C Clefargle Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,752 Finally Edit: lazybones18 said: FINALLY Click to expand... Beaten like hamayama
H Hours Left Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,758 "Don't know how to use Dark Pit?" No one does, he's brand new. Give him a shot.
T TrickRoom Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,769 FINALLY. The stage was conspiring with Pit that last round, I swear.
S SenorArdilla Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,771 Streams will probably be gone when I wake up. But there's going to be a lot of news anyways.
Monocle Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,775 Dark Pit, not the character we need but the character Hamayama deserves.
S SUPERJEM94 Banned Sep 11, 2014 #7,778 FINALLY. Well I'm done here. I need sleep. .___. Enjoy the stream everybody!!
J J@hranimo Banned Sep 11, 2014 #7,779 Yushako got Falco, Hamayama got Dark Pit WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS AGAIN!
B Beelzebufo Banned Sep 11, 2014 #7,782 Maybe this games like Mario Kart, and you just keep playing Classic to unlock?
M Martylepiaf Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,785 Svafnir said: What's the multi twitch link for both streams? Click to expand... http://www.multitwitch.tv/hamayama/yushako
Svafnir said: What's the multi twitch link for both streams? Click to expand... http://www.multitwitch.tv/hamayama/yushako
H HawthorneKitty Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars Sep 11, 2014 #7,790 lol randomed into his hated stage
D Duderz Banned Sep 11, 2014 #7,791 Beelzebufo said: Maybe this games like Mario Kart, and you just keep playing Classic to unlock? Click to expand... Seems like it so far. :/
Beelzebufo said: Maybe this games like Mario Kart, and you just keep playing Classic to unlock? Click to expand... Seems like it so far. :/
S Sponge Banned Sep 11, 2014 #7,793 fanboss said: The Ninka leak was posted the 21 : http://i.imgur.com/Ovj68u5.png Click to expand... Ah, alright! Wasn't sure about the dates.
fanboss said: The Ninka leak was posted the 21 : http://i.imgur.com/Ovj68u5.png Click to expand... Ah, alright! Wasn't sure about the dates.
Troubled Bat Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,795 SuperSah said: How is Mii Fighter unlocked? Click to expand... By creating a Mii.
N Nintendoga Member Sep 11, 2014 #7,797 So it seems you just need to repeatedly beat Classic Mode to unlock the characters. I'm okay with that.
So it seems you just need to repeatedly beat Classic Mode to unlock the characters. I'm okay with that.