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Super Monkey Ball for Xbox


I bet my ass it would sell more than 100000 units per zone...Which are great numbers comparing to the XBOX one.


being watched
T-1000_Model3 said:
Well if this news is true then this Xbox owner is pretty happy. Just another great SEGA game to go in the consoles gaming library. Though some online play within it would be have totally perfect,none the less I'm looking forward to this package. Hope this news is true.

I agree with these views.

And to everyone else...

Cry me a river Ninbabies!



ourumov said:
I bet my ass it would sell more than 100000 units per zone...Which are great numbers comparing to the XBOX one.

If your such a Sega fan, why are you missing out on all the Sega goodness on Xbox? Just buy one. Should be just in time for Outrun 2


I am not a SEGA fan...more like a JSR fan ;) , just that I want JSRF on other platfforms. I even own the original XBOX one sealed although I don't own an XBOX...


Sucks at viral marketing
In Sega's case, the reason SMB and SMC are being ported is because those are the ONLY titles of theirs that are selling well. They're simple (though they sure are slow) ports and Sega needs the $$$. Sega would be stupid (and we know they are), if they don't put VF4 FT on all platforms.

With the other publishers, I'm guessing that they look at the success of these games on the GCN and assume that with the PS2's larger userbase will result in similar or better results on the PS2. They'll learn their lesson when those game bomb out on the PS2. The games won't reach the PS2 fanbase like they did on the other consoles. No one wants sloppy-seconds, especially a year later, on a more crowded platform.

Games don't usually come from the PS2 to the other consoles because there aren't that many games on it that do well enough to justify later ports on smaller platforms. Though, we can probably all can name some that have.


JJConrad said:
With the other publishers, I'm guessing that they look at the success of these games on the GCN and assume that with the PS2's larger userbase will result in similar or better results on the PS2. They'll learn their lesson when those game bomb out on the PS2.

Hehe, I can seriously imagine the Sammy boss looking at a sales spreadsheet and then dollar signs popping out in his eyes when he sees the Monkey ball numbers and multiplies them with the PS2's user base advantage over Gamecube's, hehehe.
They should add an Xboxe Live element where its you against 3 other opponents, where youre all racing to finish the same board of Money Ball the fastest,without dieing,otherwise you would receive some sort of major penalty for falling off. I'm not saying to split the screen either. Maybe just add like 3 small bubble shots in the top corner of a person's screen,sorta like a sports ticker. Where while youre playing-every once inawhile you can glance over to see how your opponents are doing on the same board youre competiting against them on.

Ofcourse all the mini games that the series is known for would be great too,but I would like to see simulataneous races to the finish over Xbox Live,the type that I mentioned above. That would make for some exciting competition over Xbox Live.
See I think that JSR might find a niche on the GC with the Viewtiful Joe audience. They've both got old-schoolish style gameplay given a modern twist and they've both got an eccentric, Japanese take on American youth culture style.
jarrod said:
Really, this is what Sega needs to be doing for more of their older hit games... outsourcing ports. We should also get VF4, Shinobi, Sonic Adventure 1-2, Crazy Taxi 3 among others on multiple platforms... it probably wouldn't hurt to restart ESPN on GameCube either (at least NFL & NBA, which would both probably clear 100-200k each at the new price point).

I agree with you Jarrod. Sega sgould be porting more games to each system. I know I Plan to buy the Monkey Ball DX for the X-box. I also plan to buy the original Monkey ball for the Gamecube becuse i want the game that was coeded for Amusement Vison. But Monkey Ball DX is happy news for Sega X-box fans.


This will sell well. Fusion Frenzy, another party title did so well in fact that there is an XBL sequel in the works. SMB really needs to be a XBL title. That would be the icing on the cake.
Sweet, I am pumped..

feels good as a former sega fanboy to be liking sega's stuff again..

ESPN 2k5 football I am loving, and plan to pickup NHL and NBA...

