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Super Street Fighter IV 3D edition |OT| Lets take this outside!

Celine said:
Just met the strongest fighter I ever fought on SSF43DE.
It's a guy named Hiryu999.
My 2.5K Honda was blown away by his 3.5K + Blanka.
We had a dozen matches and he won every single one of them.
The best I could do was winning a couple rounds :-\.

Very tight defense, an annoying air combo hard to parry due to Blanka kicking behind my character back ( and beginning a dangerous combo) mixed with the sliding attack that has a really long range and is very fast for Blanka.

A couple of tiers ahead of me but I wanted nonetheless fight him as much as I could in fact the session was over only because the connection froze.

Wherever you are thanks for playing mate.

Gamer-X- or w/e a 3700PP Adon.. is beastlike.

He rapes me 2.6k Cody =[


biggkidd32 said:
GGs I'm impressed you can map those combos so well on the 3DS. I'm still in a transition period with my chun. I'll get you next time. :p

Thanks. I only play Rose so I just set up the touch screen to work for her. I use one panel for Roundhouse and one for PPP for her Ultra. I put Fierce on the R button and since I can't stand L buttons(been that way ever since the SNES for me). Rose is fairly simple when it comes to combos so it works out. I fought Gamer-X and he was pretty good. Sadly I have pretty bad connections with all the really good players. The two solid ryu players I fought with workable connections ended up having bad attitudes and refused to play more than one match. I'm up games almost whenever.

I'm probably won't be on much once I unlock all the figures and even less once DOA hits. Not that DOA is better but I'm hoping the netcode is better.


Zerokku said:
Even as a "lite" player myself, the hadouken spammers online are pissing me off. Cant really see how thats fun for them.
When you learn to take out these guys its funny watching them try to do something else XD


Okay, just had one of the most intense matches I've ever had in a fighting game. Me playing Cammy, and my opponent playing Ken. We were pretty evenly matched, but he beat me the first round. Second round I caught on to some of his moves and countered accordingly, such as flash-kicking as he opened with whatever the spinning kick move is. Won that one, but not by a lot. The final match though? Both of us dodging moves left and right, guessing eachothers movements, etc. He got me down a couple times, and had the lovely idea of doing a charge move on me right as I got up. After this happened a couple times, I must have had 1 health, as there was nothing in my bar. Quickly mashed the ultra combo, and the moment it finished, did the super combo, and won it.

Holy shit, that was an adrenaline rush. So much fun.
Man some good players just came out of the woodwork tonight

ZURV or whatever I just played was a great Ryu/Ken player I just went against.

Then some Cammy player that was also good - Forgot the name..

Also played that YUKI guy who I hate his he clearly uses Lite Mode and abuses tick throws with throw chars and easy inputs for 360 -_-

But yea great matches tonight. If anyone if anyone of you are gaffers.. I'm PezRadar :)


i use pro mode myself, i like it because i feel like i can have more control of every move, but when i play online matches i choose to fight people with both Pro mode and Lite mode
and i finally met a lite mode user using Guile last night!
but as i expected, his fighting style were so predictable, so i beated him with dudley and he quit right after the match finish lol

WonkersTHEWatilla said:
I've seen zero Hakan players online.
i always use Hakan


Okay. Okay..

I'd just like to add that being able to troll someone with Blanka while taking a poop is one of the greatest experience the 3DS has blessed me with so far!

There, I said it.. I know you guys do it too!


I'm not doing awesome online, but I think I'm okay for a novice, haha. I have a lot of matches where it comes down to one hit and I can win, then I lose my composure and die.

I cannot use charge characters for the life of me in this game. I'm fine on a stick, but on here, I cannot pull "Flash supers" aka DB, DF, DB, UF moves. Circle pad or D-pad. How do you guys pull em off? Impossible! :p


Chairhome said:
I cannot use charge characters for the life of me in this game. I'm fine on a stick, but on here, I cannot pull "Flash supers" aka DB, DF, DB, UF moves. Circle pad or D-pad. How do you guys pull em off? Impossible! :p
Instead of concentrating on the edges of the d-pad, try to center your thumb as much as you can so it's in the middle of the the d-pad all the time. This makes for much easier swift side-to-side moves such as charger ultras/supers..


taku said:
Instead of concentrating on the edges of the d-pad, try to center your thumb as much as you can so it's in the middle of the the d-pad all the time. This makes for much easier swift side-to-side moves such as charger ultras/supers..
Thanks. I mostly play on the Circle pad, cause the D-pad feels too small, even for my childish hands. I'll give it a try though.


