC.

And imo the first MNC wasn't really all that casual-friendly either. My biggest problem with the game toward the end was that new players treated it like a team deathmatch, which inevitably lost them the game because they failed to pay attention to bots or turrets. The bad players were just as big of a problem, but the game did a poor job of punishing poor play styles and rewarding good play styles, so most players never learned the "right" way to play.


in every game I'm in the levels are similar even when I die like 10x in a row so it's not that big a deal to feed unless it's all in the first few minutes or your team sucks at killing dudes anyway. i've been in several games where the other team is destroying us in kills and our levels are pretty similar because we're off killing bots when we aren't getting stomped. i was in one game where two people on the other team were like 30 and 1 and we win the game anyway because they let us punch through turrets on one side while they fight for annihilator or whatever


NeoGAF: my new HOME
The type of skill your talking about is depended on your team. Even at 2 v 5 in the original MNC you could still win if you where good enough. At leaver or feeder in this affects your skills due to the enemy being straight out stronger than you from farm.

This isn't Monday Night Combat, though. Every complaint you seem to have with this is an intentional choice by Uber. Have you never played a MOBA?


Uber could easily add an alternate mode where levels are capped from the start and players could drop in/out or switch classes. Would be rather fun.
Uber could easily add an alternate mode where levels are capped from the start and players could drop in/out or switch classes. Would be rather fun.

Have they said much about the alternate mode they're planning? All I've heard is that turrets may be purchasable, which kind of implies that it might be more like the first MNC.

My only concern is that a new game mode would split the playerbase too much... it's grown quite a bit since release, but it's still not huge, and I still see a good number of complaints about long queue times.


Have they said much about the alternate mode they're planning? All I've heard is that turrets may be purchasable, which kind of implies that it might be more like the first MNC.

My only concern is that a new game mode would split the playerbase too much... it's grown quite a bit since release, but it's still not huge, and I still see a good number of complaints about long queue times.

Not much about it. They still need more maps for Super Crossfire before they even think about new game modes. Seems every patch they do introduces more bugs (Shurikens no longer hitting when fired on a close range target with the latest). They only have ~20 people on the team and they seem more fixated on balance changes, matchmaking (which is always going to need improvement), and new costumes/taunts (as that's their only real revenue stream at the moment).
Not much about it. They still need more maps for Super Crossfire before they even think about new game modes. Seems every patch they do introduces more bugs (Shurikens no longer hitting when fired on a close range target with the latest). They only have ~20 people on the team and they seem more fixated on balance changes, matchmaking (which is always going to need improvement), and new costumes/taunts (as that's their only real revenue stream at the moment).

Yeah, new maps would be great. They have three more in the oven, but who knows when they'll hit the public, especially since the game is out of beta.


So I just got a Money Magnet product. That thing is BEAST. I'm usually 1-2 lvls above everybody else in the game by the first annihilator, and can usually keep being overleveled throughout the game.

Card Boy

This isn't Monday Night Combat, though. Every complaint you seem to have with this is an intentional choice by Uber. Have you never played a MOBA?

I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours in the MOBA genre across DOTA, DOTA2, LoL, HoN, Awesomenauts, and even that crap Rise of the Immortals. The DOTA formula simply does not work in a FPS/TPS environment. Judging from the Steam numbers the proof is in the pudding. For the record I don't hate the game i was a massive fan of MNC, I am voicing my feedback. I am extremely frustrated the developers would turn their back on their original fanbase. It's exactly the same as turning HL3 into a COD shooter or making it into a RTS.


Tonight has been super fucking frustrating. 4 losses in a row. I felt like I forgot how to play, compared to how well I was doing early last night. About to try again, just to try and get my prize drop.

Also, I agree with you Gez on the fact that the developers turned their backs on their fanbase. To take the franchise in a new direction, but fail to recognize the fans that supported them from the beginning is a form of the cold shoulder. Once that MNC mode is up, it will be a thing of the past.


