Reptars Revenge
Damn I didnt know it was a three way cross over with "Chicago Fire". Flash you are embarrassing Earth 1
Zero...........are you Grant Austin?With Grant Gustin's schedule? Impossible.
Honestly if that was one of the series best episodes, I guess I know I don't really want to watch Supergirl.
Considering my complaint that the plotlines not involving him weren't given enough time? No, the airtime is needed to build up the rest better and not end up with that totally half baked final showdown. Didn't really need more Barry than we got; just introduce him later on.
This was very fun, but also hilariously bad.
I think my biggest surprises from never having watched this show were
A) Supergirl being adorable as fuck
B) That Winn guy actually being straight, cause from everything I had seen in the previews, I expected him to be token gay friend character.
Firemen saving the day
It was kind of nice to have the people of a superhero city actually do something.
More so since the heroes didn't even think to do the same.
Banshee and Liveware look like they might make out
But who has the baby?That's the goal.
A kryptonitian birthing matrix?But who has the baby?
What a cop-out.A kryptonitian birthing matrix?
I mean he is surrounded by Harrison Wells who's responsible for 2 Earth's worth of Metahumans, Cisco who can go to home depot and make a gold gun, and Caitlyn who can synthesize a speedster drug casually.
I thought the episode kind of stunk, but Barry was fantastic as always. His chemistry with Kara was on point, I'd love to see more of them together, they just need a better villain to deal with.
A kryptonitian birthing matrix?
What a cop-out.
Seriously, the villains on this show are horrible. Maybe comic book attire just doesn't work in the real world or the show doesn't have the budget to do it justice but each week they all look terrible.
Even the other Krytonians have crappy outfits.
Seriously, the villains on this show are horrible. Maybe comic book attire just doesn't work in the real world or the show doesn't have the budget to do it justice but each week they all look terrible.
Accurate.A) Supergirl being adorable as fuck
Honestly if that was one of the series best episodes, I guess I know I don't really want to watch Supergirl.
Makes me wish Team arrow team flash and team supergirl could all meet. That would be cool.
Seriously, let's review Livewire from her debut:
This episode doesn't even come close. I guess that's what happens when you have to do effects for three metahumans instead of just one.
Dean Cain is in the hands of Cadmus now, all will be fixed shortly.
I pointed this shit out last week like 10 times. I swear nobody fucking cared :/
This isn't earth 3 heres why:
Barry said he saw evil visions of them selfs while going though the breachs
This isn't earth 3 heres why:
Barry said he saw evil visions of them selfs while going though the breachs
Pretty sure he was just talking about Earth-2.
Yeah he was just talking Earth-2.
Well Olsen has no charisma so this isn't hard to pull off. Wynn had more chemistry with Barry tooHaving Barry there further highlighted to me how Kara and Jimmy have zero chemistry.