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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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It totally takes away from the presentation. This is not a case where "you're getting more!" If you're going to advertise 50 things I don't know, then give me 50 things I don't know.

It would be like Apple making a trailer for the iPhone 7 and advertising that you can play music. Sure, it's a feature, but not one that needs to be advertised.

it's totally a case of "you're getting more"

if it wasn't there they'd toss in some other minor bullshit instead to hit the count of 50

plus it's not like they're just gonna tack a picture of the character on there and say "btw this character is in the game". it's a rad new trailer!
I really liked Lost World's more simplistic art style, & it translated well into Smash U.

It was a simpler time.
Wait, wrong Lost World?
Still not right?
Wait I got it.
Nailed it.

Sonic Lost World would've been better with dinosaurs.
In the same boat.
Don't mind but I really hope the DHD reveal isn't going to be the closing of the direct.
That will mean disappointment city unless that reveal hints at something.
Don't worry, the Direct won't close with DH. It'll open with him.

It'll close with Koopalings. D:

Man, I have bad internet and won't be able to watch the direct (but will be able to watch trailers afterwards since I have 500MB left on a phone), so I have to rely on on NeoGAF's reaction to know whats happening. Yall better not troll me saying "RIDLEY RIDLEY!!!!" if he just shows a stage boss. You wouldn't do that, would you? :(
Of course you will. Then again if I was able to watch it live, so would Sakurai.


As in "Heathcliff"
Does it bother anyone else that Sakurai is acting like we don't already know DHD is in the game? Why waste the time "unveiling" a character that has already been played by millions?

It's not like most people getting it on the Wii U don't already have it on 3DS.

I'm very happy that I'm getting my Duck Hunt CGI trailer. :) If they manage to sneak some characters in it then I'm fine with it. :)

I really hope that they would open with Smash 4 Introduction, like they did show Melee Introduction at E3.

Azure J

I really liked Lost World's more simplistic art style, & it translated well into Smash U.

If we did get a second Sonic stage to honor the fact that Sonic is a third-party veteran, I'd prefer that stage to be either from Sonic Adventure 2 or Colors.

Honestly, I think I'm over the Adventure/Heroes/Shadow/06 era of Sonic for good. If I were to pick, I'd probably be a dork and pick something from 3&Knuckles (Launch Base Zone with the Omega Stage being the flat surface you fought Big Arm on, Mushroom Hill. Flying Battery Zone or Hidden Palace/Sky Sanctuary)/CD (Quartz Quadrant or Stardust Speedway) or I'd pick something from Colors (a Terminal Velocity with the Tropical Resort area in the near distance or Starlight Carnival would be immense).

Also, I'll be one of the first and most persistent people to say that Sonic Lost World's general art style is the best artstyle the series has had since it left the Genesis. I love all the vibrant colors and surrealist details going on.


Am I the only one who's perfectly fine with Windy Hill as the stage?

I'm fine with it as a basic Sonic grassland stage that represents the series as a whole, since Green Hill Zone was already used in Brawl and already recycled for the 3DS version. Plus, I'll admit, it's one of the better Level 1 stages the series has had visually, and the music's pleasant, too! However, with how many stages Sonic has to offer Smash Bros., I feel like they could've taken a different route, seeing how many memorable Casino, City, Factory, and Space stages the series has had as well. And again, I'm moreso disappointed with the less-than-stellar song choice I'm anticipating. Brawl just remixed one song and then took either the "Level 1" song or the theme song to literally almost every mainline Sonic game between 1991 and 2007 and slapped it on no matter how poorly it fit (Seven Rings in Hand is a bad enough song as is, but it's completely unfitting in GHZ, and not in a good way).

More importantly, glad to see our favorite disembodied Chris Pratt head that isn't currently attached to a skeleton back!

With the Parity Brigade that's one hell of a dream now.

I'm really hoping this "Not a Direct" Direct gives me some ointment for that Parity-induced burn. Because I'll probably still be complaining about this 10 years down the road, even if the Ice Climbers do come back in a hypothetical 5th/6th game. It just doesn't seem like the best decision they could've made on the matter...
I'm really hoping this "Not a Direct" Direct gives me some ointment for that Parity-induced burn. Because I'll probably still be complaining about this 10 years down the road, even if the Ice Climbers do come back in a hypothetical 5th/6th game. It just doesn't seem like the best decision they could've made on the matter...

It wasn't.

What's up with the whole "Not a Direct" thing anyway?
Nintendo Direct.
Nintendo Direct.

It is a Direct in everything but the name.


As in "Heathcliff"
Even if one assumes the DHD trailer is one of the items, that still leave 49(!) other things to show.

Yep, I totally agreed with that. It's not like Smash U Direct would only based on Koopaling and Duck Hunt trailers.

Honestly, I don't understand why people like to complain about silly things before the event would happens. It would make sense if people would complain about it after the event happened.

What if Duck Hunt and Koopaling trailers might be small part of the direct because we have no idea how long the Direct is or what it would be about. I have a feeling that there would be few surprises in the Direct. But again, surprises are subjective for some people.


Does it bother anyone else that Sakurai is acting like we don't already know DHD is in the game? Why waste the time "unveiling" a character that has already been played by millions?

It's not like most people getting it on the Wii U don't already have it on 3DS.

