If my soon to be 7 year old understands they're different than I think most people will understand. By the way he understood right off the bat because he said Man Of Steel's ships were different.
Obviously they won't show-off all of her abilities in the very first episode.
I'm more surprised they showed her cool looking blue heat vision in this.
Obviously they won't show-off all of her abilities in the very first episode.
I'm more surprised they showed her cool looking blue heat vision in this.
That first scene is still good thoughSo I was going to reference about how much the effect has changed since Smallville until I remembered how hilarious and wrong the power was in Smallville.
Ah ok sorry, thought there was screenings of it or something, my bad. Thanks
The problem is, there is no legal way to actually see this at the moment. And that is assuming this isn't a marketing ploy. If it is, it is harder to call it hurting the show. I'd also call it different from the Game of Thrones leak for instance where half the show is leaked just before the premier. Here it was one episode, well in front of the actual release so most people will have to rewatch it anyway.Remember, nobody on GAF pirates. And piracy is not a problem for the games/music/movie industry (content producers simply need to create better material!).
I am done. One and done. This is what I meant when I said the Animated Shows are much more mature than the live action ones.
There are certain things that could make it work.
Here you go.Source? I thought they said multiple times they don't have any mandates from DC to do things like that?
Enjoyed it. It's just a pilot so there's time for it to improve. Kara is super cute, that's some good casting for her. Dean Cain's cameo made me laugh, where has he been since Lois & Clark?
Some of you guys are overly harsh with this pilot.
Some of this is GAF nitpicking as it finest.
One guy is talking about how she wasn't using her superspeed, or that her super strength wasn't convincing. I mean, I thought for a TV budget, super strength was good enough.
But did that guy really expect them to show off all the powers at once in a 45 mins episode? Even Small ville introduced Clark's powers once by once. Even his "superspeed" at the beginning was just a fraction of how fast he was going later on in the series.
You guys are forgetting that Kara powers in this show might not be as developed as her cousin Clark. Clark has been Superman for years before she arrived. He's been training and fighting. While she has been giving comfortable family life with the occasional visit for Clark to teach her the basic about controlling her powers.
Did you expect a woman in her early 20's with almost no training to have the same powers level as a man who has been doing this for probably 10 years now?
One simple question, why is Kara being a girl such a big issue in the show?
Pretty much.
Did Barry ran so fast that he goes back in time in the very first episode?
She freakin' carried and saved an airplane full of people here!
One simple question, why is Kara being a girl such a big issue in the show?
Barry ran fast and the effect was convincing. Kara flew and uses super strength a little bit and the effects weren't very convincing to me. I don't think saying, "The action scenes don't look very good," about an action show is nitpicking.
I understand that her powers will probably develop as the series goes, but come on, it's not like super speed is some tertiary power that Superman hardly ever uses. It's not ice breath or something. It is literally the first thing mentioned in Superman's classic introduction. It's like the entire basis for Man of Steel's fight scenes. It's kind of a major Superman power. Pointing out that they left it out isn't nitpicking.
I sitll disagree. They could've thought it was just a retcon in order to fit this for a television budget or something
Remember, nobody on GAF pirates. And piracy is not a problem for the games/music/movie industry (content producers simply need to create better material!).
The problem is, there is no legal way to actually see this at the moment. And that is assuming this isn't a marketing ploy. If it is, it is harder to call it hurting the show. I'd also call it different from the Game of Thrones leak for instance where half the show is leaked just before the premier. Here it was one episode, well in front of the actual release so most people will have to rewatch it anyway.
So I was going to reference about how much the effect has changed since Smallville until I remembered how hilarious and wrong the power was in Smallville.
The lack of superspeed is the best thing they did about her power-wise. Even on Flash it's getting overpowered and it bassicaly means you can do proper fight scenes and that's Flash's sole power.
When it comes to actual physical combat Supergirl pilot blows away anything that Flash has shown that didn't include Arrow.
Not to mention she actually remembers Krypton. You'd think he'd want to ask her about it.
No, he's too busy playing Thomas Raith in my ideal Dresden Files adaptation, premiering this fall on HBO.
Sorry, but The Flash was never as corny as Supergirl's pilot.
I dunno. That suggests a level of superhero sophistication that would make it even more obvious to them that it's not the same fictional universe, not less obvious.
