S Speedwagon Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time. Sep 11, 2014 #8,159 http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama DUCK HUNT!
N Nintendoga Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,169 WHO LET THE DOGS OUT WHO WHO WHO WHO Fucking Hamaya, of course he lost
D Dimitri LH Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,170 He just lost.... orz. BUT THAT WAS AWESOME! He summons the guys from that western duel game xD
B broncobuster Banned Sep 11, 2014 #8,181 Duck Hunt Dog is secret NES Zapper...dog? that was Wild Gunman!
T thefreecheese Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,185 WHOA!!! DUCK HUNT DOG WITH HOGAN'S ALLEY. ...and it's gone.
H HawthorneKitty Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars Sep 11, 2014 #8,188 Yo this Master/Crazy combo
B batfax Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,191 So, is it now confirmed that all along the "Player" in Duck Hunt was actually just a wild gunman?
B BGBW Maturity, bitches. Sep 11, 2014 #8,194 Hey, it's Duckhunt and Hogan's Alley! Or was it Wild Gunman. I wasn't really looking.
S Sn4ke_911 If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me. Sep 11, 2014 #8,198
B Blizzard Banned Sep 11, 2014 #8,199 MisterHero said: Did Duck Hunt Dog spawn a Wild Gunman character? LOL Click to expand... Yeah, some guy in a suit showed up and did something, lol.
MisterHero said: Did Duck Hunt Dog spawn a Wild Gunman character? LOL Click to expand... Yeah, some guy in a suit showed up and did something, lol.
M Masked Man I said wow Sep 11, 2014 #8,200 HOLY SHIT so much hype right now. Duck Hunt Dog SLAYED him!