The Take Out Bandit said:
I would almost be inclined to agree, were it not for the fact the fighting game community tilts at whatever big budget windmill is being sold to them this week.
There is a fighting game community whom I respect and trust their opinions, and that's the community that will be left standing when all the marketing, publicity, and the "fad" phase of the genre passes. The guys that were rocking 3S in '04 when most folks were whining that fighting games were dead, blah blah.
I'm shamefully interested in SFxTK just because it looks like a more grounded Versus game (CvSNK2) instead of the Marvel brand of retardation that is oh so popular in the West.
I really want to change so I wont pick on you for saying "well, I trust the opinions of the guys whom I share the same opinion with, others are worthless", but anyways

I am 100 times more interested in SFxTekken then I am with MVC3.
And I would love MVC3 100 times more than I do now if it would have contained Havok, Black Bolt, Sentry, Polaris, Psylocke (Elizabeth, not the asian kung-fu chick, mind ya), Iron Fist, Nova, Medusa, etc.... but they played it safe, sadly