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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Gotham I ignores because it wasn't part of the Arrowverse but Supergirl is so maybe they're being more flexible with the Batman Supes namedropping. Is the new Titans/Blackbirds or whatever show also part of the Arrowverse?

Unknown at the moment, the powers in charge might want it but Blackbirds isn't Berlanti.
I was semi-looking forward to this, but oooh man that was terrible :(.

The main actress actually did a good job with what she was given I thought , but the writing was horrendous. None of the dialogue felt like it could actually be said by any real person. I don't feel like going through the effort of quoting examples because it was almost every single line. Daredevil was so far beyond this in writing, it's crazy.

I wonder how this could have happened... I mean, they have a decent budget, did they spend none of it on writers?


So Flash/Arrow can't use DCCU characters and yet, Supergirl namedrops and references Superman.

Oh DCCU, you're so inane.

She says his name once (and actually not in the version that advertisers are seeing from CBS!) and the rest is all stupid pronouns. Very odd.


Not sure about a lot of the complaints here (hope they're at least merited on direction and not the source material, which would be... problematic). Supergirl looks great! Looking forward to this one, for sure.


So Flash/Arrow can't use DCCU characters and yet, Supergirl namedrops and references Superman.

Oh DCCU, you're so inane.

yeah its really stupid how they are handling shows. do they really think people will get confused if there is suicide squad in the show and the movie im pretty people will know the difference and that they cant even reference batman and ridiculous stuff like that.


Show producers should've never mentioned Superman if they don't plan on using him.

Maybe Superman is off-world during this series?

Or he's simply off doing his own thing.The Earth is a BIG place. Superman shouldn't be solving every problem. What he's doing and why he doesn't show up can easily be solved with a few pieces of dialogue. People are really making a mountain out of an ant hill here I think.

The bigger problem is trying to make Supergirl fit with Arrow and Flash without going in the direction of parallel worlds. The existence of Superman is harder to address in those worlds at this point with how they've advanced things.


The end of season one should be Superman being defeated by Doomsday. The second season can begin with Kara dealing with the fact that she's the only Super left and having to fill those shoes. Here and there can be sprinkling of info of how to bring Superman back.


Or he's simply off doing his own thing.The Earth is a BIG place. Superman shouldn't be solving every problem. What he's doing and why he doesn't show up can easily be solved with a few pieces of dialogue. People are really making a mountain out of an ant hill here I think.

The bigger problem is trying to make Supergirl fit with Arrow and Flash without going in the direction of parallel worlds. The existence of Superman is harder to address in those worlds at this point with how they've advanced things.

Like others have said, there's going to be a point where the bullshit "He's Busy Doing Other Things" excuse won't fly anymore. It's Superman. He's going to get involved in a crisis. Unless the Supergirl producers plan to keep her heroics on the smaller scale.

Otherwise, nah. It's a mistake to keep mentioning Superman if they don't plan to have him be a part of the show.


We have a pilot that hasn't even been released officially. The show is coming from a team that has been successful with two shows already. One that had two very good seasons and a so so third that is likely setting up a fourth that might be great. The other that just had perhaps one the best season finales of TV show period. A little patience and benefit of the doubt has been earned I think here. Let's see how the first few episodes go before people really start their doom and gloom and complaining.

It seems like some people are desperately looking for something to complain about and knock the show for before it even comes out. First was the first look and now that the actual pilot was leaked and the buzz is positive people have to find something else. Just wait and see what they do first then complain.


Bull on a Donut
We have a pilot that hasn't even been released officially. The show is coming from a team that has been successful with two shows already. A little patience and benefit of the doubt has been earned I think here. Let's see how the first few episodes go before the doom and gloom starts.

It seems like some people are desperately looking for something to complain about and knock the show for before it even comes out. First was the trailer and now that the actual pilot was leaked and the buzz is positive people have to find something else. Just wait and see what they do first.

You don't have to "desperately" look at all when some of the problems and issues are quite blatant. I was hyped on the show, I was a big fan since it was announced, but the leaked pilot really let me down and killed my hype. I'm going to give it about half a season to see how things unfold, but the pilot, to me, was pretty meh compared to Flash and Arrow (and Arrow wasn't that stellar to begin with).
We have a pilot that hasn't even been released officially. The show is coming from a team that has been successful with two shows already. A little patience and benefit of the doubt has been earned I think here. Let's see how the first few episodes go before the doom and gloom starts.

It seems like some people are desperately looking for something to complain about and knock the show for before it even comes out. First was the trailer and now that the actual pilot was leaked and the buzz is positive people have to find something else. Just wait and see what they do first.

Been defending the trailer and the pilot since the beginning.

Having a Superman that is mostly unseen and can't be mentioned is so far the biggest problem. Pointing out that problem isn't "desperately looking for something to complain about".

I've been looking forward to the show, but that narrative choice grated within this episode and if it continues down that road, will continue grating on me.
Been defending the trailer and the pilot since the beginning.

Having a Superman that is mostly unseen and can't be mentioned is so far the biggest problem. Pointing out that problem isn't "desperately looking for something to complain about".

I've been looking forward to the show, but that narrative choice grated within this episode and if it continues down that road, will continue grating on me.

