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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


Is there no way to leave a match due to a lot of lag without being banned or taking a loss?

I think shutting off the 3DS might work. Once I was in the middle of a match and had to leave abruptly, so I shut my 3DS off and came back like 2 minutes later. When I got back there were no penalties...

So I don't know much about the technical stuff, but are there any chances the WiiU version of the game would have less lag than the 3DS version? Or is the online experience on the 3DS version a clear indicator of the WiiU one? I don't have any major problems myself, but I'm wondering if there is a relation between both versions (If it's even possible to know).
What I always used to do is just drown out the console so it disconnects "naturally" and should have no penalty. Put it under some pillows or a blanket in a corner somewhere and it should disconnect.


That dodge cancel tech is so good for Bowser. It completely destroys characters I used to struggle with, like Ness.

92% win rate for my last 50 For Glory fights!

Just what I wanted to hear! My brother just told me about this today and I've been testing it out.

God I wish something like this can be found for Donkey Kong!

I have a moment for some matches if anyone is available. Code in my profile.


I've been in the "lol little mac" camp since the game launched, but I just played my first legitimately good little mac.

EVERYTHING HAS SUPER ARMOR ;_: even his fucking neutral a.


I feel like I need some sort of Craigslist "missed connections" for Smash For Glory matches.

I just played someone named "Fusion" for maybe 10+ matches in a row. Not much slowdown or input lag, very close matches. I started winning with an off-character, they used an off-character a couple of times, but for the most part we just used our mains every match. At least one went to sudden death (which I won), and I lost one or two within 5 seconds of sudden death.

They seemed slightly better than me almost every match, but I finally got a non-self-destruct victory and left on a high note. Good games, internet stranger.

Also, the 3DS punch-out running theme is one of my favorites for close, dramatic battles.


So I just fought a bowser that try to side b me off the ledge...didn't work the first stock and I just let him kill himself and me with his side b even though I was a stock ahead lol.
GGs Anonymous Tipster. That's some heavy defense you have. Took me awhile to figure out how to approach it. Great Mega Man

When you're done with those matches, and if you have more time, would we be able to do some matches? I've heard how good you are and am wondering if my expectations are on the mark or not.

Ok but only a few though. What's your fc?

GGs Anonymous Tipster. That's some heavy defense you have. Took me awhile to figure out how to approach it. Great Mega Man

Ok but only a few though. What's your fc?


Thanks! Your Ness is scary, but you know that already. The things you do with PK Thunder make me weep.

That's a pretty embarrassing game to end on though, hah hah.


Past couple of days have been a bloodbath. I fought the best Zero Suit Samus ever encountered. Blazing fast, I was stunned. Must have been using those newfangled dodge cancel/whatever techniques. I felt very, very slow in comparison.

I really need to figure out what to do about players that go full-on defensive with projectile spam and roll abuse. It really pisses me off that an otherwise well-made game has practically no penalty for players who dodge and roll for more than half the match. I played a Lucario and a Sheik that were actually a bit worse than me and losing definitively... until they started abusing defensive tactics and avoiding me. G&W is my main but too slow trying to pursue. It was maddening. What the hell am I supposed to do against people like this? Switching to DHD helped since I don't have to pursue so much, but I don't see switching characters as a solution.

I'm also really irritated by the seemingly bad-mannered online community this game has -- between the smug Little Macs who run with their tails between their legs after getting beat in a single match, Little Macs who get cheesy wins and never switch characters and bail after one loss, players suiciding or leaving after a one-sided win on my part, record-obsessed players who bail because they don't wanna risk losing in a second match after a very narrow victory over me that could've gone either way, players who lose a few in a row and then bail after a single win (seems really petty, like last laugh sort of thing), advanced players bouncing after one match as if I'm a waste of time (I lose opportunities to learn from better players).

There are obviously a bunch of decent people who will play a series of fun matches with nice sportsmanship. The Zero Suit Samus guy thoroughly kicking my ass was awesome for example. But attitude-wise, it still feels like there are a lot of shitty players out there.


Finally got 5 KOs with Ness... now I fon't have to touch Cruel Smash ever again!
Footstoolin' ass motherfuckers... /salt

edit: HOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT, I did not know Dark Pit doesn't go into special fall after a side B in the air. This changes everything
Runaway dodge spammers are not a problem for me. It is not a problem with the game. You just need to predict the roll and hit them as they recover.
Any YouTube video I can watch to improve my technique in playing the game in general or for shulk/pit?

