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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Sonic handles my blue balls
Only episode of Supergirl I've seen since the pilot - I had no idea this show could be even cheesier than a CW show. But here we are. I thought it was still a fun crossover though. The highlight of the episode was whenever Barry and Kara were looking giddy with each other.


This was very fun, but also hilariously bad.

I think my biggest surprises from never having watched this show were

A) Supergirl being adorable as fuck

B) That Winn guy actually being straight, cause from everything I had seen in the previews, I expected him to be token gay friend character.

Firemen saving the day was.....man. Just....man.


Felt like the cheese factor was turned up to 11 this episode, way more than usual. It was good but red kryptonite remains the best one yet.

Also some of the cuts were really really weird, like when silver banshee jumped down from the platform.


Considering my complaint that the plotlines not involving him weren't given enough time? No, the airtime is needed to build up the rest better and not end up with that totally half baked final showdown. Didn't really need more Barry than we got; just introduce him later on.

The nature of a crossover drawing audiences is that it's self contained though. You draw people in for one big event. Doing it over two weeks, or setting up a plot line that requires advanced knowledge isn't really a sharp idea. It's why Siobhan's stuff was kept simple and vague and they didn't bother messing with Alex and the Martian at all.


This was very fun, but also hilariously bad.

I think my biggest surprises from never having watched this show were

A) Supergirl being adorable as fuck

B) That Winn guy actually being straight, cause from everything I had seen in the previews, I expected him to be token gay friend character.

Firemen saving the day was.....man. Just....man.

It was kind of nice to have the people of a superhero city actually do something.

More so since the heroes didn't even think to do the same.


It was kind of nice to have the people of a superhero city actually do something.

More so since the heroes didn't even think to do the same.

The people of a superhero city doing something is good and I like it.

The people taking out the two supervillains while the heroes are absolutely shitting the bed eventhough they should at least put up a fight OR put the villains into a vulnerable situation, that I do not like.

Like,the firefighters literally just shot water at the two. They weren't even being pressured by one of the heroes or something.

At least give Barry SOMETHING to do, I know he is just a guest but come on.
And they knew Flash fans would be watching, so make Supergirl at least a LITTLE competent instead of this.


Good episode overall but the fight in the park was not the best,special effects wise and all,Banshee's make-up was kinda bad also...so did this show not get a confirmation of renewal yet...? I mean it would be really sad that Benoist doesnt get to play Supergirl anymore,she is just perfect for the role.


Bitches love smiley faces
I enjoyed it. Going in, wasn't expecting it to go all Spider-man at the end but it was fine.

It was worth it just to see Barry and Kara together.


I thought the episode kind of stunk, but Barry was fantastic as always. His chemistry with Kara was on point, I'd love to see more of them together, they just need a better villain to deal with.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I mean he is surrounded by Harrison Wells who's responsible for 2 Earth's worth of Metahumans, Cisco who can go to home depot and make a gold gun, and Caitlyn who can synthesize a speedster drug casually.

And he is friends with Felicity Smoak
I thought the episode kind of stunk, but Barry was fantastic as always. His chemistry with Kara was on point, I'd love to see more of them together, they just need a better villain to deal with.

Seriously, the villains on this show are horrible. Maybe comic book attire just doesn't work in the real world or the show doesn't have the budget to do it justice but each week they all look terrible.

Even the other Krytonians have crappy outfits.


A kryptonitian birthing matrix?

What a cop-out.



Will drop pants for Sony.
Seriously, the villains on this show are horrible. Maybe comic book attire just doesn't work in the real world or the show doesn't have the budget to do it justice but each week they all look terrible.

Even the other Krytonians have crappy outfits.

Not everyone have the coolest villain costume ever like Reverse Flash.


Seriously, the villains on this show are horrible. Maybe comic book attire just doesn't work in the real world or the show doesn't have the budget to do it justice but each week they all look terrible.

Livewire was a lot better in her solo episode.

Costume design on Supergirl is definitely weak outside of the leading lady. Most superhero shows frankly, DD's outfit oh boy. The Vancouver team is just straight up better, but have even less budget.


I wouldn't call that one of the series best. Livewire, Human for a Day, For the Girl Who Has Everything & Falling were all better. Maybe 8 & 9 too.

Makes me wish Team arrow team flash and team supergirl could all meet. That would be cool.

Diggle's reactions to Supergirl and Martian Manhunter

Seriously, let's review Livewire from her debut:

This episode doesn't even come close. I guess that's what happens when you have to do effects for three metahumans instead of just one.

That episode also had a lot more Cat Grant.


It was just as bad as every crossover episode. The show gets neutered for an episode. It was cute and lite and kind of fun. Cat Grant was thankfully consistently great. Nice knock at the CW too. Amazed that Martian Manhunter wasn't even in this episode at all. Do they save money per episode by not including everybody?

The race should have been a lot longer and more fun! Craptacular ending. I wanted to see them race over land, mountains, rivers, and the ocean before he warped back. Silly me.

I realize it is pointless to apply physics or rules to a superhero show crossing over with another, but ... Barry ends up on "Earth-3" shall we call it, for the first time, and even though he probably left Central City, which exists on this Earth, he BAMF!'s to this Earth's National city right as Supergirl, the heroine, is thrown out a window, and catches her.

And everybody just loves each other. This is the lightest of all entertainment. Where is the dark , the stormy rain, the CGI destruction? *

* just poking fun, I still enjoyed it for what it was.


Cat is the best thing in this show period.

But man I had a smile on my face the entire time thanks to Barry and the amazing chemistry.


Some really cheesy scenes, but dammit I really liked the episode.

When Barry showed up and his theme started playing I got all excited.

Also his "Let's settle this like women" line killed me.


I kept hoping that Zoom would show up just to say,"never forget, I'm the fastest man alive." and just leave.

Loved the episode though, made sense they would be friends because they both have seem some weird shit in their own words, and it seems Barry has visited earth 3 to see the evil versions of everyone. Future episode!


Grant Gustin just has great chemistry with everyone except the actress who plays Iris. The best part of this episode was seeing Perd Hapley on the news report lol
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