I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours in the MOBA genre across DOTA, DOTA2, LoL, HoN, Awesomenauts, and even that crap Rise of the Immortals. The DOTA formula simply does not work in a FPS/TPS environment. Judging from the Steam numbers the proof is in the pudding. For the record I don't hate the game i was a massive fan of MNC, I am voicing my feedback. I am extremely frustrated the developers would turn their back on their original fanbase. It's exactly the same as turning HL3 into a COD shooteror making it into a RTS.

No it's not. The formula was there in MNC to a lesser extent. Funnel bots traveling in lanes while fighting the enemy. They just pushed it further in the MOBA direction. You're acting like it's a completely different genre now.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I much prefer this new direction, to be honest, it's pretty much eliminated all the issues I had with MNC where matches could be so incredibly one sided you literally couldn't step out of your spawn point without getting ganked. Classes feel more balanced, everyone is more survivable the only loss is the turret strategies which could quite easily be brought back by making upgrading them incredibly costly like spawning a Jackbot.

And this is coming from someone who put 200+ hours into MNC on both PC and XBLA for context.


Sketchbook Picasso
When I first started to play, my first reaction was "WHY IS THE DAMAGE SO LOW?!?!?! WHY CAN'T I KILL ANYONE?!?!". You could be an instant-hero in MNC if you were stronger than your teammates, and ganging up on others 2-to-1 with, say, an Assassin and a Tank, or a Support and a Gunner, lead to instant kills.

...But that's not Super MNC. SMNC is even more of a "full team" game. Even though I played MNC with constant teamwork with a splitscreen friend on 360, I wouldn't say MNC demanded overarching teamwork as much as SMNC; SMNC is at it's best when all 5 of your people move like an organized gang. Stragglers without backup, either from players or bots, turn into feeders, and their solo-excursions just make everything worse for their teammates.

I don't miss all the exploits of MNC, either; such as people standing atop glass barriers and sniping, or glitching to HIGH corners to snipe moneyballs and turrets from within their OWN bases. I remember seeing people stand atop the central scoreboard unit that floats in the middle of a stage, and bomb our moneyball from way up there! SOOOO many exploits, lol.

The stages are better made, the jungle idea is pretty ingenious, and I'm kinda glad the game is less "Team Death Match" specific, and more "Gang Warefare" like, in the fact that you really CAN'T do it all alone. You NEED some bots to bring down the gun's shields. You NEED a teammate to keep you from getting grapple-glomped. You NEED backup to keep you from dying and feeding the enemey more resources.

I've learned to love this games changes, and kinda dislike all the calls for nerfs people make. Nerf Supports Slowgun, Nerf Gunslingers Kneecap, Nerf Tanks Death Blossom! Ugh. I find this game surprisingly well balanced, as I actually play each class, and learn their weaknesses from first-hand experience. You have to WORK to make your character as viable as they should be, but each class has their "OMG, SO OP!" style things that makes them each enjoyable to play. Same thing I love in Awesomenauts; You can really feel like your character BREAKS THE GAME when you learn to play them efficiently, until you get humbled by someone else who knows exactly how to counter you...

Uber's Art and Sound Direction, Modeling, and Animation is all so charming, too. Every character feels like they have way more personality than you expect from something that's not a 1 on 1 fighter, or an RPG. They've maintained this from MNC to SMNC, and I hope to see them keep at it, as they continue to add Pros and Taunts to the game.

So... yeah. Really enjoying the game, even though I've been the victim of some HORRIBLE team coordination and bad matchmaking / decision-making. As an MNC fan (Probably my most played shooter of any type on 360, alongside Lost Planet Series), I can really appreciate the changes made to this game!


Second-rate Anihawk
I've actually done a 180 on this game. I *hated* the beta, but I played it again for lolhats, and it is a well made game. There are problems, but the mechanics are sound. My biggest complaint is that the UI and presentation are terrible. I know Uber is a tiny company, but everything feels so cheap, especially compared to Dota 2 where the UI is godlike.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but are there no controller friendly icons in the game? When I used a controller to play, the game still used my keyboard keys to indicate what to do in menu's and such.

