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Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition |OT4| Daigo Who?


Watching this stream (particularly Oni) got me thinking about the least blocked/most successful cross-ups (online, anyway):

1. Fuerte's splash
2. Oni's EX demon slash<----HAS A BULLET =p
3. Ibuki's daggers (after knockdown)
4. Gen's jumping kick
5. Bison's jumping kick

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Lost Fragment said:
So is there anyone here who's actually bought a famous player's t-shirt? Every time I hear about a player having his own shirt I think "people actually buy that shit?"

This shirt doesn't make you want to throw money at TTC?



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
MIMIC said:
Watching this stream (particularly Oni) got me thinking about the least blocked/most successful cross-ups (online, anyway):

1. Fuerte's splash
2. Oni's EX demon slash<----HAS A BULLET =p
3. Ibuki's daggers (after knockdown)
4. Gen's jumping kick
5. Bison's jumping kick
6. Zangiefs body slam
Rentahamster said:
Yoga blast anti air and then juggled with standing hp lol

Satyamdas said:
HK Blast is so bad it took them half the round to land it *ON PURPOSE*. :|

What a useless "buff". Just give us EX Flame damage back got dammit Capcom!! >:|


Did they put that new st.LP to work? God 'Sim changes are damn unexciting.


Oh man, after so long I cleared Hakan's cr lk cr lk cr lk trial. And I can't help but just laugh after all that hopeless trying all I really needed to do was oil beforehand. lol


the_log_ride said:

Did they put that new st.LP to work? God 'Sim changes are damn unexciting.
I didn't see them test out the new st.LP, just HK Blast. Which also can juggle into super, but unless they shave off like 15 frames of startup (lol), then I really don't see this ever getting put to use.

With Yun's new height restriction for dive kicks, and st.LP going from 1 to 4 active frames, I'm hoping that might be help stop them (but I'm not holding my breath).

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Aruarian Reflection said:
This shirt doesn't make you want to throw money at TTC?


If I had a bunch of money to just throw around, I would totally buy one of those just to help the kid out.

Can you imagine somebody wearing a Noah shirt at a tournament though?


Thanks for the link.

btw i just found a video of myself and it's when i just changed the stick and i even had problem doing hados, sometimes i jumped when i just wanted to do f-mk. :(
Just got done with a bunch of ranked matches in AE. I'm finally back in the 3000+ club.

I beat some Makoto and he counterpicked me when we found each other online and used Chun. Feels good beating people's counterpicks, I tell ya what.


biosnake20 said:
That tatsu change is exactly what I wanted back. Well, that and his cr mk back to what it was. I never cared about being able to use tatsu as a corner escape, but I often used it as an attack, especially against zoning Sagats. Glad it's back in some form.


Imm0rt4l said:
Damn, Hakan is looking real nice.
The happiness exploding in text form from the stream monsters on the version with the scrolling text chat is an awesome sight to behold.

I'm so glad they actually went in and tried to repair characters who just weren't working right in this update.


LTTP playing SSF4 now that I got it Games on Demand ver (360), playing through Single Player with each player on Medium/1 round is laughably easy compared to Street Fighter 3's single player easiest difficulty.

Since I live in Tokyo I tend to play at prime time for having tons of Japan players online...I tried to jump in online Ranked Matches with a character other then Ryu/Ken and well...things didn't go very well, I was trying to use Ibuki who I thought I was pretty good at but it seems she doesn't have very much punch and most of the Japanese players are way too good at this game. I tried picking some people with red/yellow pings (Mexico, France, US) and even then I'm pretty much getting ass handed to me although character preferences seem to widely differ from the Japanese players.

Anyway, it was kind of sad to watch my score plummet after losing like 10 out of 12 matches, I guess it's better to not pay attention to that and focus on having fun.

I got some good evenly fought matches in and then had hard time finding that player again...
I went to a local NC tournament called Rock'em Sock'em. It was by far the most memorable tournament for me for several reasons.

The Good:

1. My cousins told me they were interested in coming. I didn't buy it though, I was like "yeah sure we'll see". Then when I'm driving up there I get a call and they told me they were already there and was wondering when I was going to be there. I was pretty surprised, I know they play the game but I never thought they would actually show up. They had a pretty good time and I think it was a good learning experience for them, I hope they continue showing up.

2. I got some recognition for almost beating a pretty good local player named West. Hitokage can vouch for me, this guy is great player. He use to main Akuma, but for some reason he switched to Oni. I came very close to beating him. He's a much better player then I am but I had a few bags in my Evil Ryu tricks that he nor anybody else had ever seen before. So I got some credit that I honestly didn't deserve.

3. I played against a guy from Singapore. This guy is like the Charlotte Chris Hu I swear. He mains Bison and played on pad. I used Seth most of the time. It went back and forth a lot and was a lot of fun. It was also a lot of fun conversing with him. Since English isn't his 1st language, he did a lot of Hu-ism's with the way he talked and used the words for certain things. Like I would go for dive kick with Seth and he kept calling it a overhead despite me correcting him a couple times. I really enjoyed my long set with him.

