biosnake20 said:Why the hell is ex lunge punch positive on block?

biosnake20 said:Why the hell is ex lunge punch positive on block?
biosnake20 said:
Rice-Eater said:B for Evil Ryu, you see that folks. Every time I lose with ER, I'm going to complain about how my character is low tier. But I'll also bring up how it feels so much rewarding when I do win.
Nice. Thanks.Conceited said:
Godlike quality stream with Marn, Hugo101 and a bunch of other Socal players.
Rocky_Balboa said:About a year ago I got this guy Ferdi Guler kicked out of his SSF4 sponsorship/gaming league thing because he was being a douche-bag (Video here). Today I was playing ranked and he joined in game, but now he is going by the name II SETH II. Apparently he is still pissed off, because even I lost the match, he still sent me hatemail. I don't really care anymore what he does or says, but I do enjoy his hatred. I do like playing against him, because Seth is one match up I need to know better, but most likely he wouldn't join Endless with me.
Here is the match and the hatemail
Never surrender!!!!
Rice-Eater said:I play Seth, but my Seth is free, plus I'm from America so maybe the connection may not be so good. I am East Coast though so maybe that will reduce lag, but who knows. But if you want to try, let me know.
I had no idea Ferdi is the Seth player that's always featured on the Finest Fighters channel. He does have a pretty beastly Seth, too bad he's can be quite the asshole.
Rocky_Balboa said:About a year ago I got this guy Ferdi Guler kicked out of his SSF4 sponsorship/gaming league thing because he was being a douche-bag
Relix said:I am so scared of dealing with more dive kicks as a Chun user... *gulp*
Relix said:I am so scared of dealing with more dive kicks as a Chun user... *gulp*
AE DeeJay at B+ tier?biosnake20 said:
Aruarian Reflection said:SSF4 3DS tourney in Japanハギトコ--カプコンちょこっと公認
Hakan still bottom tier?biosnake20 said:
_dementia said:I'm just seeing guile mirrors. Is easy mode on?
T. Hawk is more fun than Zangief but gimped in all the ways he is not.Professor Beef said:Tony Hawk at the bottom
That grab range...I want it. T___THitokage said:T. Hawk is more fun than Zangief but gimped in all the ways he is not.
His Typhoon is fine, but his ability to get in and stay in is pretty lacking. It's why Blanka dominates him. He's also pretty free to pressure mixups. Get caught in Akuma's vortex and all you can do is block and pray.Professor Beef said:That grab range...I want it. T___T
Ugh, don't remind me of the Akuma matchup, please.Hitokage said:His Typhoon is fine, but his ability to get in and stay in is pretty lacking. It's why Blanka dominates him. He's also pretty free to pressure mixups. Get caught in Akuma's vortex and all you can do is block and pray.
seem like they are doing a 3v3 SSFIV AE tourney nowAruarian Reflection said:SSF4 3DS tourney in Japanハギトコ--カプコンちょこっと公認
My strategy against XBL T.Hawks as Akuma: Jump-Back Air Fireball. They just keep on Condor Diving into them.Professor Beef said:Ugh, don't remind me of the Akuma matchup, please.
I love the teams' actions after winning a match. :lolCloudius12 said:seem like they are doing a 3v3 SSFIV AE tourney now
Rice-Eater said:The Gief player is Itabashi right?
No clue. Hopefully USD or someone else is online so he can clarify.Rice-Eater said:The Gief player is Itabashi right?
Just think: in a week, you can go back to your old avatar.vissione said:Wow lot's of streams tonight. Good shit cause I was getting tired of playing SF4 on PC.
Rice-Eater said:Japanese players Bas, Mov, Tokido, and RF are in attendance. I believe this is the same tournament that Daigo, Eita, Fuudo, and Desora attended last year and how Eita won his trip to EVO.
was just about to say.. I hadn't heard of him since cvs2 died out.DryEyeRelief said:He still plays games?