Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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It feels like whether a particular amiibo is deemed to look good or not changes wildly from day to day and image to image

probably going to need to see them in person before I can decide which I like and which I don't. (still pretty sure I'm getting Samus and Captain Falcon though)
Yikes. Those amiibo... definitely seem to have taken a dive in quality. Kirby - the only one from wave 1 I was planning to get - still looks all right, but Marth looks really dinky - his sword especially - and Peach isn't looking too hot either. Mario looks okay, though.

I also remember seeing close-up pics of the Zelda and Link amiibo, and they look... really unfortunate.

EDIT: Looked at the rest of the amiibo pics at that link. The other ones actually still look good to great, so I guess it's just certain ones (Marth, Peach, Link, Zelda) that got the shaft. Can't win 'em all, I guess. At least most of them seem to look pretty good!

I'm pretty sure they'll have amiibo at the press event I'm going to Monday. Looking forward to seeing/handling them in person!
It's the human-like characters that look bad.

I'm not too worried about the quality of the two I want to get though.

It's the human-like characters that look bad.

I'm not too worried about the quality of the two I want to get though.

Oh yeah, I'm definitely getting Toon Link whenever his amiibo comes out. I'm pretty sure he and Olimar will both look fine; like you said, it's the more realistically-proportioned human characters that are suffering the most (except for Wii Fit Trainer, oddly; maybe because she doesn't have specific facial features to get just right).

I bet Robin, Ike, Lucina, Palutena, and Shulk are going to look janky as hell, though... and possibly Pit and Dark Pit as well, though they might turn out okay.


The Amiibos look fine to me. The realistically proportioned humanoids clearly got a downgrade in the face department but they still look alright. The main flaws I see are Marth's sword bending and Link looking at the ground for no reason. Although it's possible that last one is just a flaw on the specific figure in the picture. Overall they still look pretty good.


Can you post some of those other images?

I don't really see a problem yet.

Sorry, can't find the reddit post where I saw the images, but the reason I'm waiting is just because I haven't seen the IRL Samus amiibo. Like, I remember seeing the Yoshi amiibo it looks better than expected, but because Samus is so detailed I feel like theres more that can go wrong with her compared to something like Pikachu.


Yep DLC is rated separately.
It won't affect the box rating either.

Thus if the game being T rated because of snake, that's the loop hole to get him in.


Something just stuck out to me. They actually mentioned Snake in the Smash Direct. Were they even allowed to do so? Speaking of Snake...

I like that.

While it might not mean anything to some, as I have said before the fact they mentioned him was a nice surprise.
Considering from my recollection aside from trophies cuts never really get mentioned.
Still I would like to think it meant something more than it did. Since that would be like them going
Shulks Speed Monado lets him go as fast as sonic! if perhaps sonic wasn't in the game.


Oh man those Amiibos are in the "Not worth any of my money" category.
I know it was a bit much to think they would look like the ones shown off but they just aren't worth what 12-15 usd? Since it seems to be a issue with the human characters which are the only ones I would want.


Thankfully most of the amiibos I really want are pretty simple designs (Yoshi, Ness, Villager, among a few others) so I'm not too concerned about the quality being really bad. Shame about the more intricate ones, though.

Hopefully the Wario ones will turn out ok... I really need his too. D:


Mm.... the cartoony characters look alright, but the characters I wanted had a pretty big quality drop. Now, I was expecting a quality drop in the first place, but Marth looks really bad. (Though, even Marth's prototype looked lackluster, so eh.)

I may still hunt for a decent one on a shelf somewhere, but there is no change I'd preorder these.

...I swear one of those Kirbys look like their eyes are off center.


Membero Americo
What did I just read?

Even Kirby and Pikachu look bad, their eyes are all crooked. Probably won't buy any now unless they hold some DLC or something for MK8/Captain Toad/etc.

Ugh, I thought I was just imagining the right eye being off.

Damn it.
So what would you all say are the top five points you're most excited about from the Smash Wii U Direct?

1) Smash Tour
I loved Mario Party so I'm hoping I can get some decent 4 player fun going with this when I'm in the mood for something less serious or playing with others who aren't serious smashers :3

2) Palutena's Guidance
I loved the character interactions in Kid Icarus and so far this is the only way we're getting Viridi in, so I'm happy to see it :3 It looks like they're having a lot of fun with these two judging by Chrom's cameo XD

3) Everything is Co-op/multiplayer
I love co-op and a lot of the fun of games like these is playing with other people for me, so seeing that there's, at minimum, a 2 player coop option for pretty much everything in the game made me happy :3

4) 8 Player Smash
I was a little sceptical of this, but watching videos in 1080 I was able to keep track of the characters and make out projectiles and other stuff so I think it should be interesting. I'm also curious to see if 3v3 or 4v4 becomes a thing :p

5) Temple is Back!]
\o/ <( Yay! )

I'm looking forward to DLC but I already felt it was guaranteed before the Mewtwo reveal so while I'm enjoying some people's reactions to it, I'm not that fussed about the ending :p


Oh right, Smash Tour has multi-character stock battles. Obviously they're going to break this out into its own separate mode right? Obviously we'll be able to play this outside of Smash Tour right? :(


Oh right, Smash Tour has multi-character stock battles. Obviously they're going to break this out into its own separate mode right? Obviously we'll be able to play this outside of Smash Tour right? :(
Well, we cannot play status-based battles outside Smash Run, so.. :p
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