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Every time people ask who Elma is.

Elna is best girl. How can people not know her. >.>

XBX is a gem, people need to play it. Though I did enjoy XB more.
Well liked veterans are known quantities. Newcomers could be fantastic or they could be losers like Corrin, it's more of a gamble.

And I still would like to see Silvally over any other Gen 7 Pokemon but that's just me and I know that will never happen.

We must be living in alternative realities because in mine Corrin got top 5 in the official FE females poll and is awesome :p

As far as pokemon go I'd be all for mawile, braixen, mareanie or even Sylveon but none of those are happening: heck they didn't even get into any of the pokeballs :/
The former. Most people are expecting an expanded port as Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch.

That's sort of what I thought. However, if that's true -- and I really hate to be a Professor Beef here -- but I think expecting in the neighborhood of 8 new characters is just a bit crazy. But I'll be pleasantly surprised if it happens!


Corrin's awesome! Had Corrin not been added as DLC, I'd definitely be hoping they'd get in eventually—perhaps not before other characters, but as the next Fire Emblem character? Certainly! Corrin's great 'cause they represent the dragonstone transformations of Fire Emblem. Plus a half-dragon character is just awesome, lol.

That's sort of what I thought. However, if that's true -- and I really hate to be a Professor Beef here -- but I think expecting in the neighborhood of 8 new characters is just a bit crazy. But I'll be pleasantly surprised if it happens!
Oh, I agree, 8 is the absolute maximum I'd expect. Realistically I'm expecting less than that. I do largely expect whichever characters we get to come from those 8, but I'm not expecting all of them. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, but yeah, something between 2 to 4 new characters would be more likely. But we can't really say for sure either way, so who knows?

PK Gaming

Well liked veterans are known quantities. Newcomers could be fantastic or they could be losers like Corrin, it's more of a gamble.



Every time people ask who Elma is.

Like I said, she's a super hottie and easily the best character in that game. I'm not against her getting in at all, it's just crazy unlikely.

Yep. People grow attached to the characters in Smash Bros.

Totally understandable. The problem is that Smash 4 has already retained so many vets, and the only characters left (sans Wolf) are scraps at best. I'd much rather have new characters.
If I had to lock in my prediction for characters in a Smash 4 Deluxe, it'd be:


1.) Inkling


1.) Ice Climbers
2.) Wolf

Depending on how far off the release is, maaaaaybe an Arms rep for a fourth character


As in "Heathcliff"
No one really know. I even wrote an argument or statement on that matters.

Well, Dr. Toto said that Smash for NX is in development (he tweeted it in Jan 2016 so I presume that that's when they may start their development) and he presumed that Smash NX was going to be a launch title. Dr. Toto haven't been wrong with his sources and rumors so far, and he have a reliable source in his pocket. (Warning: Take his source with a grain of salts, like I did.)

I always have a hutch that Smash for Switch wasn't going to be a launch title but I think it's going to be out by next year. During Jan 2016, Sakurai already commented that he would have a new project ready for him so we don't know if it's Smash-related or a brand new project. Also he commented that he bought a robot figurine so he could use the gun for his upcoming project.

Before people going to mention that Sakurai is on vacation. He already clarified that he's taking a breather, rather than a break.

If Sakurai chose to work on something else new. It don't meant Smash Bros is out of question, since it's plausible that Smash for Switch might be in the work, with Sakurai in small capacity, or without Sakurai, like Sakurai stay in position via Producer or so. Also the gun that he just purchased, I wonder if it's for new game project, or would it be used as prop for Inkling moveset animation concept for Smash Bros project? (Source:SourceGaming, Sakurai's GDC 2008 powerpoint)

I know it's pretty much everyone's question with upcoming Smash project? Is it enhanced port with new contents? or Is it going to be Smash 5? No one knows. It's a complete new situation for Sakurai and the fans, since Wii U kinda ended early. I meant Sakurai actually made Melee like two years after Smash Bros (64). If Dr. Toto is right about Smash for Switch being in development, then the development already went on for 14 months. However it's plausible that the development is complete and Nintendo is sitting on it so they could wait for a right time to announce and release.

I don't really think they're going to call it Super Smash 4 Deluxe, and if Sakurai's upcoming project is going to be Smash Bros for Switch (Only if he's more involved with the project.) then I would believe that we are going to see some new contents than some people expected to.

Also I would like to provide more comments from Sakurai's words. Also he have a desire to make Smash Bros as Best Character Game in the world.

“It’s pretty difficult. If I keep making Smash, I get to work on interesting things like Ryu, but if I leave, I don’t know if the staff could do it by themselves.”

