Baron von Loathsome
Bowser Jr. is broken.
Profound sadness at the Koopalings being confirmed.
...Why?Profound sadness at the Koopalings being confirmed.
Chorus Kid deconfirm? Where?
Larry, Roy,Wendy,Iggy,Morton,Lemmy,Ludwig
Saw the leak thread. Is Alph new? Don't remember him being confirmed...
Profound sadness at the Koopalings being confirmed.
Saw the leak thread. Is Alph new? Don't remember him being confirmed...
Saw the leak thread. Is Alph new? Don't remember him being confirmed...
Why is it that people with early copies seems to have never played Smash in their entire life?
The guy trying to unlock Bowser Jr was painful to watch.
Aww yiss! Maining the fuck out of Roy
He's not a new character, but rather a unique costume, like the Koopa kids. But yes!Saw the leak thread. Is Alph new? Don't remember him being confirmed...
Roster starting to look mighty crowded on Gema's side.
Only Dorf, Junior and ROB left for him
Look at all that extra space...
Does the game not say what it does? Or, has no one shown/translated the Japanese text?
Who are we missing here? Dr Mario and..
Character and stages are. Things like Mii costumes, trophies, music and custom moves will take longer.Sounds like the unlocks are all super fast. That's disappointing.
Unlocks the other 50% of the roster and stages when you connect the game to the Wii U version.Do we know what the "WiiU" menu option does?
Who are we missing here? Dr Mario and..
Who are we missing here? Dr Mario and..
Most have probably never played on a 3DS controller or similar for an extended period of time. There are also completely new mechanics and characters to get used to.Why is it that people with early copies seems to have never played Smash in their entire life?
The guy trying to unlock Bowser Jr was painful to watch.
Repeating again that there's no demo on the EU eShop so I would assume the same for the US when it updates.
We're disappointed in everything.Wait, we're disappointed that character unlocks are too fast???
Looks like Gema's stream will be taken down soon
Lucina too I think
Surprised that noone has unlocked ROB yet.