Agents of SHIELD is a neat watch. I don't have any moments this season where I've really been wowed, but I think it's good watchable TV with some good characters.
Flash is unapologetically fun, though its writing is still a
bit too stilted and not
all of its actors can make it work, but goddamn when it's good, it's really fucking good. It's cheesy, but it doesn't feel out of place.
Arrow is in an awkward place, and kinda always has been. S1 was kinda appropriately serious, but its CW soapiness and stilted writing kept it from greatness. S2 was funner and could get you more hyped up. S3 was so grim and charmless, and nobody was having fun. It had a lot of cool ideas but it was a slog to kinda get through all of them, not to mention characters making so many nonsensical decisions for drama's sake.
Now? S4 just feels kinda lifeless. It's not exactly Buffy/Angel level of wit in the way that show could shift tone and still feel appropriate. I mean seriously, Angel could have a hilarious two-part season finale take place in a hell dimension with a background character (played by Joss Whedon btw) doing the
Dance of Joy. Only afew episodes later, Angel is strangling Wesley in his hospital bed in all out rage, and it never felt out of place. Arrow is sorta going for something lighter now, but Felicity is the only one with any real charm. It's too stilted and cheap to take seriously, but not wild enough to really be fun. It doesn't have any real bite to it, and doesn't feel like it knows what it is. And frankly, I just don't care. I mean it's better than S3, but... I feel kinda empty towards it. Not to mention the action/cinematography/choreography is so bland and without threat, none of it is particularly engaging.