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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Does the Superman thing really matter all that much? I mean the Flash doesn't do Oliver's job for him and nobody ever even tries to call in an Avenger in Agents of Shield.
I mean, they want Supergirl to be her own thing and that's fine but if that's the case then I don't see why they have to constantly say "that guy" "your cousin" "him" all the time.
Does the Superman thing really matter all that much? I mean the Flash doesn't do Oliver's job for him and nobody ever even tries to call in an Avenger in Agents of Shield.

I don't mind the not helping out but shes his cousin, you'd think he'd hop over and give her valuable and sentimental presents with the pat on the back in person. Its only going to be a narrative problem for me if he's continually mentioned and not directly seen. I still think it would have been interesting if he was killed in her teens publicly or so and that spurred her to pick up the mantle with all the pressure and doubt of living up to the name.


So how was it from a family friendly, strong female point of view? My daughter is 11 and loves flash and shield

If she can handle Flash and AoS then Supergirl is tamer. Definitely no dismemberment or evisceration or heads exploding. The violence won't be as visceral since we're talking about superpowered beatdowns which are more spectacular and cartoony.

As for the strong female character stuff, what StarCreator said. It's a bit on the nose but I think it deserves to be, at least for the first few episodes. I mean how many other lead female superhero shows are there?


Characters I would love to see and why CBS should hire me:

Jessie Quick
Hawk and Dove
Alan Scott


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just watched it, it was ok. Spotty CGI half the time and the constant "he", "he", "him, "he", "him" was super distracting (no pun intended). But I loved the lead and I'm a sucker for super hero stuff, so hopefully they will lean less on the Superman angle (or at least actually call him by name) in the future.
Just watched it, it was ok. Spotty CGI half the time and the constant "he", "he", "him, "he", "him" was super distracting (no pun intended). But I loved the lead and I'm a sucker for super hero stuff, so hopefully they will lean less on the Superman angle (or at least actually call him by name) in the future.

The new trailer they released after the premiere has Alex saying Superman's name. It was also mentioned in the opening of the pilot.

Here's the trailer (again): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIAOA0FqhAI

And for those outside the US: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3b4rj4

Edit: Marvel promoting DC? Madness! #AgentsofSUPER

Meanwhile, at Gotham: https://twitter.com/Gotham/status/658746218420441088

Ah, that's hilarious ! I don't care much for Agents of Shield but that's quite nice of them.

I was mixed on the Supergirl pilot when it leaked a few months ago but I really enjoyed it this time around. There's definitely room for improvement (Superman, some of the effects, etc) but they managed to cram a nice origin story into just 45 minutes and Melissa Benoist is absolutely fantastic.

I hope the show does well ratings wise and that a big french network will pick it up (I'm french). Arrow and Flash were a big success last summer so it would be nice if Supergirl could prove to be as popular here.


It is kinda hilarious that they talk about Superman like he's Voldemort or something.

Anyways it was fast paced as expected from the Arrow/Flash guys. Melissa Benoist is so damn cute.
I thought Waller and ARGUS were all up to speed on Ollie and crew. It's Barry they were caught off guard with.

It makes sense that the DEO would be on top of that, though. Superman operating for years probably made them a little paranoid of other Kryptonians and they had years to do some searching.

While technically true, I don't think Arrow even introduced ARGUS fully until S2. Either way I was more referring to the fact that so much of Arrow's first 2-3 seasons was just Ollie keeping secrets from everyone. Mostly his identity.

Quoting myself to ask you your opinions

So how was it from a family friendly, strong female point of view? My daughter is 11 and loves flash and shield

If it follows general Superman conventions, and it should, then it will be less bloody than AoS and less dark than Arrow. The first ep was very girl power-y and I can't think of anything that would've been inappropriate for kids.

Does the Superman thing really matter all that much? I mean the Flash doesn't do Oliver's job for him and nobody ever even tries to call in an Avenger in Agents of Shield.

The difference is really the power and experience level the main characters have in relation to their enemies. Arrow has years more experience than Flash and he's got an entire squad of capable fighters on his team. Even then, both Flash and Arrow crossover to help each other out occasionally. AoS has been very deliberate in slowly upping the scale of powered enemies in such a manner as to keep the team from ever seeming completely and utterly out-gunned.