I just use Smashboards. 30 minutes of causal browsing got me hella good with Shulk. Here's a few Shulk tips -

- get used to switching arts on demand at a moments notice
- my go-to approach is to jump into a Neutral air. It will often go right over dash and non-U Smash attacks. At low percentages I can often pull a down smash upon landing, and also if I miss my Nair the down smash will catch people running to punish.
- Backslash is awfully situational, don't overuse it. It's great against low projectiles, though. It's unbelievable against Duck Hunt, for example. You can jump right over the frisbee a lot of the time, and can also knock back the gas cans at a low enough angle but also shitloads of distance (further influenced by which direction you're holding) that you can hit Duck Hunt with it, or just knock it away and off the stage.
- against fast offensive characters like Little Mac I like to start the game by throwing an F-smash as soon as they start running toward you. Catches them damn near every time.
- Shulk's counter is amazing but the timing window lowers everytime you successfully use it. It's a great way to punish a person trying to punish you, though. If a character hits you with a dash attack that you know will put them safely away from your counter strike, or if they're at high percentage, hold forward on the control pad and you'll do a stronger variant with lower range that triggers almost instantly, knocking away your opponent or putting some instant distance between you and them.
- Jump is good against easily launched characters and against characters with easily gimped recoveries, as well as confusing and/or stalling characters with good ground game while you wait for another Art to charge. I often switch to Jump when the opponent is at a high percentage and the battle is leaning toward off-stage. Short hops into neutral A are great against tall characters on the ground and a quick short hop with Jump can extend the range of your Backslash considerably for occasional surprise attacks. I love jumping as though I'm going to land in front of someone, and then using Jump's rediculous air control to land just far enough to them to tip an f-Smash as they rush to move toward me and punish my landing. Get used to Jump enough and you can follow anyone all the way off-stage, gimp 'em, and then jump right back - without even using your recovery.
- Speed is great in general. Great for comboing, stalling, awful for ledge gaming but great for hitting someone near or off the ledge while they're returning and they don't expect you to cross the entire stage at a moment's notice. It also helps Shulk keep up with fast characters and confound slow ones. The unpredictable landing into f-smash works well here because of the lack of momentum conversion - run fast and people will often assume you're gonna jump far too
- Shield is god tier but doesn't require many tips because it's hella intuitive. Besides remain as close to the center of the map as you can while you're in Shield because you're hella gimped offstage with it. I switch to it any time I'm at a high percentage that is higher than my opponents, when I'm in danger of being attacked.
- In Buster mode you take a lot more damage, but you give out a lot more too. I'll often switch to it for risky plays on my second stock (when I need to play catchup), when someone is cheesing, or when I'm safely ahead with an extra stock and my M-Shield has run out. Combos can happen surprisingly intuitively in Buster mode because knockback is reduced.
- Smash is also intuitive. You take more knockback and your attacks do less damage but your knockback is boosted. Use it every time you're not in danger of being killed but your opponent is 80+.


I just use Smashboards. 30 minutes of causal browsing got me hella good with Shulk. Here's a few Shulk tips -

