Supergirl needs to learn a thing or two from Faora on how to take out some bad guys.
eh nothing will top how shirty that Deathlok design was. lol
such lazy, minimal effort. He's just wearing an ugly tech vest.
Red Tornado looks fine to me because he's not the hero yet and the foundation is there.
EVERYONE needs to take lessons from Faora...
I can't wait to see how badass Wonder Woman is.
Season 2, AoS got help from the Marvel Vis Dev guys. Hopefully Supergirl can bring on someone decent for this kind of work... They should be above shoddily cut eva foam.
Oh wow, just saw their mid-season. They're premiering stuff until April. I didn't even remember there was another Criminal Minds coming, or that The Odd Couple is still alive.
Shoulda just let him punch her in the face and break his hand that way.
Supergirl needs to learn a thing or two from Faora on how to take out some bad guys.
Oh man, I so hope they eventually figure out a way to go full Man of Steel badass in these fight sequences.
Still looks terrible
Eeh, those fights seem a little too expensive for this show.
LOL yeah
Yeah, I imagine they can't get all that close to that but hopefully they'll keep getting more budget to keep pushing somewhat towards it if the show continues to do well and keeps getting more visual effects talent.
The fights have mostly looked really good so far.