Sakurai already acknowledged that characters are the perfect tool to hyping up the audiences and to build up the interest for the audiences to purchase new Smash. Personally, I think Sakurai knew Smash is one of most high profile franchise and have the power to move the consoles, so I think it might be their best interests to include brand new contents for the fans to purchase the game again. I know it's very debatable with the fact it doesn't need new contents for some fans to re-purchase the game.

He already felt that Smash for 3DS and Wii U already went passed the limit for Smash Bros franchise. Also it would made an excellent counterargument that we might not get any new characters in Smash for Switch. (I would like to mention the comments Sakurai made was in Jan 2015)

Yeah, I guess I undersold the Ice Climbers

Ice Climbers were responsible for this and this

Definitely give them more credit—they're straight up virulent

I can imagine people are thrilled when they found out that Ice Climbers were gone.


Elna is best girl. How can people not know her. >.>

XBX is a gem, people need to play it. Though I did enjoy XB more.

A bunch of people didn't play the game she was in/ the people who did play the game she was in didn't give a shit because they could be custom hero man. And were trying to get to the part with the giant ass transforming robots.

Everyone gets shoved out the way when there are giant ass cool transforming robots in your game.
I can imagine people are thrilled when they found out that Ice Climbers were gone.

It's funny because I remember most people hating their return in Brawl, only for the opposite to happen with Smash 4 (particularly when Sakurai explained the reason why).

Just like they say, you never know what you have until it's gone...
Revisiting Melee made me remember just how badass the Adventure Mode was.

Give me that, some new stages + some from the 3DS, a handful of characters (Wolf, ICs, and Inkling are essential), flesh out the SF and FF universes, and give the DLC fighters events and customs, and we're golden.

people always seem to forget that melee was a great game even non competitively


Despite DLC ending just a year ago I think I'm fully in the mindset that the next game will be brand new. Well running on the same Smash 3DU engine of course. When that Smash Bros 6 job listing came up before the initial 3DS release, saying like 200 people were needed(I think), I have a feeling Iwata and Sakurai planned out exactly when they would need a new Smash for the Switch.

I figured if the next Smash was planned for the Switches launch it would be just an upgraded port but now I feel like with so much time passed we are getting something brand new.

What ever ends up coming out, just please for the love of Bob Sakurai, get Dixie's butt in there! And rethink Ridley again! And again and again and again until you've got enough inspiration to make it work!

I really thought last time Dixie was a shoe in. The E3 Smash was revealed was the E3 Tropical Freeze was revealed featuring Dixie right? I just knew her time had come.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I need Elma because I need to do this in Smash like how I do this back in XCX

SLIDING SLINGER! *falls off a cliff*


As in "Heathcliff"
That's sort of what I thought. However, if that's true -- and I really hate to be a Professor Beef here -- but I think expecting in the neighborhood of 8 new characters is just a bit crazy. But I'll be pleasantly surprised if it happens!

Well, Professor Beef was wrong when he said we wouldn't get new Marvel Vs. Capcom. It's plausible that his streak could continue for one more time. :p

It's funny because I remember most people hating their return in Brawl, only for the opposite to happen with Smash 4 (particularly when Sakurai explained the reason why).

Just like they say, you never know what you have until it's gone...

I don't really miss their gameplay in Smash Bros but I only want them to be back so I could have Ice Climbers Amiibo because it felt so weird to not have them along with other Melee cast.
People love characters more after they're cut than the game they were in before they were cut.

See: Roy and Wolf

I always loved Wolf. :( He was one of my favourite characters in Brawl, my second most favourite addition to Brawl (after Wario), has been my most wanted DLC character and is my favourite Star Fox series character hands down.
Also, you may notice my avatar. ;_;
if idolmaster ever has anything to do with smash ill donate a kidney
edit: forgot mario and rabbids have a crossover so I guess I should be careful
I really need to buy an HDMI splitter so I can play Smash 4 again. My Switch took my last port (Steam Link and my PS3, which is just my Bluray player, take the other two out of three).

Or I can just play the 3DS version I guess, but eh...

Smash 4 Switch will be awesome. Can play it on my porch and stuff.

PK Gaming

After playing Injustice 2, something caught my eye in regards to character interactions in Smash Bros.

They're practically nonexistent

It's a huge shame too, since these characters are overflowing with personality... and they're not allowed to express it at all. The potential is certainly here, and it would be interesting if expanded on character specific round wins, added certain voiced lines for specific character matchups, etc. Basically, I want MORE. Falco telling Fox he's off his game is cool, but what if you had Bayonetta trashtalking fucking Ganondorf. That would rule.

In short:

After playing Injustice 2, something caught my eye in regards to character interactions in Smash Bros.