I don't have a problem with it if they just quietly upload the trailers to Youtube.

However, if they show the trailers tomorrow during the livestream, and then go into detail about how they play, then yes, I'm going to be quite irritated.

Dr. Buni

If I were to pick, I'd probably be a dork and pick something from 3&Knuckles (Launch Base Zone with the Omega Stage being the flat surface you fought Big Arm on
That would have been amazing. Launch Base Zone is my favorite in S3&K.

That said, if I had to pick something from classic games, it would undoubtedly be Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD.


on a scale of one to ten, how hyped is everyone gonna be if, after already showing trailers for DHD and Bowser Jr, you hear two slices followed by flames and a heartbeat sound?
it's totally a case of "you're getting more"

if it wasn't there they'd toss in some other minor bullshit instead to hit the count of 50

plus it's not like they're just gonna tack a picture of the character on there and say "btw this character is in the game". it's a rad new trailer!

The whole point of a trailer is to show off new content. This is not new. Claiming that it can't totally be disappointing because it's in HD now is silly. "Hey guys, check out our new trailer for FFX: HD! You'll like this awesome character reveal...it's Tidus! But he's on the PS3 now! In HD!" Woo fuckin' hoo.

The black screen that gets slashed up by a smash logo is the exciting moment where we learn something new that we totally didn't expect. Ending this presentation with that just says: "Hey, we already blew our load, but please be excited with characters you already know about!"


As in "Heathcliff"
on a scale of one to ten, how hyped is everyone gonna be if, after already showing trailers for DHD and Bowser Jr, you hear two slices followed by flames and a heartbeat sound?

If I see the logo appeared after DH and B.JR trailers, then it would be very hype. Of course, my mind would popped up, Spainkiller might be right after all. :p

Dr. Buni

on a scale of one to ten, how hyped is everyone gonna be if, after already showing trailers for DHD and Bowser Jr, you hear two slices followed by flames and a heartbeat sound?

I would instantly assume it is Ridley, even though deep inside I would be hoping for Dixie
Am I the only one who's perfectly fine with Windy Hill as the stage?

It's not Green Hill Zone which, as iconic as it is, is certainly a breath of fresh air. Plus points that it's not Seaside Hill inspired either.

on a scale of one to ten, how hyped is everyone gonna be if, after already showing trailers for DHD and Bowser Jr, you hear two slices followed by flames and a heartbeat sound?


I would instantly assume it is Ridley, even though deep inside I would be hoping for Dixie

I'd assume it was Mewtwo or Ice Climbers, honestly... though even then I really doubt it. I'd say there's maybe a 1% chance of an unknown character being revealed tomorrow and even that's generous.
i mean i'm not gonna argue about this because obviously people feel differently about the prospect of a new CG trailer. i've really enjoyed the CG trailers so far, and look forward to how they would present duck hunt in one.

but if you seriously think this is going to be entirely brand new content with no fluff at all, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. sorry. what they do or don't include in the stream won't change the actual content of the game.


As in "Heathcliff"
i mean i'm not gonna argue about this because obviously people feel differently about the prospect of a new CG trailer. i've really enjoyed the CG trailers so far, and look forward to how they would present duck hunt in one.

but if you seriously think this is going to be entirely brand new content with no fluff at all, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. sorry. what they do or don't include in the stream won't change the actual content of the game.

No worries, I'm right there with you. I'm hyped for Duck Hunt and Koopaling trailers, along with good bunch of informations that we are getting. I have a feeling that Sakurai might use those two trailers as red herring so no one wouldn't expect more characters incoming. I'm not expecting it tho but it would be plausible theory tho.



I would instantly assume it is Ridley, even though deep inside I would be hoping for Dixie

if the direct goes by with no mention of ridley and gets followed by that happening, then yeah, my immediate guess would be ridley.

Why do you ask?

Is there something you're trying to tell us?

there are no more characters and we've all spent 17 months of our lives speculating on a fucking videogame.


Neo Member
In a bit under 23 hours

Probably going to be 20-30 minutes.

That's what I'd usually think too, and I'm not one to get my hopes up, but if the Direct was 25 minutes and they're showing 50 things, that's 1 thing every 30 seconds. Seems a bit rushed...

What sort of length is everyone expecting this to be? I'd guess in the neighborhood of 40 minutes, give or take 5.
That's what I'd usually think too, and I'm not one to get my hopes up, but if the Direct was 25 minutes and they're showing 50 things, that's 1 thing every 30 seconds. Seems a bit rushed...

What sort of length is everyone expecting this to be? I'd guess in the neighborhood of 40 minutes, give or take 5.

An hour at the most, 30 minutes at the least.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
My guess:

-Direct starts with the two slashes and the flames
-Duck Hunt trailer
-filler shit
-then, out of nowhere, "and for something else"
-Bowser Jr. trailer, followed by announcement of 8-player Smash
-filler shit
-new modes introduced
-"And before we leave, one last announcement"
-Everyone is fighting atop Ridley
-Stage Builder mode introduced where you can use trophies as stages


I honestly don't think we'll get anymore unrevealed characters than G&W, Jigglypuff, DHD and Bowser Jr.

It's too early for DLC, and I don't believe in exclusive characters. I'd love to be wrong though!
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