Outrun 2 is one of my most anticipated titles for this christmas season..

and cant wait for super monkey ball deluxe!

now if they'd just release billy hatcher for xbox for $19.99!
Sega should take some of their XBox,PS2,and Cube releases and just add new content to them for PSP and DS releases. Sorta like they'd be starting over with their franchises on 2 pieces of new hardware.


I thought Smilebit said that JSRF and Panzer Dragoon Orta were tailored for the Xbox hardware? Maybe that's why neither of those games will be ported. Look at the Xbox port of MGS2. It had flaws that the PS2 version didn't have even though the Xbox is a powerful system. If companies really do go all out on certain games, I think it's best to keep the game exclusive. Maybe Sega should port the first JSR to the GC.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
I think Nintendo has too many strong franchises of their own to have ever considered bundling JSRF in with GameCubes had SEGA originally made it for GC instead.


Miburou said:
There are already two Naruto games on the PS2.
Yes, but they're not the super popular Tomy/8ing fighters. They different games, from different companies.

Lazy8s said:
I think Nintendo has too many strong franchises of their own to have ever considered bundling JSRF in with GameCubes had SEGA originally made it for GC instead.
Sure, but there's always the chance the game would've been a good performer on it's own had it been released on GameCube instead, particularly in the post launch lull Sonic and Monkey Ball took advantage of. JSRF wasn't made with the intention of being bundle software, that was just it's fate to help recoup costs after failing to perform at retail.
"A Sega fan without an Xbox is not a real Sega fan."

Meh. I'm a sega fan with an xbox, but I think the better sega games are on the other two systems. JSRF and HOTD3 are both inferior to the dreamcast counterpart (which in HOTD3's case is included, but HOTD3 sucks). Crazy Taxi 3 is a rehash with slowdown that is only worth owning because of the inclusion of the city from CT1. ToeJam and Earl 3 gets old real fast and isn't funny. Panzer Dragoon Orta is pretty, but I had more fun with the port of PD1 on the disk.

PS2 has REZ, Shinobi, VF4 evolution. All outstanding games.

Gamecube has Sonic Collection, Monkey Balls(for now), Skies of Arcadia Legends.

I am excited about the Monkey Ball extravaganza, but as a Sega fan, I see Xbox as the dumping ground for Sega's lackluster sequels, and I doubt that any of those I mentioned (except for Crazy Taxi 3, judging from the sales of Crazy Taxi on PS2 and Gamecube) would sell much better on the other systems if ported.

If you like Sega's Xbox games, that's cool. But don't suggest a Sega fan cannot be satisfied unless they own an Xbox. I got an Xbox partially due to the supposed "sega goodness" and I'm disappointed.

Now, I'll endorse the claim "A Sega fan without a DREAMCAST is not a true Sega fan". Dreamcast 4 lyfe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sho Nuff

Waaaaaaaah! It isn't fair that other people can play a good game that was previously exclusive to the only console I can afford!

Come on, you could port a game like Monkey Ball 1+2 to the Xbox in a month with about three guys. You wouldn't have to sell all that many to break even or make a little profit.


Hey, it could be a cheap and easy port...which makes this a good move on SEGA's behalf.

On the other hand, JGRF could be ported to the GC...couldn't it? That would be an equally smart move.


Hotsuma said:
I thought Smilebit said that JSRF and Panzer Dragoon Orta were tailored for the Xbox hardware? Maybe that's why neither of those games will be ported. Look at the Xbox port of MGS2. It had flaws that the PS2 version didn't have even though the Xbox is a powerful system. If companies really do go all out on certain games, I think it's best to keep the game exclusive. Maybe Sega should port the first JSR to the GC.
Super Monkey Ball 2 seems fairly tailored to the GameCube also, yet they're throwing the levels from it in. As nice as Panzer Orta and JSRF look, they're really not anything that couldn't be done on GC/PS2. JSRF moreso, Panzer would probably take some programming work (especially on PS2).


