I'm I the only one on gaf who has Hector as his most wanted SSB character?
There has to be something else to this.So I heard on Shofu's stream that apparently one of G&W's custom side-b moves turns judgment into 1 or 9 every time.
Holy shit!
They're fun theories but I personally don't put any stock into them. I guess I'll probably revisit it when I finally play through the original Mother next year.
Also...not that we have their exact ages (though we do know Kumatora was a baby at the time of the White Ship) but I always imagined an age gap between Lucas and Kumatora.
There's gotta be some drawback to that.
Even though he's pretty fast in FE, Ike's playstyle is how I imagine him working. The slow, powerful type. At least PM has us covered for a Hector alt kinda.As far as FE lords go, yeah, he would be really awesome. I think he could have work as an Ike alt, but would be even better as his own character with unique moves.
I can't believe.![]()
Lyn would be a better pick, and that ship seems to have sailed.I'm I the only one on gaf who has Hector as his most wanted SSB character?
We need more villains, Fawful or Nergal would of been awesome.
I'm I the only one on gaf who has Hector as his most wanted SSB character?
We need more villains, Fawful or Nergal would of been awesome.
Its a shame that we get the most boring and generic FE characters in Smash.
When did Itoi say those things? Are we sure he wasn't just humoring a fan's inclinations?
That interpretation seems dangerously fanfiction.net for three games with unusually strong thematic integrity. Not to mention there are some massive logical leaps one has to perform to accomodate the narrative.
I'd hope Itoi was just being a good sport.
Yeah there must. They didn't elaborate on it too much. Still though, those odds are ridiculous!
Not even the most deserving Blazing Sword character.
I'm not that crazy about IC's, but in general I'd prefer to wait on the game and have it be better than to get it sooner. Give me Wolf, Lucas, and ICs, and I'd be happy to wait for next year (even if I don't play any of those really).I wonder if people would have prefered to play this game on Wii U mid 2015 with ice climbers (and maybe other cut characters) included instead of playing it this holyday without them.
After two games as an AT I can't see Lyn ever making it in as a playable character.
Not even the most deserving Blazing Sword character.
Mario kart unexpectedly got dlc. I'll continue to hope for the icy duo.
After two games as an AT I can't see Lyn ever making it in as a playable character.
Oh man I sent in my 3ds for repair last week to finally get rid of those tip screen scratches
I just realized I left my sd card in the system I sent. I'm fucked aren't i gaf
It wasn't unexpected if you knew about thing people found on MK8.![]()
Plus it'll be for 3DS as well, not just Wii U as MK8 is. D:
When did Itoi say those things? Are we sure he wasn't just humoring a fan's inclinations?
That interpretation seems dangerously fanfiction.net for three games with unusually strong thematic integrity. Not to mention there are some massive logical leaps one has to perform to accomodate the narrative.
I'd hope Itoi was just being a good sport.
I can't either! Still deserves it more than Hector.After two games as an AT I can't see Lyn ever making it in as a playable character.
I wonder if people would have prefered to play this game on Wii U mid 2015 with ice climbers (and maybe other cut characters) included instead of playing it this holyday without them.
Its a shame that we get the most boring and generic FE characters in Smash.
Not even the most deserving Blazing Sword character.
I would LOVE Fawful.
I can't really call Robin generic though. At least not any more generic than any customizable main character. The others aren't super unique but that's because FE loves blue haired-sword people.
I never really get why people are upset at the loss of Ice Climbers. I never really felt like they were much fun to play as, Nana always got lost, and they've only had one small game decades ago. Why so many fans?
Also, I'm pretty sure they won't take the extra power of the n3DS and use it for a character as opposed to behind the scenes general use of power... if anything...
I wonder if people would have prefered to play this game on Wii U mid 2015 with ice climbers (and maybe other cut characters) included instead of playing it this holyday without them.
I wonder if DLC will have forced parity of if the Wii U will have specific Wii U only DLCHonestly, if Ice Climber's only bottleneck was 3DS then I don't see why the Wii U version should have them withheld, even if they don't come at launch, especially if they were running on the game at some point!
It's probably the easiest DLC choice they could make!
I've done a bunch of EB/Mother research, Itoi definitely said that it was a valid interpretation in interviews for both cases.
I'm I the only one on gaf who has Hector as his most wanted SSB character?
We need more villains, Fawful or Nergal would of been awesome.
Its a shame that we get the most boring and generic FE characters in Smash.
I wonder if DLC will have forced parity of if the Wii U will have specific Wii U only DLC
Unless the 3DS version doesn't support DLC, I don't see why they would "waste" time and money on a character that not even half of your userbase can buy.
Lyn should have been a Lucina alt. Or Marth alt. Or her own character. Or something.
I remember being so excited when she went up on the Dojo for Brawl. Like, shit! She's in! YESSSS. Then I looked at the page again, assist trophy.
That was the point I knew I was never, ever going to use assist trophies. Seeing the characters I wanted most on stage, but knowing I could never play them. Nope. I'd rather them not be in the game at all.
Master Hand is clearly Kamiya.
Also, I hate that I won't be able Ice Climbers in Smash 4. :c All the potential of what could have been in this new game.
I would've been down with Hector, but Ike kind of fills that "heavy, big weapon fighter" niche.
I do wish Ike was an Axe user just for variations sake. We finally get a magic user in Robin but even s/he defaults back to his/her Levin Sword.
What really would have been nice if custom moves allowed for a change of weapons, just like how FE chars can wield diff types of weapons.
I'd be down for it if it'd give Bayo and Wonder Red priority in future DLC/installments, right?
And about the Ice Climbers... is there, like, anyway we can get Sakurai's attention and let him know we hate roster disparity if it means characters get cut from both versions if they work perfectly in the superior/competitively viable one? Was it him or Reggie that acknowledged the petition to get Reggie into Smash (That I think made it. I know they're just going to use the Mii excuse, but the for-real deal'd be nice...)? Maybe flood Club Nintendo with surveys?
If they were all but finished and only the roster parity held them back there's no real reason to let them sit either. Money is still money.