Is there any 360 like buttons in the game if yes, how can they be enabled?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
When I first started to play, my first reaction was "WHY IS THE DAMAGE SO LOW?!?!?! WHY CAN'T I KILL ANYONE?!?!". You could be an instant-hero in MNC if you were stronger than your teammates, and ganging up on others 2-to-1 with, say, an Assassin and a Tank, or a Support and a Gunner, lead to instant kills.

...But that's not Super MNC. SMNC is even more of a "full team" game. Even though I played MNC with constant teamwork with a splitscreen friend on 360, I wouldn't say MNC demanded overarching teamwork as much as SMNC; SMNC is at it's best when all 5 of your people move like an organized gang. Stragglers without backup, either from players or bots, turn into feeders, and their solo-excursions just make everything worse for their teammates.

I don't miss all the exploits of MNC, either; such as people standing atop glass barriers and sniping, or glitching to HIGH corners to snipe moneyballs and turrets from within their OWN bases. I remember seeing people stand atop the central scoreboard unit that floats in the middle of a stange, and bomb our moneyball from way up there! SOOOO many exploits, lol.

The stages are better made, the jungle idea is pretty ingenious, and I'm kinda glad the game is less "Team Death Match" specific, and more "Gang Warefare" like, in the fact that you really CAN'T do it all alone. You NEED some bots to bring down the gun's shields. You NEED a teammate to keep you from getting grapple-glomped. You NEED backup to keep you from dying and feeding the enemey more resources.

I've learned to love this games changes, and kinda dislike all the calls for nerfs people make. Nerf Supports Slowgun, Nerf Gunslingers Kneecap, Nerf Tanks Death Blossom! Ugh. I find this game surprisingly well balanced, as I actually play each class, and learn their weaknesses from first-hand experience. You have to WORK to make your character as viable as they should be, but each class has their "OMG, SO OP!" style things that makes them each enjoyable to play. Same thing I love in Awesomenauts; You can really feel like your character BREAKS THE GAME when you learn to play them efficiently, until you get humbled by someone else who knows exactly how to counter you...

Uber's Art and Sound Direction, Modeling, and Animation is all so charming, too. Every character feels like they have way more personality than you expect from something that's not a 1 on 1 fighter, or an RPG. They've maintained this from MNC to SMNC, and I hope to see them keep at it, as they continue to add Pros and Taunts to the game.

So... yeah. Really enjoying the game, even though I've been the victim of some HORRIBLE team coordination and bad matchmaking / decision-making. As an MNC fan (Probably my most played shooter of any type on 360, alongside Lost Planet Series), I can really appreciate the changes made to this game!



Last night was humbling to say the least. I finally won a match. I fed early, but got depressed and then just pushed bots anfd turrets. Ended up winning us the game. Match time? 9:47

I should stop trying to PK and just hunker down for the goal.
Oh God this. The recent update to the interface helped a bit, but this game's menus are still ugly as sin.

Some of the recent changes to the store seem like a big step backwards. And the whole character customization process is a lot clunkier than I would like.

Fortunately Uber doesn't seem adverse to overhauling the UI semi-regularly, so hopefully we'll see some improvements soon.

I should stop trying to PK and just hunker down for the goal.

That has made a huge difference for me. I pretty much always prioritize bots over players unless I'm being actively threatened or a player is really close to death. Lately I've been on quite a few losing teams that ultimately fail because they waste too much of their time chasing down players and let a lane get pushed by idle fuji bots or a few bots + one player. Kills are definitely important, but they're not worth losing a turret or a having the moneyball downed.
A shame that the new map is just the same as bullet gouge without much of a change, less orange or something would have been nice.

Card Boy

Just from look at the Steam stats the numbers are going down by around 100 concurrent players each day on the peak. Its never goes up unless its a weekend. Even then I'm willing to bet its down from weekend to weekend.


Just from look at the Steam stats the numbers are going down by around 100 concurrent players each day on the peak. Its never goes up unless its a weekend. Even then I'm willing to bet its down from weekend to weekend.

Diablo 3 just launched, dude.
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