The ghost of Dreamcast past
SEGA and Microsoft have a good relationship. The original Xbox team was inspired by what SEGA was doing with the Dreamcast and showed respect for their designers. There were even serious negotiations for an alliance for a while. The plan for an alliance didn't work out, but the companies were still keen on helping one another out.
Speevy said:
What's the latest on Monkey Ball 3? Still in development?

Sure, if you believe 16-month-old, unsubstantiated reports on IGN that were very quickly denied by one Nagoshi-san, who I hear has some involvement in the Monkey Ball games.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"A Sega fan without an Xbox is not a real Sega fan."

Meh. I'm a sega fan with an xbox, but I think the better sega games are on the other two systems. JSRF and HOTD3 are both inferior to the dreamcast counterpart (which in HOTD3's case is included, but HOTD3 sucks). Crazy Taxi 3 is a rehash with slowdown that is only worth owning because of the inclusion of the city from CT1. ToeJam and Earl 3 gets old real fast and isn't funny. Panzer Dragoon Orta is pretty, but I had more fun with the port of PD1 on the disk.

PS2 has REZ, Shinobi, VF4 evolution. All outstanding games.

Gamecube has Sonic Collection (also on ps2 and x-box soon), Monkey Balls(for now), Skies of Arcadia Legends.

I am excited about the Monkey Ball extravaganza, but as a Sega fan, I see Xbox as the dumping ground for Sega's lackluster sequels, and I doubt that any of those I mentioned (except for Crazy Taxi 3, judging from the sales of Crazy Taxi on PS2 and Gamecube) would sell much better on the other systems if ported.

If you like Sega's Xbox games, that's cool. But don't suggest a Sega fan cannot be satisfied unless they own an Xbox. I got an Xbox partially due to the supposed "sega goodness" and I'm disappointed.

Now, I'll endorse the claim "A Sega fan without a DREAMCAST is not a true Sega fan". Dreamcast 4 lyfe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

You are a Sega Fan, and you don't Like Sega's X-box games!!! I guess I agree with people that say if you love Sega games, that you would want to own the X-box and the Sega games own it.

I ask how is JSRF inferior to the Dreamcast verison. the Graphics are sharper, the frame rate is smoother, it moves at 60 frames instead of 30, the levels are bigger, and the controls are better. The only thing I wished JSRF did that JSR did, is I wish the cops would chase you all the time. I know some people like the street fighter motions for the the Graffiti art, but i preffer the way JSRF did Graffiti art. It kept the fast pace instead of slowing down the game.

House of the Dead 3 , I will admit it doens't have all the cool Pathways of no 1 and 2, but it is still a fun game. and it Looks gorgeous.

Cray Taxi 3, where was he slowdown, I haven't noticed it, and I liked the re odne small apple stage? I can agre that it is a rehahses from the dreamcast days, but Sega has done rehashes on the other systmes too: Aonic Adventure 1 & 2, Skies of Arcadia, F355 Challenge, and Sonic Mega Collection ( Sonic Jam is the smae game minus a few games) are example.

Tom Jam and Earl 3 was a good game I thought. It played like the original on the Geneiss and had a great sense of humor. I played the oriignal, so I guess youhave to like the original game to like ToeJam and Earl 3.

You Liked the unlock game of Panzeer Dragoon 1 over Panzeer Draggon Orta. I Like Panzeer Dragoon 1 but, you can tell Panzeer Dragoon has aged, not oonly graphics but in gameplay. I would think most would prefer to play Panzeer Dragoon Orta.

I don't see the X-box as a dumping gorunds as you described it. Yes the x-box have some Niche games, but some of Sega's games have been the niche games. I would say the X-box line up is just as good as the other two consoles.
I agree a real Sega FaN would own a Dreamcast, but I would put the saturnas a system for a real Sega fan to own too. It seems alot of people started to discover Sega with the Dreamcast.


hyperbolically metafictive
panzer's got some fancy lighting effects -- i'm going to call them "per-pixel," although i don't really know what that means -- that i've never seen on gamecube. lookit the level 2 boss, for example. i doubt it could be accurately ported. jsrf doesn't have any fancy effects, but it does look kind of taxing...porting that wouldn't be trivial either.

actually i'd just like to remind gamecube fans that the xbox is more powerful than the gamecube. because they seem to forget sometimes.