Overall, I'm really enjoying this version of SSFIV. My two major concerns are that either I'm going to wear out the circle pad before I've gotten to play much else on the 3DS and/or that five years down the line, the first game I bought for the 3DS is going to be the game I've played the most on the 3DS :)

It did take a while to get used to the controls... the shoulder buttons are my main trouble spot, where I've mapped LP & LK. Is that considered a decent set-up choice, or is there a better way to go about configuring the controls? Also with the circle pad I still sometimes screw up when wanting to hold down & back and instead either hold down or back - the window to hold that diagonal seems a little small, making charge characters a little harder in this version, and I usually play charge characters.

I really appreciate how you can rematch after an internet match right away - that's an improvement over ranked in the console version. A negative though is definitely not being able to quit to the main menu after a fight request fight, but having to go back to the arcade mode and then try to quit out before another fight request comes through. I also wish there was a replay channel or at least a record of your recent fights.

Have played about 10 hours already!


TurtleSnatcher said:
2800pp.. My new high!

Pm me your friend code. Id like to play against some higher rank fighters to get better myself.

Also, is anyone up for maybe a GAF tourney? Id love the chance to see where I rank amongst you guys! Just don't ask me to set it up. Im terrible with that kind of stuff.
Just had 3 matches in a row where I lost connection to the other player mid-fight and as a result the game raped me of all my player points - I can understand the need to penalise rage-quitters, but it sucks that I'm being punished when there wouldn't be a problem if when picking which lobby to join there was some indication as to the connection strength.

Anyways, if anyone here's up for some fights feel free to add me (but message me here so I can add you too) - I'm in the UK and my friend code is 1547-5224-6801.
Hit 3000 PP!

So.. here is the trend.. I play in Pro Mode but sometimes get lazy and use "Quick Match"

I love playing Lite Mode players sometimes.. They either choose Ryu or Akuma.. Spam Fireballs and use like Ultra 2 from both chars which aren't that great unless you wake up with it and somehow to get it off. Then they lose.. then move to 2 options

1) Blanka and electricity ball spam


2) Guile and Sonic Boom spam and Flash Kick Spam.

Hilarious :p
TurtleSnatcher said:
Hit 3000 PP!

So.. here is the trend.. I play in Pro Mode but sometimes get lazy and use "Quick Match"

I love playing Lite Mode players sometimes.. They either choose Ryu or Akuma.. Spam Fireballs and use like Ultra 2 from both chars which aren't that great unless you wake up with it and somehow to get it off. Then they lose.. then move to 2 options

1) Blanka and electricity ball spam


2) Guile and Sonic Boom spam and Flash Kick Spam.

Hilarious :p

I can feel the sentiment. If you're good enough to counter these people then it is hilarious, but for me, it's frustrating as hell. I try to get good with C.Viper. Something about her really suits my playstyle. I go Pro only when playing online and so far I've yet to win a single fight with her.

Case in point, yesterday I went up against two Ken players, a Ryu and one Cody... I almost got the Cody player but ken and ryu simply stayed in their corner spamming hadokens and shoryukens for the whole match.

Unfortunately I'm simply not good enough to counter such cheap ass bitch tactics *sadface* I think I simply stay offline for now. Game's not much fun if all you encounter are cheap spammers anyway.


boris feinbrand said:
I can feel the sentiment. If you're good enough to counter these people then it is hilarious, but for me, it's frustrating as hell. I try to get good with C.Viper. Something about her really suits my playstyle. I go Pro only when playing online and so far I've yet to win a single fight with her.

Case in point, yesterday I went up against two Ken players, a Ryu and one Cody... I almost got the Cody player but ken and ryu simply stayed in their corner spamming hadokens and shoryukens for the whole match.

