_dementia said:Has Abel ever not been C tier in Japanese tier lists?
He was top 3 in super for a while.
_dementia said:Has Abel ever not been C tier in Japanese tier lists?
prodystopian said:What makes Fei so good in AE? I know he is good in Super, so did he get buffs, did his bad matchups get nerfs, both?
Nah, cr.MK is still the same as it was in Super, and Fei has had the best overall DP damage since Super (120/140/160/200 for LK/MK/HK/EX, plus the additional damage opportunity with MK Flame Kick FADC Chicken Wing). Also the "additional frame advantage on many moves" is wrong, that was a mistranslation on my part (that fixed a long time ago)._dementia said:I think his cr.MK is special and super cancelable now, and he's got the most damaging DP in the game.
noneofexion said:D - Hakan, T. Hawk, Dan
That's what I get for listening to S-Kill -_-USD said:Nah, cr.MK is still the same as it was in Super, and Fei has had the best overall DP damage since Super (120/140/160/200 for LK/MK/HK/EX, plus the additional damage opportunity with MK Flame Kick FADC Chicken Wing). Also the "additional frame advantage on many moves" is wrong, that was a mistranslation on my part (that fixed a long time ago).
Overall, he's pretty much the same. He's certainly not the easiest character to play, and it's not like he completely dominates the entire cast.
Seth was talking about special-cancellable cr.MK being a possible change (along with a faster Tenshin and least recovery on UC2), but it never happened. Fei would be absolutely broken with a cr.MK like that._dementia said:That's what I get for listening to S-Kill -_-
I see. Thanks.USD said:Seth was talking about special-cancellable cr.MK being a possible change (along with a faster Tenshin and least recovery on UC2), but it never happened. Fei would be absolutely broken with a cr.MK like that.
I think Yun would be better on a pad. Less dependent on FADC than Yang.Corky said:Hmm I'm contemplating picking up yang. Is he an execution heavy character a la viper/ibuki? I'm afraid my skills on pad only stretches that far, but from the little little I've seen he has some links and stuff like that but nothing crazy or am I wrong?
_dementia said:I see. Thanks.
I think Yun would be better on a pad. Less dependent on FADC than Yang.
_dementia said:That's what I get for listening to S-Kill -_-
I've come to terms with people's perceptions of Tony Hawk. Still stings though.Infinite Justice said:I hope Professor Beef is ok![]()
Wow. Pickatoptier.jpg, but I suppose that's always been common with SBO/winning culture. Doesn't make sense to handicap yourself.USD said:From Air's blog, translated Arcadia Magazine interview with Banbaban (Yun), RF (Sagat), Kyabetsu (C.Viper), Itabashi Zangief, and Fuudo (Fei Long)
With the same characters being mentioned (Fei, Yang, Yun, C.Viper, Sagat, Makoto, Zangief), I really wish that Capcom would make Super Street Fighter IV Turbo, with full selection between the Super and AE versions of each character.
Kadey said:One week until AE and we're going to play the hell out of it.
noneofexion said:Arcadia May 2011 AE Ranking
S - Yun, Yang, Fei Long
A - Zangief, C. Viper, Sagat, Akuma, Cammy, Makoto
B - Ken, Chun-Li, Balrog (Boxer), M. Bison (Dictator), Adon, Sakura
C - Abel, Dee Jay, Ibuki, E. Honda, Seth, Cody, Guy, Vega (Claw), Rufus, Ryu, Blanka, Dudley, Dhalsim, Juri, El Fuerte, Guile, Gen, Gouken, Rose, Oni, Evil Ryu
D - Hakan, T. Hawk, Dan
Remember friends, tiers are subjective, no matter what the source. They can, however, if used carefully, make for interesting discussion, even if they aren't de facto.
Keep it classy!