I'm with this guy. And to further compound the concern - the big bad for this season, and the way they've set them up? No way Superman stays out of that. Hell, the shot of
an entire Kryptonian prison crashed to earth with intergalactic criminals pouring out of it? That's going to be something *any* version of Superman would tend to

The fact this is the biggest problem is actually a good thing. It means all the other things that make a show entertaining to watch are (mostly) in place, and can be built upon. But that doesn't mean this still isn't a problem, and one that can start to seriously put a drag on the show's momentum.


I think it will bother people as much as "why doesn't Ollie just ask Barry for help" does, but not enough to tank the show.


I think it will bother people as much as "why doesn't Ollie just ask Barry for help" does, but not enough to tank the show.
It's not that at all. It's not about her asking for his help. It's that in no way would Superman not get involved with hunting down escaped alien convicts from the Phantom Zone on Earth. He would take responsibility for that himself, no question.

Stakes of this level are ones Superman would take on himself.


watch matt bomer be cast as Supes for the show in the coming weeks

i am ok with this. Is he done with white collar?

Also for those wanting Tom Welling, do you want to see a superman without the costume? Because that is what you will be getting if he is cast as superman.


Been defending the trailer and the pilot since the beginning.

Having a Superman that is mostly unseen and can't be mentioned is so far the biggest problem. Pointing out that problem isn't "desperately looking for something to complain about".

I've been looking forward to the show, but that narrative choice grated within this episode and if it continues down that road, will continue grating on me.

I feel like show is building towards Kara taking over on Superman's role by the end of the season by having him "killed" by Doomsday or something.


Been defending the trailer and the pilot since the beginning.

Having a Superman that is mostly unseen and can't be mentioned is so far the biggest problem. Pointing out that problem isn't "desperately looking for something to complain about".

I've been looking forward to the show, but that narrative choice grated within this episode and if it continues down that road, will continue grating on me.

Couldn't agree more. Though it's only the pilot so I'm still hoping that we'll get an explanation as to why he doesn't show up.
I'm really hoping it's a reference to him dying in a battle against Doomsday or something.


Why are people mentioning Doomsday? Wishful thinking?

Is Doomsday hinted at in the pilot? I haven't DLed the pilot like many others have in this thread (nothing illegal, I'm sure), I've only seen the 6min First Look.

It would be kind of awesome to see the torch get passed to Supergirl in this show after Doomsday kills Superman.

It seems like some people are desperately looking for something to complain about.

Nice framing that got shot down. :lol
Superman getting messages and goodies to Kara through Jimmy is just weird. Superman is Kara's cousin, brah should be making those deliveries personally.


If Kara ever turns up on Flash/Arrow or vice-versa you'ld think it would make it hard for the Arrowverse characters to ignore that Superman exists in that universe.


Probably changed their fucking minds again.

I'm hyped for the SS movie, but it's stupid to lock off SS in the Arrowverse. Fans aren't morons, they'll differentiate!

Eh...I think you have too much faith in them. On GAF alone there have been people thinking that Supergirl takes place in the same continuity as Man of Steel. The general viewing public WILL get them confused and to think otherwise is foolish. Sure, fans may make the difference but the casual watchers will not.


Eh...I think you have too much faith in them. On GAF alone there have been people thinking that Supergirl takes place in the same continuity as Man of Steel. The general viewing public WILL get them confused and to think otherwise is foolish. Sure, fans may make the difference but the casual watchers will not.
Probably true. But I think it's also foolish to think general viewing public will care.
General viewing public has problems remembering that character who died early in the movie is dead. You could have him magically reappear near the end and most of the audience wouldn't notice anything is wrong.


I think it was just one person.

One person vocal, but it's a bit more than likely a lot of other people have this confusion as well. Do you disagree? I don't think it's enough to hurt either the movie-verse or the TV-verse, but I'm just saying the misunderstanding is there.
One person vocal, but it's a bit more than likely a lot of other people have this confusion as well. Do you disagree?

Yeah, I don't think anyone's gonna be confused. Especially if they've actually seen Man of Steel, as there's nothing about the Krypton in Supergirl that looks anything like what they saw in the movie.

I do think there were a few nods towards Donner's movie without really being overt. The way the villain broadcast at a frequency only Superman could hear while at work (and the way that was shot, and Kara reaching out to the hologram of her mother only to have the hologram disappear, and Kara pulls back.

Not too overt, but enough that it called those sequences from the Donner films to mind.


Yeah, I don't think anyone's gonna be confused. Especially if they've actually seen Man of Steel, as there's nothing about the Krypton in Supergirl that looks anything like what they saw in the movie.

I do think there were a few nods towards Donner's movie without really being overt. The way the villain broadcast at a frequency only Superman could hear while at work (and the way that was shot, and Kara reaching out to the hologram of her mother only to have the hologram disappear, and Kara pulls back.

Not too overt, but enough that it called those sequences from the Donner films to mind.

I sitll disagree. They could've thought it was just a retcon in order to fit this for a television budget or something. Based on my personal experience among casual television watchers from the perspective of college students and grads, thanks to Agents of SHIELD and the other Marvel TV properties people assume that any piece of media is most likely directly tied to their most popular counterpart which in this case are the movies.
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