4: This was easily the biggest turnout they've ever had. There were a total of 73 registered players, I've been to the previous ones and I swear there had to be no more then 30-40 at best. But I was very surprised to see so many people. For a while I was wondering why Charlotte(NC's biggest city, and only 1 hour away from me) had no scene while the Greenboro/Tri-City area flourished. But thanks to Tactics(the TO), things have turned around. It started off a little modest, but now hopes are high for this tournament series to either grow or stay at this level.

The next one is September 22nd I think. So feel free to come any time Vexco, since you only live an hour away(Spartanburg, right?).

The Bad:

1. I went 1-2

The Ugly:

1. You know when I said I almost beat West? Well I had one of those epic fail stories that you'd have to see to believe. I won the first match, won the 1st round of the 2nd match. In the 2nd round I stun him with 1 or 2 moves and he's down to about 20% health while I had about 30 left. I don't do a normal combo or start with a focus attack, I do my Ultra and charge it. I start hearing him mash. I'm like "sure, whatever, no way you escape this". I finally finish the charge and Evil Ryu shoots the fireball and then I notice there is no Ultra animation. I'm like "hey, I'm pretty sure this works on Oni because I've done it before". Then I quickly realized there was no animation because he blocked it. I felt so sick that I wanted to throw up. He proceeds to win the round and the match.

But wait, it's not over. In the 3rd match we split the first 2 rounds and it's the last one. He's playing very defensive at this point with the life lead, I'm getting scared and jump in a few times only to get DP'd. But somehow I go for another desperation jumping dive kick and it lands. Before it hit, he was at 40-45% I guess while I was at 10 or so. After hitting the dive kick, I do the BNB cr. LPx2, cr. MP, LK tatsu, HP SRK, FADC. I start pumping that Ultra motion, and when I hit all 3 punches, I see my Evil Ryu do a JUMPING FIERCE. I actually let out a small groan as that happened. He quick stands and finishes me. The Ultra wouldn't have killed him, he probably would have had about 10% left. But it would have put him in the corner and put me in the perfect situation for a mix up like a dive kick or the ambiguous j. LK. But alas, I failed, really really fucking hard.


1: In my 2nd match, I face a person playing Guy. He honestly wasn't very good, I played him in casuals, my Seth destroyed his Sagat pretty easily. But in the tourney he uses Guy against me. As the match starts, he starts running away. And then he does run slide, it hits me. Then he runs away and next he does run overhead, he hits me again. Basically he spent the entire match running away and doing run slide or run overhead and I kept failing to block correctly and actually lose to him in the first match. I have no reactions so trying to DP that shit would have been guarantee hits for him.

After this, I'm fucking mad. This is the first time that I lose my cool during a tournament. I didn't yell or say anything at all, but I decided that if he could beat me playing like a idiot, that I was going to do the same thing to him. I change to Ken and start the match chasing him down with step kick. I don't even jump, walk, or dash, I just step kick repeatedly like a mad man. Once I got close to him I went for my hit confirms. If that didn't work, I just kept landing kara throw on him. And that went on for the entire 2 matches. He ran for his life, and I chased him down with step kicks. If you were there and saw what happened, you'd probably be thinking "WTF are these 2 morons doing". It was a pretty bad, my friend who watched behind me was disgusted at how I played.

After the match ended. We just did a quick shake without looking at each other or saying anything. At first I was still angry about how I lost. But after a little while I started thinking about how I played and then I got upset at myself for losing my cool and being such a asshole to the guy. He's probably new or just isn't that good and I don't think it was right of me to try and embarrass him like that. I actually wanted to apologize but I didn't see him around in the later hours.

Nyoro SF

No, Guy players who play that way do it on purpose. Nothing to do with being new or not sure what to do. Feel free to counter with equally annoying tactics.

It's just one of the reasons I really like playing Fei Long; LK and MK Chicken Wing just beats that sort of random horizontal gameplay really badly.


Neo Member
Professor Beef said:
Just got done with a bunch of ranked matches in AE. I'm finally back in the 3000+ club.

I beat some Makoto and he counterpicked me when we found each other online and used Chun. Feels good beating people's counterpicks, I tell ya what.

You really have to be a better player than the opponent if you are gonna counterpick with chun. There are no free wins with that chick. Except maybe gief


I have a friend on my list who plays like that when he selects guy, I don't konw how to tell him he's playing like a moron, but sf4 seems to reward bullshit like that sometimes and a wins a win. I usually can't even play him like when I play a solid guy player like beehol, the end result is me switching characters because I don't want to learn bad habits from playing bad players.

Professor Beef said:
Yeah well, I use Hawk.

Standing Roundhouse all day.


Setec Astronomer
Rice-Eater said:
2. I got some recognition for almost beating a pretty good local player named West. Hitokage can vouch for me, this guy is great player.
I dunno. DSP called him a scrub!

Also, how were your matches against Darklight after I left?
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