Hail to the KING baby
Damn, I was hoping this was a new Super Monkey Ball. I'd take that one on any system; hell, I bought the GC just because of the first Super Monkey Ball.


Dear Sega,

Try supporting the consoles that support you.

Not that I am against other people enjoying monkeyball, but it's not going to be as good a game with the xbox stick. Plus, it's the wrong demographic. Plus, it's SEGA.

Though the PS2 monkeyball stories never amounted to anything, so this could be more mumbo jumbo.

Sho Nuff

etiolate said:
Not that I am against other people enjoying monkeyball, but it's not going to be as good a game with the xbox stick. Plus, it's the wrong demographic. Plus, it's SEGA.

How in the HELL is the Xbox analog stick inferior to the Gamecube one?

The waaaaahmbulance is on its way!


Hail to the KING baby
etiolate said:
Dear Sega,

Try supporting the consoles that support you.

Not that I am against other people enjoying monkeyball, but it's not going to be as good a game with the xbox stick. Plus, it's the wrong demographic. Plus, it's SEGA.

Though the PS2 monkeyball stories never amounted to anything, so this could be more mumbo jumbo.

I wouldn't say basically porting old games over to a console is tantamount to "not supporting" other consoles. And what's wrong with the X-Box analog? I've spent probably a hundred hours with both games and I have absolutely no idea how the X-Box stick (imo the best analog setup around) is a dropoff at all from the GC.


How in the HELL is the Xbox analog stick inferior to the Gamecube one?

The GC stick has more sensitivity from neutral point to up, down, left, right, etc. Comparing a cube stick to an xbox or PS2 first party controller, you'll find there is more give and variance with the gc stick. It is just a more accurate and precise analog stick, though it seems to come at a cost of durability. The UP on my gc sticks loses tightness over time.

Anyways the precision is important to Super Monkey Ball.

I wouldn't say basically porting old games over to a console is tantamount to "not supporting" other consoles.

Yeah, I see that, but it would make more sense to work on a Monkey Ball 3 for GC than to port the games to a console which has rejected nearly all non-sports Sega titles. A colorful monkey puzzle game isn't exactly the Xbox demographic.


Hail to the KING baby
etiolate said:
The GC stick has more sensitivity from neutral point to up, down, left, right, etc. Comparing a cube stick to an xbox or PS2 first party controller, you'll find there is more give and variance with the gc stick. It is just a more accurate and precise analog stick, though it seems to come at a cost of durability. The UP on my gc sticks loses tightness over time.

Anyways the precision is important to Super Monkey Ball.

Yeah, I see that, but it would make more sense to work on a Monkey Ball 3 for GC than to port the games to a console which has rejected nearly all non-sports Sega titles. A colorful monkey puzzle game isn't exactly the Xbox demographic.

I'm all for Monkey Ball 3, but unfortunately Sega seems to be in a different mode right now. Considering the quality of many of their recent releases, maybe it's better that it gets delayed until some form of sanity (not business sanity, mind you, the company never had that) returns to Sega. :/


Will start substantiating his hate
TheGreenGiant said:
about right

fucking should be making new games or sequels instead of this/any ports. Dirty Sega bitches. Grragg.
This is likely Sammy's doing. They're quite supportive of Xbox (and PS2 for obvious reasons).


HalfPastNoon said:
sold. i have both of the games on the GC, too. this is going to be awesome.

Same here! This is great news, if true. I wonder if it will start at a budget-style price as most remake-type compilations are anymore. $30, or $40.

It definately doesn't seem like Sega wants to do a Monkey Ball 3 this generation. Who knows.
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