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PK Gaming


I mean, yea
Why would it use up-ressed 3DS models?

But that Paper Mario re-make is really nice

Maybe in handheld mode it switches to 3DS models for characters?

lol probably not. But those stages and NPC models are realllllyyyy convincing, it's the actual Smash Characters that look off.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
from the source in /v/ it was pretty much stated as fake, apparently using wrong names (i.e. not Koopa Jr.)
I have to say...I may disagree with many of Sakurai's design choices for Smash (Smash Tour, Palutena's default moveset, auto-ledge snapping, etc) but I looked at the leaked roster for Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, and holy shit. Things could be so much worse here.

Like, imagine if the next Smash Bros. gutted out most of the current roster and only added like five new characters, with some vague promise of DLC support. That's basically what's happening with MVCI.
all the additional pokemon are going to be "cool" pokemon arent they
at least going by the inclusion of Charizard, Lucario and Greninja (and mewtwo)


Since people were talking about Josh and Roger in the Smash rumour fake thread, thought I'd see what they were up to on Twitter and thought, hey, this looks familiar....
Someone's lurking our thread and taking our GIFs I see. =P Clearly he likes my picks for Smash, at least! lol Well, the more hype for Elma, Chorus Kids, and the rest, the better~
I have to say...I may disagree with many of Sakurai's design choices for Smash (Smash Tour, Palutena's default moveset, auto-ledge snapping, etc) but I looked at the leaked roster for Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, and holy shit. Things could be so much worse here.

Like, imagine if the next Smash Bros. gutted out most of the current roster and only added like five new characters, with some vague promise of DLC support. That's basically what's happening with MVCI.

I've noticed there's a lot less hype surrounding it than MVC3. Granted, they haven't been marketing it as heavily, but other things like gems coming back and the bland artstyle seem to be turning off many people.

Say what you will about Sakurai, but he certainly knows how to captivate fans pre-release.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And then there are things like, if he wasn't around, Earthbound and similar titles probably won't get as much recognition in smash.


We now have a nice 3D render of Decidueye thanks to Pokkén Tournament DX!

And that means it's time to update my expected fighters image! lol


Though I'm growing more and more worried that we're not going to see Smash at E3 after all...
You got a junior member in there saying that the head of Pokemon must be autistic solely on the fact that the Switch didn't get a Pokemon game. These people have no sense whatsoever.
wait really? links please

Isn't the creator of Pokemon autistic, or at least on the spectrum? Wiki says Tajiri still directs mainline releases in the series.

I'd say that might be a solid reason why their dev process is conservative. Afaik breaking from routine can be anxiety inducing for some people with asd so he might just prefer to stay the course and iterate incrementally while the game remains successful.

I also assume this is why there's very specific rules and conditions around how Pokemon IP is handled.
yeah i'm not going back in there ever again, just so much salt

but that post, man dude Tajiri doesn't even have that big of a role in pokemon games nowadays


As in "Heathcliff"
yeah i'm not going back in there ever again, just so much salt

but that post, man dude Tajiri doesn't even have that big of a role in pokemon games nowadays

I love the hypocrisy in few threads. They complained about us getting Wii U port (Pokken DX) at same time they were complaining that we aren't getting Pokemon Stars for Switch which is literally a port game.

You don't want a port game awhile at same time you want a port game? It's like what?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
yeah i'm not going back in there ever again, just so much salt

but that post, man dude Tajiri doesn't even have that big of a role in pokemon games nowadays

what's hilarious is that people think it's "legit" just because the opening post hits a few right notes, not realizing it's just a guise on its true intent
I love the hypocrisy in few threads. They complained about us getting Wii U port (Pokken DX) at same time they were complaining that we aren't getting Pokemon Stars for Switch which is literally a port game.

You don't want a port game awhile at same time you want a port game? It's like what?

it really makes me sad that so much of this hate is being put on Pokken, it did nothing wrong so why is it getting hate

i guess some people really want a mainline game on the switch right now for some reason

like just wait, it will come when it's ready


Maturity, bitches.
GAF just needs to sit down and relax with a nice party game like Smash to remind itself that games are fun and there's no need to get worked up over them.
I love the hypocrisy in few threads. They complained about us getting Wii U port (Pokken DX) at same time they were complaining that we aren't getting Pokemon Stars for Switch which is literally a port game.

You don't want a port game awhile at same time you want a port game? It's like what?