Nice, I hope to get some laggy matches in if you don't mind playing against a shitty Yun.God's Beard said:Ok so my xbox broke in December and I haven't played Super since then, but I'll be picking up AE for my PS3. Oni is that much fun. He's the only character in SF4 that really appeals to me enough that I wouldn't switch all the time like I usually do in capcom fighting games(other than jojo).
Kimosabae said:Thanks, man. Your Mak is solid, for sure.
How do you feel about that matchup? I think it's a horrible, horrible matchup for Mak, honestly. Like, 7-3 or 8-2. She just doesn't seem to have any tools to make Viper respect her. No reliable AA, pressure that gets easily stuffed by DPs, no reliable reversal, no zoning tool, weak footsies etc. - all those weaknesses just seem to play to Viper so well. I just feel like I can do whatever I want against her.
Imm0rt4l said:and an average gouken/dudley
black_vegeta said:Don't let this man fool you.
Average Gouken, haha.
That Gouken is an anomaly. I wanted more of it, even though I was sure I would get bodied.Imm0rt4l said:and an average gouken/dudley
I feel like that match is in goukens favor, but I was proven that it's not nearly as bad as I originally thought by this guy belgium_killa, his Zangief bodies me free x_x. He's the reason as well as my 2nd loss at evo from a gief player that I attribute my backdashing into all those condor dives you threw to get over me haha. I'm scared to death of giefs cross ups since he can essentially os me to death.Professor Beef said:That Gouken is an anomaly. I wanted more of it, even though I was sure I would get bodied.
I'm not even sure why, but I started to get mad that I was hitting you with those Condor Dives, lol. I kept trying to use them to get out of the corner, and whenever you would backdash into them I would think to myself "well I'm glad I got the hit, but I'm still kinda in the corner."Imm0rt4l said:I feel like that match is in goukens favor, but I was proven that it's not nearly as bad as I originally thought by this guy belgium_killa, his Zangief bodies me free x_x. He's the reason as well as my 2nd loss at evo from a gief player that I attribute my backdashing into all those condor dives you threw to get over me haha. I'm scared to death of giefs cross ups since he can essentially os me to death.
God's Beard said:Oni's kind of amazing. He has Dudley's fierces, a shoto sweep, invincible uppercut, honda's buttstomp and an array of fireballs. Plus 4 ultras and 2 supers. Who needs escape tatsu when you've got an airdash?
Spiderjericho said:He seems like a weird character like Gouken. Does having an uppercut and fireball make him play similar to the uppercut brothers?
Or is Evil Ryu fill that slot.
Imm0rt4l said:I hear oni's uppercut isn't really as good as a typical shoryuken, maybe I'm wrong though.
Lost Fragment said:8-2? You're crazy.
Kimosabae said:Maybe. But when I consider all aspects of the matchup on paper, I see nothing Makato can do to limit Viper's strengths. And Viper handles Mak's pressure better than most, I'd say - she has an invincible DP (shit invincibility, but still).
I dunno, only Makato I've ever played that scared me is Flash's and I played Ken back then. Ever since I picked up Viper, Mak, for the most part, has felt like a free character to me. I know not a lot of peeps play her, but I just run through Mak's in ranked.
Kimosabae said:Maybe. But when I consider all aspects of the matchup on paper, I see nothing Makato can do to limit Viper's strengths. And Viper handles Mak's pressure better than most, I'd say - she has an invincible DP (shit invincibility, but still).
I dunno, only Makato I've ever played that scared me is Flash's and I played Ken back then. Ever since I picked up Viper, Mak, for the most part, has felt like a free character to me. I know not a lot of peeps play her, but I just run through Mak's in ranked.
Kadey said:Hey Vex. If you want in on SCO, I can give a word in. Peaceful Jay invited me but there's no chance I'm going to beat any of those guys. LOL.
Funny, since I'm experiencing what you are, but for Marvel. :3Ultimoo said:You guys make me want to buy Street Fighter.you guys are doing so much stuff than Marvel-GAF, lol.