- get used to switching arts on demand at a moments notice
- my go-to approach is to jump into a Neutral air. It will often go right over dash and non-U Smash attacks. At low percentages I can often pull a down smash upon landing, and also if I miss my Nair the down smash will catch people running to punish.
- Backslash is awfully situational, don't overuse it. It's great against low projectiles, though. It's unbelievable against Duck Hunt, for example. You can jump right over the frisbee a lot of the time, and can also knock back the gas cans at a low enough angle but also shitloads of distance (further influenced by which direction you're holding) that you can hit Duck Hunt with it, or just knock it away and off the stage.
- against fast offensive characters like Little Mac I like to start the game by throwing an F-smash as soon as they start running toward you. Catches them damn near every time.
- Shulk's counter is amazing but the timing window lowers everytime you successfully use it. It's a great way to punish a person trying to punish you, though. If a character hits you with a dash attack that you know will put them safely away from your counter strike, or if they're at high percentage, hold forward on the control pad and you'll do a stronger variant with lower range that triggers almost instantly, knocking away your opponent or putting some instant distance between you and them.
- Jump is good against easily launched characters and against characters with easily gimped recoveries, as well as confusing and/or stalling characters with good ground game while you wait for another Art to charge. I often switch to Jump when the opponent is at a high percentage and the battle is leaning toward off-stage. Short hops into neutral A are great against tall characters on the ground and a quick short hop with Jump can extend the range of your Backslash considerably for occasional surprise attacks. I love jumping as though I'm going to land in front of someone, and then using Jump's rediculous air control to land just far enough to them to tip an f-Smash as they rush to move toward me and punish my landing. Get used to Jump enough and you can follow anyone all the way off-stage, gimp 'em, and then jump right back - without even using your recovery.
- Speed is great in general. Great for comboing, stalling, awful for ledge gaming but great for hitting someone near or off the ledge while they're returning and they don't expect you to cross the entire stage at a moment's notice. It also helps Shulk keep up with fast characters and confound slow ones. The unpredictable landing into f-smash works well here because of the lack of momentum cancelling - run fast and people will often assume you're gonna jump far too
- Shield is god tier but doesn't require many tips because it's hella intuitive. Besides remain as close to the center of the map as you can while you're in Shield because you're hella gimped offstage with it. I switch to it any time I'm at a high percentage that is higher than my opponents, when I'm in danger of being attacked.
- In Buster mode you take a lot more damage, but you give out a lot more too. I'll often switch to it for risky plays on my second stock (when I need to play catchup), when someone is cheesing, or when I'm safely ahead with an extra stock and my M-Shield has run out. Combos can happen surprisingly intuitively in Buster mode because knockback is reduced.
- Smash is also intuitive. You take more knockback and your attacks do less damage but your knockback is boosted. Use it every time you're not in danger of being killed but your opponent is 80+.

Thanks for the info dude im going to look into this more.

I'm not too good but is anyone down for a 1v1?


Past couple of days have been a bloodbath. I fought the best Zero Suit Samus ever encountered. Blazing fast, I was stunned. Must have been using those newfangled dodge cancel/whatever techniques. I felt very, very slow in comparison.

I really need to figure out what to do about players that go full-on defensive with projectile spam and roll abuse. It really pisses me off that an otherwise well-made game has practically no penalty for players who dodge and roll for more than half the match. I played a Lucario and a Sheik that were actually a bit worse than me and losing definitively... until they started abusing defensive tactics and avoiding me. G&W is my main but too slow trying to pursue. It was maddening. What the hell am I supposed to do against people like this? Switching to DHD helped since I don't have to pursue so much, but I don't see switching characters as a solution.

I'm also really irritated by the seemingly bad-mannered online community this game has -- between the smug Little Macs who run with their tails between their legs after getting beat in a single match, Little Macs who get cheesy wins and never switch characters and bail after one loss, players suiciding or leaving after a one-sided win on my part, record-obsessed players who bail because they don't wanna risk losing in a second match after a very narrow victory over me that could've gone either way, players who lose a few in a row and then bail after a single win (seems really petty, like last laugh sort of thing), advanced players bouncing after one match as if I'm a waste of time (I lose opportunities to learn from better players).

There are obviously a bunch of decent people who will play a series of fun matches with nice sportsmanship. The Zero Suit Samus guy thoroughly kicking my ass was awesome for example. But attitude-wise, it still feels like there are a lot of shitty players out there.

Worse of all are the people that leave in the middle of a team battle or free for all match and forces a lag spike on everyone else. I can honestly never understand people's obsession with their win/loss record.


So what's everyone's opinion of Villager at this point?

Great for mindgames, keep-away, and against projectile spammers (particularly those with chargeable ones like Samus, WFT, Lucario, etc).

He's particularly fun to play against slow movers or big targets like Bowser and DK, not so much against rushdown speedsters.


I'm also really irritated by the seemingly bad-mannered online community this game has -- between the smug Little Macs who run with their tails between their legs after getting beat in a single match, Little Macs who get cheesy wins and never switch characters and bail after one loss, players suiciding or leaving after a one-sided win on my part, record-obsessed players who bail because they don't wanna risk losing in a second match after a very narrow victory over me that could've gone either way, players who lose a few in a row and then bail after a single win (seems really petty, like last laugh sort of thing), advanced players bouncing after one match as if I'm a waste of time (I lose opportunities to learn from better players).
This irritates me the most. I get wanting a better challenge or something, but fuck you! I wanted to learn, goddammit. :(
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