H Highwind Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,655 Didn't see Konami at all in the credits near the end. Saw Ape Inc / Ito though.
M Mr. Smiley Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,663 Ness is a goooo MAGICANNNNNNNNT MOTHER 111111111 THE MUUUUUUUUSIC
M MetaWaddleDoo Neo Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,664 Pikma said: Why is TREASURE listed? Click to expand... Saki trophy would be my guess.
K Kouichi Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,668 I love how all the characters get new animations for old moves. Falco seemed to retain all his old moves, but all the new animations looked so smooth. This gaaaaame.
I love how all the characters get new animations for old moves. Falco seemed to retain all his old moves, but all the new animations looked so smooth. This gaaaaame.
G georgetheplushie Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,684 Ness suicide lol. I wonder if the octopus will become a pencil in the North American version.
G Golnei Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,692 Pikma said: Why is TREASURE listed? Click to expand... Like with Camelot for Isaac, they likely were credited due to Saki's AT appearance.
Pikma said: Why is TREASURE listed? Click to expand... Like with Camelot for Isaac, they likely were credited due to Saki's AT appearance.
S Sn4ke_911 If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me. Sep 11, 2014 #6,693 LOL NESS
Z Zixmar Neo Member Sep 11, 2014 #6,696 Guys what stream are you watching? http://www.twitch.tv/yushako this?