Anyone who's seen both Man of Steel and Supergirl isn't going to think they're the same universe. Anyone who hasn't seen Man Of Steel - wouldn't think they're linked anyway, or wouldn't care if that was the case, because they haven't even seen it. And then once they do see it - again, it's going to be super-obvious the one isn't linked to the other.
That seemed like a sex and the city episode with some superhero bits thrown in. Expectations adjusted.
Saw the Pilot, really liked it
I love how that waitress goes, "Golly gee a female hero! Nice that someone exists for my daughter to look up to" I laughed.
She should have continued with, "Too bad they are probably gonna cut her from the merchandise and refuse to make a movie bout her since female heroes don't work."
"Why is she called Supergirl? Shouldn't she be Superwoman? Isn't this Anti-Femenist?"
Holy shit! Why are they trying so goddamn hard?
This was never a concern in regular Superman
Generic Bad Guy: On my planet, you bow before males
Supergirl: This is not your planet!
Are you serious? What is this? Are the creators insecure or do they think the viewers are insecure?
Hey remember when the Justice League animated series had the Feminism episode? No? Because that didn't happen!
Why don't they call the show Super-Feminist: Battle Against Patriarchy! Build lore, create a universe, not this shit
Director Henshaw: She's not strong enough!
Agent Danvers: Why? Because she's just a girl? That's what we're counting on!
I am done. One and done. This is what I meant when I said the Animated Shows are much more mature than the live action ones.
Allison Mack back then... The only reason Clark should've been sweating is from getting hot but not from the actual heat. I remember thinking the scene would've played out better if he was fine in the heat until he starts getting the hots for Krista Allen.
EDIT: Oh and the Film stuff restricting the TV side is typical WB Films bullshit.
Good lord, Allison Mack. Mmmmmm How could I forget...
The main advantage of Superman being in the series is similar to the advantage of Arrow preceding The Flash... it lets Supergirl handwave any logistics as already justified by Superman. I mean, we take it for granted, but being a superhero is insane... which is why shows like Heroes or No Ordinary Family took ages to warm up to anything that approximated traditional comic book heroism and something like The Cape had to pass it off as imitating his son's comic books and mystical circus culture.
Wearing a costume with a cape? Tackling bank robbers without knowing that you're bulletproof? Fighting aliens without training? All of this stuff is nuts... unless you can point to your predecessor as excusing it all. Supergirl leverages all the assumptions we make about Superman to accept that this is all completely normal. As fun as The Flash is, you don't quite get there if Arrow doesn't lay down the ground rules for the universe that make Flash seem somewhat sane... we just barely accept civil-rights violating indefinite incarceration because Ollie did it first. Arrow had to go through people using a descriptive term- the vigilante- to a moniker- the Arrow- so that Barry could become The Flash in record time.
There are issues with Superman, but I think the trade off is that Supergirl gets to be Supergirl full-steam ahead without having to be entrenched in explaining itself.
The main advantage of Superman being in the series is similar to the advantage of Arrow preceding The Flash... it lets Supergirl handwave any logistics as already justified by Superman. I mean, we take it for granted, but being a superhero is insane... which is why shows like Heroes or No Ordinary Family took ages to warm up to anything that approximated traditional comic book heroism and something like The Cape had to pass it off as imitating his son's comic books and mystical circus culture.
Wearing a costume with a cape? Tackling bank robbers without knowing that you're bulletproof? Fighting aliens without training? All of this stuff is nuts... unless you can point to your predecessor as excusing it all. Supergirl leverages all the assumptions we make about Superman to accept that this is all completely normal. As fun as The Flash is, you don't quite get there if Arrow doesn't lay down the ground rules for the universe that make Flash seem somewhat sane... we just barely accept civil-rights violating indefinite incarceration because Ollie did it first. Arrow had to go through people using a descriptive term- the vigilante- to a moniker- the Arrow- so that Barry could become The Flash in record time.
There are issues with Superman, but I think the trade off is that Supergirl gets to be Supergirl full-steam ahead without having to be entrenched in explaining itself.
Sorry, but The Flash was never as corny as Supergirl's pilot.
dying at "the flash pilot wasn't nearly as corny"
"run Barry RUN"
everything about weather wizard character and actor
One simple question, why is Kara being a girl such a big issue in the show?