Ehhh. They want a port they care about and they don't care about a port they don't care about (thus they'd prefer it gone, since these resources could have covered something else instead). It's not hypocritical at all, really. The two examples of games here don't come close to scratching the same itches.

The part where disappointment brings along nonsense and angst is just basic human nature.


I love the hypocrisy in few threads. They complained about us getting Wii U port (Pokken DX) at same time they were complaining that we aren't getting Pokemon Stars for Switch which is literally a port game.

You don't want a port game awhile at same time you want a port game? It's like what?

Ha! I didn't even think about that.

So glad for Pokken, pretty neutral about Ultra Sun/Moon despite getting it for sure.

I think most of as already knew that Decidueye was THE Pokemon this gen. Seeing him in Pokken just furthers my belief he'll end up in the next Smash.

I didn't really look at his moves in the trailer, did it seem really archery/projectile heavy like some want or expect? Or more importantly do people see moves that would translate well to Smash?
Ehhh. They want a port they care about and they don't care about a port they don't care about (thus they'd prefer it gone, since these resources could have covered something else instead). It's not hypocritical at all, really. The two examples of games here don't come close to scratching the same itches.

The part where disappointment brings along nonsense and angst is just basic human nature.

Except the resources involved don't have anything to do with the port they want. The pokken team don't make pokemon mainline games, they make tekken and stuff :p
it's like screaming abuse at your window cleaner because they cleaned your windows but the bin men didn't turn up "oh my god, I wanted my bin emptied, why are you wasting time cleaning my windows?"
Except the resources involved don't have anything to do with the port they want. The pokken team don't make pokemon mainline games, they make tekken and stuff :p
it's like screaming abuse at your window cleaner because they cleaned your windows but the bin men didn't turn up "oh my god, I wanted my bin emptied, why are you wasting time cleaning my windows?"
You could go to your boss and complain about money that could be spent emptying company bins being spent cleaning company windows for no reason whatsoever. I doubt your boss is going to listen to you, but it is an internally consistent request.
You could go to your boss and complain about money that could be spent emptying company bins being spent cleaning company windows for no reason whatsoever. I doubt your boss is going to listen to you, but it is an internally consistent request.

Uh... I guess that analogy kind of lost you. But hey, if we're going this way, your windows still needed cleaned (they were getting dirty, aka there is a pokken consumer base who actively wanted a switch release) and your boss did pay both rather than one or the other, it's just that the bin men haven't turned up yet, which has nothing to do with the window cleaners but you're having a good old shout at them and your boss anyway, making both think you're a lunatic :3

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You could go to your boss and complain about money that could be spent emptying company bins being spent cleaning company windows for no reason whatsoever. I doubt your boss is going to listen to you, but it is an internally consistent request.

Talk about a really farfetched, false analogy request.


I'm pretty sure that if Sakurai didn't want Bayonetta in Smash, she wouldn't have made it into the game, whether she won the ballot or not.
I didn't say anything about Sakurai not wanting or liking her, just that she didn't get in just because he likes her, she got in due to winning the Smash Ballot.
Uh... I guess that analogy kind of lost you. But hey, if we're going this way, your windows still needed cleaned (they were getting dirty, aka there is a pokken consumer base who actively wanted a switch release) and your boss did pay both rather than one or the other, it's just that the bin men haven't turned up yet, which has nothing to do with the window cleaners but you're having a good old shout at them and your boss anyway, making both think you're a lunatic :3

Who cares about clean windows? I have over one million internet friends and none of them care about clean windows anymore now that I have shown the few of them that used to care about them the joy of empty bin! And quietly installed some shutters. And it's true my bin is emptied daily, the problem is, this is not nearly enough! If we stopped cleaning windows and floors and whatnot, we could have our bins emptied hourly by now! HOURLY!

Look, if you don't like a game, and it is connected to a game you like, it's the least important thing that someone else likes it. That's no hypocrisy. That's just collective egoism.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Look, if you don't like a game, and it is connected to a game you like, it's the least important thing that someone else likes it. That's no hypocrisy. That's just collective egoism.

It's more on people being aware on the idea. I don't mind if people say that if they're aware on what they're doing.
I didn't say anything about Sakurai not wanting or liking her, just that she didn't get in just because he likes her, she got in due to winning the Smash Ballot.

Possibly. That's what they said, but we don't know the results of the ballot. They used the weird phrasing "negotiable and realizable", which could mean anything.
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