Unfortunately I'm simply not good enough to counter such cheap ass bitch tactics *sadface* I think I simply stay offline for now. Game's not much fun if all you encounter are cheap spammers anyway.

Jump over each fireball while holding back. When you're close enough they will shoryuken, continue holding back to block. Uppercut while they land, sweep them. While they are on the ground hold medium punch and medium kick so that when they stand up, they get knocked out. Just before they faint on their face, either perform a special attack, or stron sweep again.

Hold forward against their fallen body, and just as they stand up, press low punch, and low kick for a throw. Wash rinse repeat.

Of course, always be mindful of their meters. You know the instant they have a super available, they'll spam it.


For a very mediocre player, I'm doing well online using Balrog & pro controls. Most players just don't know how to approach me. Of course, as soon as I play someone who knows what they're doing, I get wrecked, but I feel like I'm slowly improving with him.
kinggroin said:
Jump over each fireball while holding back. When you're close enough they will shoryuken, continue holding back to block. Uppercut while they land, sweep them. While they are on the ground hold medium punch and medium kick so that when they stand up, they get knocked out. Just before they faint on their face, either perform a special attack, or stron sweep again.

Hold forward against their fallen body, and just as they stand up, press low punch, and low kick for a throw. Wash rinse repeat.

Of course, always be mindful of their meters. You know the instant they have a super available, they'll spam it.

Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to take them to heart. I decided to play Pro controls only, so I'm likely not having much to worry about Ultra or super spamming.


lawblob said:
For a very mediocre player, I'm doing well online using Balrog & pro controls. Most players just don't know how to approach me. Of course, as soon as I play someone who knows what they're doing, I get wrecked, but I feel like I'm slowly improving with him.

Ha, agreed. I'm at my very best, a C+ player (62% win ratio with most losses coming from my A rank buddy acejax), but it seems most folks in this level or lower have no idea how to handle Balrog. Even the ones who are fairly adequate, tend to go to the last sliver of health most rounds.

I wish I was actually good; can only imagine the damage that can be done with him.

Protip from acejax: If you do Balrog's MP+MK and stun the player, it's best to lead in with a flying headbutt, and then perform the crazy bull Ultra as soon as you land. Now here's the kicker: Most folks who try this, end up only getting one hit of the utra in, then miss the rest, leaving themselves wide open. Apparently, if you hold Hard Kick (default right shoulder) AFTER the very first hit of the Ultra connects, Balrog will juggle the opponent with sweeping uppercuts the rest of the move! Works everytime!
kinggroin said:
Jump over each fireball while holding back. When you're close enough they will shoryuken, continue holding back to block. Uppercut while they land, sweep them. While they are on the ground hold medium punch and medium kick so that when they stand up, they get knocked out. Just before they faint on their face, either perform a special attack, or stron sweep again.

Hold forward against their fallen body, and just as they stand up, press low punch, and low kick for a throw. Wash rinse repeat.

Of course, always be mindful of their meters. You know the instant they have a super available, they'll spam it.
I don't recommend focus attacking when they wake up. If it is a lite mode guy he will probably wake up with a SRK. A medium or fierce shoryuken does 2 hits almost instantly which will break the Focus attack. Likewise if a shoryuken comes out within the 1st frame of the guy waking up then it will be auto armor breaking.

Also that is susceptible to wake up ultras hitting and or being throw countered upon wake up.

Don't use a sweep. Use a combo to punish.

Also don't attempt wake up throw a bunch for the same reasons I just said above.

Just learn their patterns and bait. Viper is the hardest char in the game to learn IMO. She has some of the hardest combo's but she has some of the best tools vs people who fireball spam etc. Try Seismic Ground Pounds (Heavy Punch) from the full screen distance to knock them up as they fireball spam you. Likewise try EX ones. Also super jump to get in closer even if you go over them. You hit down then up really fast and the direction you are going. Maybe mix a flame kick before landing.


kinggroin said:
Ha, agreed. I'm at my very best, a C+ player (62% win ratio with most losses coming from my A rank buddy acejax), but it seems most folks in this level or lower have no idea how to handle Balrog. Even the ones who are fairly adequate, tend to go to the last sliver of health most rounds.