They're practically nonexistent

It's a huge shame too, since these characters are overflowing with personality... and they're not allowed to express it at all. The potential is certainly here, and it would be interesting if expanded on character specific round wins, added certain voiced lines for specific character matchups, etc. Basically, I want MORE. Falco telling Fox he's off his game is cool, but what if you had Bayonetta trashtalking fucking Ganondorf. That would rule.

In short:

I've been daydreaming about MVC3-esque conversations for a while, but considering how many of Nintendo's characters are mute I can't imagine it ever taking off.
I've been daydreaming about MVC3-esque conversations for a while, but considering how many of Nintendo's characters are mute I can't imagine it ever taking off.

This just reminds me of Soul Calibur 2 where in the pre fight Vs screen you could press a button to make your character blurt out a quick line, so in Link's case it's like "VERSUS YOSHIMITSU" ".......HYAAAAAAH!"
I think there'd be some hesitance on Nintendo's part to have characters from different series commenting on each other outside of special roster wide circumstances like Snake and Pit's codecs.

And yeah, there's just a lot of Nintendo characters that are either totally mute or just don't hold normal conversation in voice acting (like most Mario characters). The current extent of Starfox characters giving each other shit and FE characters commenting on each other is probably as far as I can see it being taken.

PK Gaming

I've been daydreaming about MVC3-esque conversations for a while, but considering how many of Nintendo's characters are mute I can't imagine it ever taking off.

I think there'd be some hesitance on Nintendo's part to have characters from different series commenting on each other outside of special roster wide circumstances like Snake and Pit's codecs.

And yeah, there's just a lot of Nintendo characters that are either totally mute or just don't hold normal conversation in voice acting (like most Mario characters). The current extent of Starfox characters giving each other shit and FE characters commenting on each other is probably as far as I can see it being taken.

I guess, but that's still no reason why the more expressive characters (like Wario) can't speak in full sentences. His "Yes!" after winning a match is so lifeless and devoid of personality, it almost fulls unreal. This applies to most of the taunts from speaking characters. Oh and the Fire Emblem characters...

I guess, but that's still no reason why the more expressive characters (like Wario) can't speak in full sentences. His "Yes!" after winning a match is so lifeless and devoid of personality, it almost fulls unreal. This applies to most of the taunts from speaking characters. Oh and the Fire Emblem characters...


Wouldn't Smash's hit-or-miss track record with English VA be all the more reason why this shouldn't happen? Imagine if everyone started talking with the same "quality" as the Star Fox voices!

(Although, for what It's worth, Charles Martinet did his Brawl recording while in Japan)

PK Gaming

Wouldn't Smash's hit-or-miss track record with English VA be all the more reason why this shouldn't happen? Imagine if everyone started talking with the same "quality" as the Star Fox voices!

(Although, for what It's worth, Charles Martinet did his Brawl recording while in Japan)

It's a weird issue, since games like Kid Icarus: Uprising and the various Fire Emblem games had had stellar voice acting. They just need to get a voice director (the current one is quite frankly, pretty mediocre)
It's a weird issue, since games like Kid Icarus: Uprising and the various Fire Emblem games had had stellar voice acting. They just need to get a voice director (the current one is quite frankly, pretty mediocre)

Said it before, I'll say it again: voice acting has always been Treehouse's Achilles Heel.

In terms of voice direction and whatnot, I'm not even sure how involved they were with the FE games from Awakening on, and their efforts with POR/RD were...well...


Maturity, bitches.
Just do what NoE did and get another company to handle VA like they did with Xenoblade and Last Story.
Because so many of Nintendo's franchises are dubbed in different places, SSB's English voice recording is handled remotely by several studios so they don't have a single voice director. Star Fox characters and Ike are done by Bad Animals in Seattle, other Fire Emblem characters by Cup of Tea in Burbank, Kid Icarus characters by Ginny McSwain in LA, etc. Adam Howden recorded in London but he noted it was a different studio and director than he actually had for Xenoblade.
If those are fake they're pretty damn good. The Paper Mario stage in particular looks really convincing, but, maybe it's just because I haven't played Smash in a while, but the character models look off to me somehow. But maybe I'm just imagining things. But they really do look like uprezzed versions of the 3DS character models. Toon Link in particular bothers me--his hat looks too deeply colored compared to the Wii U version. I mean, I guess it's possible that the character models were updated but they don't look better, I think they actually look worse. So I don't know.

I'm leaning on fake.
That's not the same clock font in the Yoshi Break the Targets screen, right? And I'm not sure they'd just use the Melee one again...

Leaning on fake as well, although I'd LOVE for it to be real.
Yeah, like has been pointed out in the other thread, a ton of characters seem to be uprezzed 3DS models. Plus... Look at Koffing.

The two monoeyes are also in the same pose/angle as well. The backgrounds have a lot of effort put into them but there's too much weird shit going on with the character models.
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