Supergirl, throws it's title character into the deep end with a premise that she's completely out of practice with her powers and doesn't know much about fighting but she's being tasked with taking on the most dangerous alien villains in the Universe. Enemies so bad they were literally banished to The Phantom Zone by the super advanced Kryptonians.

So my issue isn't so much, "well he should come to her city and help her with her stuff" as it's "she's way too inexperienced for the task at hand and since Superman has literally been fighting crime for years longer, he's way more suited to the task." I just feel like they should've gone with some more... pedestrian threats at first. Let her get the hang of being a hero and just when she's feeling confident she's up to the task, THEN hit with the big bad alien supermax enemies preferably in the back 9 or even season finale.


It was alright, don't think I'll stick with it though. Maybe I come back to it if it receives the same praise as flash.


Aftershock LA
Me and my wife watched it, and uh, yeah, it was a pilot alright. We generally let pilots slide, since they tend to be info-dumpy and hamfisted. This one was certainly that. We reserve judgment until at least 3 or four episodes in, but it's a solid show so far.

I didn't like how much Superman was referenced. It was reaching Arrow levels of having nearly every character in every scene in the episode swooning over Oliver. It got distracting after about the fifth mention of Superman.

The pacing was way too quick. I don't mind a fast paced movie/show, not at all, when handled well. The problem with this pilot is that it had so much ground to cover that the emotional beats weren't given enough time to breath. The conflict between Kara and her sister was brushed past too fast. The inner conflict between Kara and her desire to be her own hero not in Superman's shadow is brushed past. The conflict between Kara and the discount CADMUS was rushed through.

I get they really wanted to get her up and running as Supergirl, but I truly feel like it deserved a 2 hour premiere. They crammed a 2 hour movie's worth of plot and development into a 46 minute episode of a TV show. Some of the writing was also sloppy and hamfisted. And I really don't like her friend zone buddy. Jimmy and Cat are great, and her sister is believable. Henshaw is an asshole, but that makes sense.

Ok, now that that shit is out of the way:

I love Kara. No, she's not my...waifu (ugh), but she is incredibly adorable, likable, and has some great screen presence. Melissa Benoist was a great choice for her. She's earnest and sweet, but looks like she can pull off the aggression and confidence needed to make Supergirl believable. I really like her.

The visual effects are very good, about what I'd expect from a modern superhero TV show from the Flash crew. No complaints there. And honestly, as long as it doesn't look like Lois and Clark (which I own on DVD XD), I'm good.

Overall, it was a solid, yet flawed pilot, but I'm excited to see where it goes now that the introduction is out of the way. That season teaser looked really promising.

Man, I really wish it was a two hour premiere...



We're entering interesting times now. It's going to be fun to see how things get handled now that they have Gotham and Suprgirl going up against each other. Two completely different shows from top to bottom but very well might have similar fans that like both shows for completely different reasons. Then you have Batman v Superman coming up and this is just another version of that. WB wants both shows to do well and having that direct competition might very well cause both to bring their A game. They're likely going to be the highest rated of the DC shows and now it's a fight to see who comes out on top. Season 3 of Gotham and Season 2 of Supergirl are going to be where they really respond to each other I think.


My biggest issue with the show is going to be how they handle Superman and his knowledge of the Phantom Zone criminals. If the DEO does not or did not let him know, even begrudgingly, I'm going to have a real problem story wise with this series. That was LOT of people that escaped and there is no way for the humans and now Supergirl herself to handle them all. Having Superman in the background dealing with them and having dealt with them in the past as well only makes sense and is a good excuse to not have him appear. He's busy with this on top of all the other issues he normally deals with.
We're entering interesting times now. It's going to be fun to see how things get handled now that they have Gotham and Suprgirl going up against each other. Two completely different shows from top to bottom but very well might have similar fans that like both shows for completely different reasons. Then you have Batman v Superman coming up and this is just another version of that. WB wants both shows to do well and having that direct competition might very well cause both to bring their A game. They're likely going to be the highest rated of the DC shows and now it's a fight to see who comes out on top. Season 3 of Gotham and Season 2 of Supergirl are going to be where they really respond to each other I think.