I wish I was actually good; can only imagine the damage that can be done with him.
I mained Balrog in the console versions almost since day one, and now that I have my controls mapped for max damage I'm owning fools online with him on 3DE.

Hell, i've noticed most people can't figure out his to block his Jumping HK to Crouching HK combo. It's so damaging! I jump with 'Rog in this way more than I ever would dare to in Console. I perfected a Guile today just doing that over and over. :lol
Chorazin said:
I mained Balrog in the console versions almost since day one, and now that I have my controls mapped for max damage I'm owning fools online with him on 3DE.

Hell, i've noticed most people can't figure out his to block his Jumping HK to Crouching HK combo. It's so damaging! I jump with 'Rog in this way more than I ever would dare to in Console. I perfected a Guile today just doing that over and over. :lol

Holy shit, I think I just played you on a custom match earlier. I think you just did that fucking Balrog combo to me, and owned me with it, I couldn't get the blocking down. When we rematched you beat in the 3rd round with your ultimate, but it went down to the wire. Name was Stick, and I was playing as Ken. Was that you? It was like maybe 40 minutes ago.
Had a great run of games today, 8 wins in a row and I'm about to try for 10 - I can finally hit Fei Long's chicken wing at will, and it's helped my game immensely. Haven't been encountering too many shoto spammers either and had a great series of fights against a couple of guys maining Cammy & Juri - although one guy ruined me with excessive Ken shoryukens, so I picked Ken myself and kicked his ass. So satisfying.

Again, if anyone wants to fight my friend code is 1547-5224-6801 and I mostly play Fei Long at the moment.


GAF tourney sounds fun.

I don't actually like the attitude of some the people. They win or lose 1 match and just quit. What really bugs me is when they wait for the timer to run out before quitting. If you already hit rematch you can't jack about it.

I miss arcades where none of this nonsense would fly.


Chorazin said:
I mained Balrog in the console versions almost since day one, and now that I have my controls mapped for max damage I'm owning fools online with him on 3DE.

Hell, i've noticed most people can't figure out his to block his Jumping HK to Crouching HK combo. It's so damaging! I jump with 'Rog in this way more than I ever would dare to in Console. I perfected a Guile today just doing that over and over. :lol
we is fighting right now :O

and it's laggy as shit :/

and heh, like yu said, i'd never fought a balrog before, didn't know what to do at first :p
I swear they made Seth 100 times easier in this game. Never had a huge deal with him on console but he was a bit hard at times, but on this I've beaten arcade mode on normal with 8 characters already and it's always easy. I find the rival a tiny bit more challenging.


-Pyromaniac- said:
I swear they made Seth 100 times easier in this game. Never had a huge deal with him on console but he was a bit hard at times, but on this I've beaten arcade mode on normal with 8 characters already and it's always easy. I find the rival a tiny bit more challenging.

Mh I never found the rivals to be challenging at all on normal. Maybe Seth just doesn't click. I managed to beat him with Dudley and that's about it.

I'm hopeless


Boney said:
we is fighting right now :O

and it's laggy as shit :/

and heh, like yu said, i'd never fought a balrog before, didn't know what to do at first :p
Haha, yeah! It was laggy as shit, you were the Ibuki right? You weren't bad, best Ibuki I've fought on 3DE so far. The lag at the end of the match make it had for me to pull it out! :)

StickSoldier said:
Holy shit, I think I just played you on a custom match earlier. I think you just did that fucking Balrog combo to me, and owned me with it, I couldn't get the blocking down. When we rematched you beat in the 3rd round with your ultimate, but it went down to the wire. Name was Stick, and I was playing as Ken. Was that you? It was like maybe 40 minutes ago.

