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Super Street Fighter IV 3D edition |OT| Lets take this outside!


I switched my controls to have HP and HK on screens 2 and 4. This works much better for me. I can hold the handheld the way I do a dual shock when playing Tekken.

Not digging the d-pad, though. Having troubles doing really basic moves. It's way too small for me for this kind of game.


Quick impressions based on a bit of play

* The 3D is glorious and works perfectly. I thought that with jamming buttons and moving the 3DS around would make it difficult to focus. You do end up losing the 3D effect for split-second moments at a time while playing but it's surprising how quickly I was able to just ignore those hiccups and focus on the action at hand. 30 FPS kind of sucks but isn't a big deal at all.

* Online works well, didn't really notice any lag. I think the fact that I don't have to worry about HDTV input lag like I do on the PS3 version helps for this.

* The touch screen buttons work well. Been playing on pro mode and while it takes quite a bit of adjusting, using the touch screen to pull off EX moves/ultras is way way easier than trying to deal with pushing the actual buttons.

* Charge characters are impossible with the circle pad. Stick with the D-pad for that.

The Hermit

Dartastic said:
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, butttt...


herm...I don't know if you are familiar with Ono, but:


Ninja Dom said:
I've done a side by side comparison with Street Fighter 4 running on an iPhone 4 and the 3DS version is far superior in animation. Only the volume level on the iPhone 4 is better.



Oh man I think I spent an hour playing with this awesome player. Whoever the Taylor is who uses Sakura, Greenyz enjoyed the matches. We were evenly matched but he was murdering me in the beginning until I got my groove. Such fun.

I still can't deal with Akumas or Ryus.


Pandoracell said:
Sorry if this has been asked, but do we know what, if any, kind of updates this will be getting?
The potential is there. Ono is teasing next month for new info. Maybe Capcom will do a DLC pack for the arcade stuff


I'm about to buy this game and have a couple of questions.

1. How awkward is it to use the shoulder buttons instead of the touch screen buttons?
2. If you use the touch screen, is it easy to scratch it up using your thumbs on it like that?
This arrived from gamefly for me today. Basically, I can't Ultra at all, I can't FADC for shit, and I refuse to use the touch screen under any circumstances. hahaha... So, I end up playing this like SF2 with EX moves -- which is surprisingly effective. Hands hurt like hell after just four matches, though. This version of the game could've used something like a Darkstalkers' Chaos Tower or Alpha's World Tour mode to beef up the single-player. Nothing fancy. Just a Survival mode with random stupidity like item drops, gauge regen/degen, and so on. I would've been down for CPU battle silliness.

Me getting clowned by 1-frame grab Ultras makes me laugh hard, though. Trollno reigns supreme.
Dartastic said:
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, butttt...


I actually think this won't end up being SSF43D - it'll be SSF4 AE NGP, or something. The chance of a Wii version of SF4 has been shot out of the water multiple times, whereas if they did an NGP version of SF vs Tekken they can easily connect the two versions as they're both for Sony platforms. While it's totally possible to connect say SSF43D and SSF4 360 via Capcom having the games check in with servers that are neutral to platform to update info like BP, PP, Figurines etc I can't see that going down too well with the platform holders. NGP/PS3 connection, though....


I only use the touch screen for triple button input, it's way too awkward to pull off with the shoulder buttons imo =/


lame ass ryu players sitting back trying to range attack their way to wins and trying to break my win streak. M Bison shall own their souls


Baiano19 said:
herm...I don't know if you are familiar with Ono, but:

Oh, I'm super familiar with Ono. Although, this doesn't strike me as a troll comment, as above posters have noted. The possibility of NGP/PS3 integration is very real.


Okay so I just played some matches online, fucking sick. Smooth as shit and no problems.

I must of missed something cuz I played an Akuma with 4000 BP. Dude was busting out tokido shit... wtf?@!?!?

The d pad is still too sticky for my thumb, can't do moves well on it yet :(


Hylian7 said:
I'm about to buy this game and have a couple of questions.

1. How awkward is it to use the shoulder buttons instead of the touch screen buttons?
2. If you use the touch screen, is it easy to scratch it up using your thumbs on it like that?

1. It can be pretty awkward. The default controls use the shoulder buttons for HP and HK. But the good news is that you can configure the controls to your liking. What I did was configure both shoulder buttons for throwing and then placed the LP and LK on the touch screen. The Y, X, B, and A buttons are used for MP, HP, MK, and HK respectively.

2. Aside for some smudgy fingerprints your screen should be fine.


The more I play this the more I realize just how good this game really is. I am having a blast playing this online.

Circle Pad works great once you adjust to it and all in all it controls well considering the last Street Fighter I played was on the SNES and had the same number of buttons

Four Wude

Unconfirmed Member
dankir said:
Okay so I just played some matches online, fucking sick. Smooth as shit and no problems.

I must of missed something cuz I played an Akuma with 4000 BP. Dude was busting out tokido shit... wtf?@!?!?

The d pad is still too sticky for my thumb, can't do moves well on it yet :(

That was more than likely me lol. ^^;


I'm loving the hell out of this game, especially online, but I'm sucking horribly online. I am having the hardest time using the circle pad or d-pad to pull off certain moves consistently.

Oh well, I'm still having a lot of fun online, and I'm sure with practice I'll get used to the controls.


I've really got to learn to turn off Fight Reqs for Single Player. It's pretty much non-stop requests, can't even fight the AI or get to a menu screen to turn it off between online matches. And if you try to turn off the wireless, the game bitches about it for awhile.


Unconfirmed Member
Ninja Dom said:
Hi Guys,

I'm loving this game so far.

I've done a side by side comparison with Street Fighter 4 running on an iPhone 4 and the 3DS version is far superior in animation. Only the volume level on the iPhone 4 is better.