It really was.
The rest of the season made people forget about the pilot.
I assume they wanted to get it out of the way. I assume that's also why they went with Vartox, who is sexish in the comics as well.
I agree, one of the best parts of the pilot.Saw it again, this time with the kids. Loved it again. That first run through the alley for take-off. Dem throwback feels.
Man I really should rewatch Smallville. my childhood growing up right there. and Yeah, now it's happening once again with Arrow. I swear, Warner Bros really like to shoot themselves in the foot. Marvel doesn't have to do jackshit to mess with the competition. I really don't understand the "oh we don't want to have two versions of something because that might confused the audience." Yeah, if your audience doesn't have two braincells to rub together. Also, making the tv universe different from the movie universe might already the biggest "uh-oh" they ever did. Meanwhile Marvel, got their shit together. Everything is connected in the Marvel Universe.Yeah, if there's dialog I hope that gets cut it's some of that, it's just way to on the nose and bashing us over our heads. That semi-scene was straight out of Smallville, actually I think Smallville did it better... I guess it was a bus and Clark killed the bus driver.
EDIT: Oh and the Film stuff restricting the TV side is typical WB Films bullshit.
He's not suppose to be her love interest. More like Superman replacement, a mentor.Other than that.... Jimmy Olsen man haha. At first I thought it was simply cuz I'm a dude so am not affected by the hottest most charming Jimmy Olsen ever put to media. But then I remembered laurel and iris..... The cw shows have never had a love interest that people liked. And this is just bad again
The main advantage of Superman being in the series is similar to the advantage of Arrow preceding The Flash... it lets Supergirl handwave any logistics as already justified by Superman. I mean, we take it for granted, but being a superhero is insane... which is why shows like Heroes or No Ordinary Family took ages to warm up to anything that approximated traditional comic book heroism and something like The Cape had to pass it off as imitating his son's comic books and mystical circus culture.
Wearing a costume with a cape? Tackling bank robbers without knowing that you're bulletproof? Fighting aliens without training? All of this stuff is nuts... unless you can point to your predecessor as excusing it all. Supergirl leverages all the assumptions we make about Superman to accept that this is all completely normal. As fun as The Flash is, you don't quite get there if Arrow doesn't lay down the ground rules for the universe that make Flash seem somewhat sane... we just barely accept civil-rights violating indefinite incarceration because Ollie did it first. Arrow had to go through people using a descriptive term- the vigilante- to a moniker- the Arrow- so that Barry could become The Flash in record time.
There are issues with Superman, but I think the trade off is that Supergirl gets to be Supergirl full-steam ahead without having to be entrenched in explaining itself.
I'd prefer them if anything to vaguely say "the vigilante" if they are going to make any references so that was the open ended enough to be interpreted as any viglilanteIf they wanted to get that, they could have still not used Superman and just substituted the Flash instead. Remember that the Flash is fully public, has powers, and the news covers him.
They could even do the thing where they keep referring to him but not by name. Just say "the fast guy in Central City" or something.
Not really, since many of the handwaves are Kryptonian and extraterrestrial-specific. The reason humanity isn't freaking out about Supergirl is because they had over a decade to get used to Superman. Why don't they have to explain heat vision, flight, x-ray vision, bullet-proof skin, etc.? Answer: Superman. Flash doesn't get you that.If they wanted to get that, they could have still not used Superman and just substituted the Flash instead. Remember that the Flash is fully public, has powers, and the news covers him.
They could even do the thing where they keep referring to him but not by name. Just say "the fast guy in Central City" or something.
Not really, since many of the handwaves are Kryptonian and extraterrestrial-specific. The reason humanity isn't freaking out about Supergirl is because they had over a decade to get used to Superman. Why don't they have to explain heat vision, flight, x-ray vision, bullet-proof skin, etc.? Answer: Superman. Flash doesn't get you that.
Further, Supergirl shoots in L.A. while the CW shows shoot in Vancouver. Crossover was always going to be unlikely rather than a lynchpin of the series, so it makes no sense for Kara to look up to or for the show to rely upon a property with minimal likelihood of crossover. Just the number of audience members who tune in by accident to a CBS show vastly outweigh those who tune in intentionally to The Flash on CW. It makes way more sense to hitch your wagon to a pop-culture icon that everyone knows.