Yeah man, I remember you! You got better at reading me towards the end, but that jump in when I had Ultra was just bad timing for you. :)

Edit: And I got 14 wins in a row today! Not too shabby, I think. :)


I have all three versions of SFIV and this is by far my favorite. Lite controls allow me to do more easily what would tax my hands in the console versions, allowing me to focus on zoning and setup tactics instead. Having the two viewpoints (normal and over-the-shoulder) plus all customes/colors allows me to appreciate the characters more than ever. The 500 collectible figures are also great in this respect... And there's just something about the tactile feel of stereo 3D, coupled with it all being in the palm of your hand... It's just more personal, more possessive, like you own the experience more, if that makes sense. I love it. :)


TurtleSnatcher said:
I don't recommend focus attacking when they wake up. If it is a lite mode guy he will probably wake up with a SRK. A medium or fierce shoryuken does 2 hits almost instantly which will break the Focus attack. Likewise if a shoryuken comes out within the 1st frame of the guy waking up then it will be auto armor breaking.

Also that is susceptible to wake up ultras hitting and or being throw countered upon wake up.

Don't use a sweep. Use a combo to punish.

Also don't attempt wake up throw a bunch for the same reasons I just said above.

Just learn their patterns and bait. Viper is the hardest char in the game to learn IMO. She has some of the hardest combo's but she has some of the best tools vs people who fireball spam etc. Try Seismic Ground Pounds (Heavy Punch) from the full screen distance to knock them up as they fireball spam you. Likewise try EX ones. Also super jump to get in closer even if you go over them. You hit down then up really fast and the direction you are going. Maybe mix a flame kick before landing.

Well you definitely sound like a better than mediocre player! At my level, all of ehat you said is overkill. Most C rankers don't know how to react to wake up throws and focus attacks, and they generally just throw ultras out almost as soon as they get them. Seriously, the fact I've gone 12 straight matches with wins shows how bad many players (myself included) are at the c+ and lower levels.
kinggroin said:
Well you definitely sound like a better than mediocre player! At my level, all of ehat you said is overkill. Most C rankers don't know how to react to wake up throws and focus attacks, and they generally just throw ultras out almost as soon as they get them. Seriously, the fact I've gone 12 straight matches with wins shows how bad many players (myself included) are at the c+ and lower levels.
We are talking about people though that already spam shoryukens and fireballs and shoryukens alone would rape a focus and/or throw that you are attempting on the player as they wake up.

Likewise.. best not to train yourself on bad habits :)


TurtleSnatcher said:
We are talking about people though that already spam shoryukens and fireballs and shoryukens alone would rape a focus and/or throw that you are attempting on the player as they wake up.

Likewise.. best not to train yourself on bad habits :)

lol I guess. Though being in the same league, its hard to train myself on good habits. its why I want your fc for the system. id love to learn by playing against folks way better than myself!


Get Inside Her!
Hey I'm wondering how this works, I know games can call the system keyboard for text entry, but can they call the system friend list? So if you're in an endless room and you opt to invite friends, does it actually pop the friend list you get from the home menu, that same interface with the cards, or does it use a game-specific interface for that? I suspect it's the latter, which is a shame.
kinggroin said:
lol I guess. Though being in the same league, its hard to train myself on good habits. its why I want your fc for the system. id love to learn by playing against folks way better than myself!

TurtleSnatcher 2664-2106-7440
You can PM me yours.

EDIT: Boo lost my 33 game win streak with Cody.. Stupid Auto Block nonsense that people turn on.. Especially when good players turn them on. So lame


ok this is awesome, i just start collecting the trophies, and im addicted now, im now looking for dudley, i want a whole set of dudley

anyone else also collect trophies? wanna trade?


gimz said:
ok this is awesome, i just start collecting the trophies, and im addicted now, im now looking for dudley, i want a whole set of dudley

anyone else also collect trophies? wanna trade?
You can only trade locally. Sorry man.
TurtleSnatcher said:
TurtleSnatcher 2664-2106-7440
You can PM me yours.

EDIT: Boo lost my 33 game win streak with Cody.. Stupid Auto Block nonsense that people turn on.. Especially when good players turn them on. So lame
Please explain this Auto Block BULLSHIT, because I play randoms online that absorb every hit with a blue ghosting and its pissing me off. I didnt know there was an option to turn it on, I thought they were just all pro or something.

EDIT: OHHHHHHHH Well now that is some cheap shit, I never scrolled all the way to the bottom of the screen in the controls. Wow, thats stupid.
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