I haven't been watching ratings. Is Gotham doing well enough that people think it'll get a third season?


I haven't been watching ratings. Is Gotham doing well enough that people think it'll get a third season?

Unless the bottom suddenly falls out of it somehow we should be okay for a season 3. I made a post about it in the Gotham thread as I was concerned as well but it's ratings always rise significantly when you factor in DVR recordings because Monday's are really crowded. Even then it's Fox's second highest rated drama on the channel I think. Empire clearly being number 1. It's ratings are matching Agents of Shields as well. In fact I expect the same thing to happen with Supergirl where the ratings for the night it airs might seem low only for it to increase as the week goes on because people are watching it on DVR or repeat viewings because they missed Monday night due to things like the NFL, etc.
On the episode:
It was good, although it had too much info. We got informed many times and I would prefer to be informed in a better way. I liked the characters, expect the bad of the week. The effects were nice, like the fights. However, there is room for improvement in that area, but I wasn't disappointed.
Also, I didn't expect for them to use Jimmy Olsen. He's an important character in Superman's lore, isn't he? I thought they want him for the Man of Steel movies only, like they did with Harley Quinn in Arrow.


Wow,13 million,thats awesome,now to see if a lot of those people liked it enough to do it again next week...(even a little less then 10 million would be great).
Well demo matters more than total viewers and I'd expect to see a drop once BBT and Supergirl get split but those are definitely solid numbers. The difference that being on a big network with a hit show lead in can make.


There is no chance in hell it keeps those ratings after the quality of the pilot.

It will probably get anywhere within 8-11 m range next week. Which is still pretty good.


There is no chance in hell it keeps those ratings after the quality of the pilot.

It will probably get anywhere within 8-11 m range next week. Which is still pretty good.

It likely won't stabilize until the 5th or 6th episode. The bigger test will be when the show hits a break for a month or two.
I see people comparing this show to Gotham--is it really that bad?

I hear Season 2 of Gotham is a lot better, but Season 1 (so far--I can't force myself to watch more than one episode at a time) has been horrid.
Watched the pilot, honestly can't say I enjoyed it that much at all. That being said, I'll stick around for a bit, I hated the pilot for The Flash and now I can't get enough of the show, so I'll give it time to grow on me.
I see people comparing this show to Gotham--is it really that bad?

I hear Season 2 of Gotham is a lot better, but Season 1 (so far--I can't force myself to watch more than one episode at a time) has been horrid.

Gotham is trash lol
This show has more in common with The Flash.

Heh, I said in the Arrow OT that some pictures/video on Instagram with Chloe Bennet, Colton Hayes and Emily Bett Rickards at a Halloween party would be the closest we'd get to a live action Marvel/DC cross over and now this.

13 million!

Heck of a start for the Girl of Steel!


Looks like I was at least half right in my rating prediction, heh.

But man... The CW numbers. :(


Heh, I said in the Arrow OT that some pictures/video on Instagram with Chloe Bennet, Colton Hayes and Emily Bett Rickards at a Halloween party would be the closest we'd get to a live action Marvel/DC cross over and now this.

Looks like I was at least half right in my rating prediction, heh.

But man... The CW numbers. :(

Yeah...is that right...?I mean 900 not 9,000 at least ?...c'mon, I thought Jane the Virgin was a huge hit...

Anyway Gotham is nothing like Supergirl lol,the atmosphere is like night and day,I love Gotham also.
I'm less worried about JTV than CEG but man... They both deserve so much better. =\ I really hope the CW likes the critical response and I hope DVR and the online stream help make up for it.

Oh and yeah, despite the fedora wearing neckbeard response the show still did better in male viewership than female.


I see people comparing this show to Gotham--is it really that bad?

I hear Season 2 of Gotham is a lot better, but Season 1 (so far--I can't force myself to watch more than one episode at a time) has been horrid.

seeing as how Supergirl is actually good, it's nothing like Gotham.
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