If you look on your 3DS Friends List and see your friend is online playing, how do you join them?
Well, the iPhone version is sprites based.


Really Really Exciting Member!
My thumb hurt a lot after playing for nearly 1 hour. And i still suck lol. I can't even beat Ken with Ryu in the Arcade mode on Easy difficulty. I should be ashamed.. but even these guys are better at blocking and landing hits than me.

Maybe i should have gone with Rayman or Ridge Racer, at least i would beat something.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I had a 35 straight win streak going with Chun online, then decided to try playing someone using the lite control scheme just once...

...big mistake, LOL! Bye-bye streak! He was doing shit with Guile that would not be possible normally.


I love the game. 3D is very good looking. But i turned it off since trying to pull off the moves makes me move the system and lose the sweet spot, which is annoying. Played a couple of matches online. The experience is as smooth as butter. And surprisingly the controls work well.
I have a question, how do I enable street pass function for this specific title?


Ryu bogard said:
Does anyone know if I need to keep the wireless on for street pass to work?

I think you do.
Ninja Dom said:
Hi Guys,

I'm loving this game so far.

I've done a side by side comparison with Street Fighter 4 running on an iPhone 4 and the 3DS version is far superior in animation. Only the volume level on the iPhone 4 is better.

If you look on your 3DS Friends List and see your friend is online playing, how do you join them?

I guess posting here is the best way to get people into your lobby? Either that or maybe change my mii message to "Street Fighter IV lobby up" or something?


makes good threads.
Why is it that I'm playing this version at home rather than my superior console version? Either it's because I like building up my battle points from scratch or that I'm a masochist that loves the cramping pain it gives my hands.

Anyways, I need more people on my list who play this game and other future online fighters. Here's my friend code if you want to add me:
Lyte Edge said:
I had a 35 straight win streak going with Chun online, then decided to try playing someone using the lite control scheme just once...

...big mistake, LOL! Bye-bye streak! He was doing shit with Guile that would not be possible normally.

Haha.. Ya I lost my 30+ game win streak to a Lite Mode Guile. Impossible.. Jump over his Sonic Boom and you are instantly hit with a Flash Kick. So retarded. Then they turn on that autoblock bullshit.. and you finally get in and then they spam out an instant ultra. So annoying.

Either way.. Got my Cody to 2400-2500BP. I'm sitting at about 2100PP.

I can't use my normal main (Fuerte)... Cant get use to the controls.

EDIT: If you run into 'PezRadar' online.. that is me :D


Just got the game and its really cool but i definitely miss my arcade stick. my FC is


My name is Taker
Has anyone got StreetPass working for the Figurines ?
I activated mine and 2 other friends did as well, but we never had figurine battles :S


Let's have sme fights! 0087-2283-1694

Ono gave a conference for young developers in Madrid. It was an awesome Master Class about SSFIV, starting from SSFII. I'll have more details and slides later.

Article: http://www.gamereactor.es/articulos/1037/iD%C9AME+una+Nintendo+3DS/

But specifically on the 3DS version, I asked 2 Qs:

- Capcom offered Nintendo their opinion/advice on 3DS d-pad design so it fitted fighting games better. I asked Ono about his thoughts on the final results: “It’s a Nintendo event, I’ll tell you on a MS or Sony event” Don’t know if he doesn’t like it or if it’s that he doesn’t want to be too positive and be considered biased, being this a Nintendo event.
- On why don’t we have 3D AR fighters on the game, since we always see him taking photos of his Blanka figurine: “You’ll have to wait for more Capcom games to see something like that”.


For me, I'm starting to like this D-pad and getting all my moves to work responsively ^^


Jesus fuck, Seth is even more rediculous in this version on than before. He's stll got the crazy killer AI and now I can't respond as quick because of the controls. :(
Should have asked about messaging (Even though its a Nintendo Limitation :p)

MegamanXZero said:
Has anyone got StreetPass working for the Figurines ?
I activated mine and 2 other friends did as well, but we never had figurine battles :S

Same =[


Bloodborne is shit
Does anyone know what the breakdown is for earning figure points when going through arcade mode? For instance I think I earn around 800 for playing through on very easy with 1 round fights and no bonus stages. Does that ever change?


Gouty said:
Does anyone know what the breakdown is for earning figure points when going through arcade mode? For instance I think I earn around 800 for playing through on very easy with 1 round fights and no bonus stages. Does that ever change?

I got 1600 when I beat it on Normal, Three Rounds, and Bonus Stages.


MegamanXZero said:
Has anyone got StreetPass working for the Figurines ?
I activated mine and 2 other friends did as well, but we never had figurine battles :S

I had one figurine fight today! It worked just fine!

also if you blow air against your 3DS in the main menu, the SSF IV logo will spin! ^^


Played a few online matches last night. At first a little laggy, then the quality was pretty good. I played a Zangief player that seemed like he didn't really know how to play Zangief.....then I played a Dhalsim player that just stayed against the wall on whatever side of the screen he was on and spammed heavy punch/heavy kick the entire game to keep me distanced.


I know there isn't a messaging system built into the home menu yet, but is there any way to invite friends to online matches from within the game? I see a bunch of my friends playing on the friend list, but no way to contact them for a match


Lyte Edge said:
I had a 35 straight win streak going with Chun online, then decided to try playing someone using the lite control scheme just once...

...big mistake, LOL! Bye-bye streak! He was doing shit with Guile that would not be possible normally.

Yeah, I'm sticking with pro controls and it feels a bit awkward going against some of the touch screen spammers. A lot of them are really obvious with their spamming, doesn't combo into supers and are manageable but I did get a match against a lite Guile as well that I couldn't do anything against due to a combination of spam and a bit of latency.
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